CAD Update

The CAD Update tool allows you to update CAD files with new, modified metadata (NX and Parasolid) and modified parameters (NX/Inspire).

The CAD update tool provides a means of writing new and updated metadata back to original NX/Inspire and Parasolid CAD files, in order to synchronize changes made in HyperMesh. Additionally, NX/Inspire parameters can be modified in NX/Inspire and the resulting CAD file is saved and automatically reloaded. A valid NX/Inspire installation and license are required.

Limitations and Restrictions

This process involves the following considerations:
  • CAD files must be imported using the Parts option.
  • Metadata update is supported only for new and modified metadata. It is not supported for deleting metadata.
  • Refer to NX Parameter Update for more information on parameter updates.

Associated Tasks

You can access this tool from the menu bar by clicking Geometry > CAD Update.

The representation files are updated as follows:
  • if Overwrite Original Representation is ON, the original CAD files are overwritten.
  • if Overwrite Original Representation is OFF, you can specify a directory where new files with the same file names are written.


You can perform either a Metadata Update or a Delayed Parameter Update with this tool.

If performing a Metadata Update, new and modified metadata can be written to NX and Parasolid files. For NX, this operation is supported for selected parts, solids, surfaces, topolines/lines, and points. For Parasolid, this operation is supported for selected parts, solids, surfaces, topolines/lines, and topopoints/points. If you select a higher-level entity update, all relevant children entities are updated as well. For example, selecting solids updates associated surfaces, topolines, and topopoints. For Inspire, this operation supports sketcher variables. Variables present in the Variable Manager in Inspire are imported as parameters and fill the Variable Manager in HyperMesh.

If the preference is set to not allow immediate updates, changing parameter values (from within EE, via a script, or other means) will not execute the update operation. Instead, this tool is used to update parameters at the appropriate time. If Overwrite Original Representation is OFF, new files are created in the specified directory and the relevant parts representation file names are updated to new file names. Refer to NX Parameter Update for more information on parameter updates.
Note: The cad_updater.ini file in the <ALTAIRHOME>/io/ afc_translators /bin/<platform> folder controls the update operation for any options not specified from the GUI/command line.


For a metadata update, the result is a modified NX or Parasolid CAD file.

For a parameter update, the result is a modified NX CAD file, which is reloaded into HyperMesh
Note: For either operation, a cad_updater.msg file is created in the HyperMesh start directory, which contains details about the update operation.