Import Files

In HyperWorks Desktop various file types can be imported into the selected client.

Import options vary based on the client currently active.

Importing any type of file into HyperWorks Desktop essentially means that the selected file is appended to any file currently open. It does not overwrite/replace the existing file. Therefore, you can use the Import option to open two (or more) files into one window.

Import Models

Import external CAD line and surface data or finite element models. You can also import/merge HyperMesh model files (.hm) into the current model session.

Importing models allows you to import a single or multiple HyperMesh model files into the current HyperMesh session without deleting the current session.

  1. Import a model in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, click File > Import > Model.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Model).
    The Import - Model tab opens.
  2. In the File Selection pane, click and select the file(s) to import.

    Remove files from the File Selection pane by clicking (Remove Selection) and (Remove All).

  3. Define Model Import Options by clicking to the left of Import Options.
  4. Click Import.

Model Import Options

Entity management settings defined when importing models.

Entity management settings will be initiated if there is a match (and conflict) between component IDs (PID), property IDs (SECID), and material IDs (MID) in the current HyperMesh session and the incoming binary files. If the component, property, or material IDs do not match, then no action will be taken and entities will be imported as is.
Note: By default, component IDs will be offset and merged to the relevant part. Selecting Keep Incoming Attributes or Keep Existing Attributes for component, property, and material entities and selecting Keep Incoming Only for Geometry/FE is the most common action for this use case.
Components, Properties, and Materials
Offset ID
Merge incoming attributes with conflicting IDs into the session, and offsets their IDs. This is the default option for components, properties, and materials for representation entity management.
Keep Existing Attributes
Maintain existing in-session entity attributes and incoming conflicting entity IDs.
Keep Incoming Attributes
Map incoming entity attributes to the in-session entities.
Keep Both
Keep both incoming and existing geometry and FE residing in the component with conflicting IDs.
Keep Existing Only
Keep existing geometry and FE that resides in the component with conflicting IDs.
Keep Incoming Only
Keep incoming geometry and FE that resides in the component with conflicting IDs. This is the default option for geometry and FE for representation entity management.
When loading connectors along with a HyperMesh binary file, HyperMesh checks for conflicting spot and bolt connectors.
Note: IDs are not considered when checking for conflicting connectors.
Define options used to find conflicting connectors by clicking , to the right of the Connector option.
Tolerance used to find conflicting connectors. Connector coordinates need to be within a certain tolerance from each other.
Link Check
Compare used links by link type, link name, and ID (active by default).
Thickness Check
Compare the number of layers (active by default).
Attribute Check
Compare the diameter, configuration, solver, and postscripts (inactive by default).
If a connector is not identified as conflicting, then the connector will be imported following regular import mechanisms. For conflicting connectors, the following options are available on import:
Keep Both
Import conflicting connectors.
Keep Existing Attributes
Prevent conflicting connectors from being imported.
Keep Incoming Attributes
Remove existing connectors, and imports conflicting connectors.

Import FE Models

Import solver input files.

You can import FE models for supported solver interfaces, or import FE models for custom FE input translators created by customers for ay internal or proprietary solver.
  1. Import a model in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, click File > Import > Solver Deck.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Solver Deck).
    The Import - Solver Deck tab opens.
  2. For File Type, select the solver specific file type to import.

    By default, this field is automatically set to the solver-specific file type of the currently loaded user profile.

  3. In the File field, click and select the file to import.
  4. If File Type is set to Custom, click and select the appropriate reader.
  5. Define FE Model Import Options by clicking to the left of Import Options.
  6. Click Import.

FE Model Import Options

Import options used to determine how FE models are imported.

Type of entities to import.
Import all entities in the selected file.
Select entities to import from the selected file.
Click Select Entities to open the Import dialog and select the checkboxes of the entities to import. The import behavior for each entity is specified in Entity Import Behavior.
Turn the display of newly imported load collectors and/or system collectors on/off.
Tip: This option can help improve the performance for FE input models containing large numbers of loads/systems.
This option is supported for all import readers. Existing load collectors and system collectors are not affected by this option.
Turn the display of newly imported load collectors and system collectors on.
Select entities to display.
Click Select Entities to open the Display dialog and select the checkboxes of the entities to display. Inactive entities will not be displayed.
Solver options
Define Solver Import Options import settings by clicking Select Options.
Create comps
Method for creating components on import.
By HM Comments
Honor the HyperMesh comments $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP in the selected file that were created by HyperMesh in any previous export of the model.
By Property
Ignore any $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments that may be in the selected file and automatically create components based on each property in the file. The component name will be the name of the property. The property will also be created and assigned to the component, not the elements. (By Property Hierarchy)
By 1 Component
Ignore any $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments that may be in the selected file and create one component into which all elements in the selected file will be organized. Properties will be created and assigned directly to the elements. (By Component Hierarchy)
Assign props
Method for assigning properties to elements on import.
By HM Comments
Honor the $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments and assign properties to elements accordingly. Any elements listed in the $HMDPRP comment will have their property directly assigned, and the remaining elements will take their property from the component.
On Element
Honor the $HMNAME COMP and $HMMOVE comments and directly assign properties to all elements based on their card definitions.
On Component
Honor the $HMNAME COMP and $HMMOVE comments and leave all elements to take their property from their components.
Note: Elements can take a property assignment from the component in which it resides, or it can have a property directly assigned to it. Direct assignment takes precedence over component assignment.
Import as include
Load and display non-include files as include files.
Include files
Method for importing includes.
Import the contents from all include files into the HyperMesh model, but do not maintain their references. When exporting, all entities are written into the master file.
Preserve data in individual include files along with their references in the master model. Review the contents of individual include files in the Include browser. When exporting, entities are written into the corresponding include files along with their references in the master file.
Do not import data in the include file into HyperMesh. Include references are maintained and written out to the master model during export.
ID Rules
Imports ID management rules that were defined in the ID Manager and exported to a solver deck as an XML block at the end of each Include file.
Restriction: Available when Include files is set to Preserve.
Create Part Assemblies/Parts
Create a part hierarchy for each component in the absence of part/part assembly comments, and assign a UID to each newly created part/part assembly.
FE overwrite
Overwrite entities that have matching IDs. If checked off, entity IDs are offset to avoid duplicates.
ID Offset
Adjust offset settings.
Click Define Offsets to open the Define Offsets dialog and specify values to offset each entity.
Display import errors
Display any errors that occur during the import procedure.

Entity Import Behavior

Overview of how entities are imported.


  • Import assembly comment cards (HMASSEM, HMASSEM_IDS) that may exist in the import file and create assemblies per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Components, Elements, Nodes, Connectors


  • Import component comment cards (HMNAME COMP, HWCOLOR COMP, HMMOVE, HMDPRP) that may exist in the import file and create component collectors per the data in the comments cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Elements, Nodes and Connectors. If both nodes and elements are not imported, then components are imported and created but will contain no elements, that is, empty components. Similar for Connectors.

Load Collector

  • Import load collector comment cards (HMNAME LOADCOL, HWCOLOR LOADCOL) that may exist in the import file and create load collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Loads. If loads are not imported then load collectors are imported and created but will contain no loads (that is, empty load collectors)

System Collector

  • Import system collector cards (HMNAME SYSTCOL, HWCOLOR SYSTCOL) that may exist in the import file and create system collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Systems. If systems are not imported then system collectors are imported and created but will contain no systems (empty system collectors).

Vector Collector

  • Import vector collector cards (HMNAME VECTORCOLS, HWCOLOR VECTORCOLS ) that may exist in the import file and create vector collectors per the data in the comments cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Vectors. If vectors are not imported then vector collectors are imported and created but will contain no vectors (empty vector collectors).

Beam Section Collector

  • Import beam section collector cards (HMNAME BEAMSECTCOLS) that may exist in the import file and create beam section collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: BeamSections. If beam sections are not imported then beam section collectors are imported and created but will contain no beam sections (empty beam section collectors).


  • Import multibody comment cards that may exist in the import file and create multibody collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Ellipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes. If elipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes are not imported, then Multibody collectors are imported and created but will contain no ellipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes (empty multibody collectors).


  • Import solver load step card definitions and load step comment cards (HMNAME LOADSTEP) that may exist in the import file and create load step entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Output Block

  • Import solver output block card definitions and output block comment cards that may exist in the import file and create output block entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Control Card

  • Import solver control card definitions that may exist in the import file and create card entities per the solver cards data.


  • Import solver property card definitions and property comment cards (HMNAME PROP, HWCOLOR PROP) that may exist in the import file and create property entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver material card definitions and material comments cards (HMNAME MAT, HWCOLOR MAT) that may exist in the import file and create material entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver set card definitions and set comment cards (HMSET) that may exist in the import file and create set entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver block card definitions and block comment cards that may exist in the import file and create block entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver tag card definitions and tag comment cards (HMTAG) that may exist in the import file and create tag entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver title card definitions and title comment cards that may exist in the import file and create title entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver plot card definitions and plot comment cards that may exist in the import file and create plot entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Curves

Contact Surface

  • Import solver contract surface card definitions and contact surface comment cards that may exist in the import file and create contact surface entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Nodes, Elements


  • Import solver group card definitions and group comment cards (Domain) that may exist in the import file and create contact surface entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Nodes, Elements


  • Import solver sensor card definitions and sensor comment cards that may exist in the import file and create sensor entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Control Volume

  • Import solver control volume card definitions and control volume comment cards that may exist in the import file and create control volume entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver node card definitions that may exist in the import file and create node entities per the solver cards data.


  • Import solver element card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate element config/type entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes
  • Optional additional imports: Assemblies, Components. If components are not imported then all elements will be organized into an "Auto" component.


  • Import master connector file xml data that may exist in the import file and create connector entities per the connector xml data.
  • Required: Nodes, Elements, Components
  • Optional additional imports: Assemblies


  • Import solver load card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate load config/type entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes (Forces, Moments, Temperatures)
  • Optional additional imports: Load Collectors. If load collectors are not imported then all loads will be organized into an "Auto" load collector


  • Import solver equation card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate equation entities per the solver cards.
  • Required: Nodes
  • Optional additional imports: Load Collectors. If load collectors are not imported then all loads will be organized into an "Auto" load collector


  • Import solver system card definitions that may exist in the import file and create system entities per the solver cards.
  • Required: Nodes (For Node Dependent Systems)
  • Optional additional imports: System Collectors. If system collectors are not imported then all systems will be organized into an "Auto" system collector.


  • Import solver vector card definitions that may exist in the import file and create vector entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes (For Node Dependent Systems)
  • Optional additional imports: Vector Collectors. If vector collectors are not imported, then all vectors will be organized into an "Auto" vector collector.


  • Import beam section comment cards (HMNAME BEAMSECTS) that may exist in the import file and create beam section entities per the comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Beam Section Collectors. If beam section collectors are not imported then all beam sections will be organized into an "Auto" beam section collector.


  • Import solver curve card definitions and curve comment cards (HMNAME CURVES, HMCOLOR CURVES, HMCURVE) that may exist in the import file and create HyperMesh curve entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Plots


  • Import solver ellipsoid card definitions that may exist in the import file and create ellipsoid entities per the solver cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Multibodies. If multibodies are not imported, then all ellipsoids will be organized into an "Auto" multibody collector.

Multibody Planes

  • Import solver MB plane card definitons that may exist in the import file and create MB plane entities per the solver cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Multibodies. If multibodies are not imported, then all ellipsoids will be organized into an "Auto" multibody collector.

MultiBody Joints

  • Import solver MB joint card definitions that may exist in the import file and create MB joint entities per the solver cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Multibodies. If multibodies are not imported, then all ellipsoids will be organized into an "Auto" multibody collector.

Solver Import Options

Supported solver import options.

Access solver import options by clicking Select Options, next to Solver Options in the Import - FE Models tab.


Generic material
Import a model in the generic material mode, in which all material sub-options, parameters, and data lines are supported as simple text.
Expand loads on sets
Expand all loads on sets to individual nodes/elements.
Expand sets defined by range
Import all sets with the GENERATE parameter as regular sets.
Tip: This is useful when node/element IDs are renumbered during import.
Import Id's
Retain any pre-existing entity IDs during import.
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors
Organize orphan systems, vectors, and beamsections into a separate collector during import.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular System Collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An Orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME System Collector in the same include file. Upon import, Orphaned systems are organized into auto generated System Collectors that reside on the same include files as the Orphaned systems. The solver import option Organize unidentified systems into separate collectors controls how the Orphaned systems are organized into the auto generated System Collector(s). When this checkbox is cleared (default), a single System Collector is created and all Orphaned systems are organized into that single System Collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate System Collectors are created for each Orphaned system.
If a property is assigned to the component, then the ID will be stored in the component. In case of indirect assignment the ID will be stored in the property, and in case of another entity the ID will be taken from the corresponding entity.


Read the *INITIAL_STRESS_SHELL and *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL keywords from the solver deck before importing in HyperMesh. By default, both of these checkboxes are selected, which results in HyperMesh automatically reading the keywords. If you clear these checkboxes, then the data from the *INITIAL_STRESS_SHELL and *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL keywords will be exported to a .hmx file.
Map LS-DYNA Titles / Headings to HM names
HyperMesh maintains only one name for every solver keyword entity mapped to HyperMesh named entities. Choose between the HyperMesh names (if present) in the solver deck as a comment and name present in the LS-DYNA keyword. By default this option is off indicating the preference to the HyperMesh name.
Include Type
Choose the solver type for the file that you plan to attach as an include to the model loaded in HyperMesh.
Restriction: Available if the Import as Include option is activated in the Import tab.
The following include types are available to choose from in LS-DYNA:
Skip include file in *INCLUDE_STAMP
Skip the include file that is referred using the keyword *INCLUDE_STAMPED_PART or *INCLUDE_STAMPED_PART_SET upon import when this option is activated. By default, this option is activated.
Create HM assembly based on includes
Automatically create assemblies with the name of the include, and the components contained in the include file. The assembly hierarchy data structure also follows the include hierarchy data structure. By default, this option is turned Off.
Activate Transformations
Activate all of the transformations defined in the model upon import when this option is activated. By default, this option is activated.
Associate the keywords *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODE_SET with the name Xtranodes_PID_NID; where PID is the ID of the *PART keyword and NID is the ID of the Node set ID referenced in this keyword. By default, this option is off.
Extend Element Property Offset
Add an ID offset to elements and properties that do not have solver IDs.
Generate Element Property ID's Per Include
Assign a max ID per Include file, instead of assigning a global max ID to elements and properties that do not have solver IDs.
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors
Organize orphan systems, vectors, and beamsections into a separate collector during import.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular System Collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An Orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME System Collector in the same include file. Upon import, Orphaned systems are organized into auto generated System Collectors that reside on the same include files as the Orphaned systems. The solver import option Organize unidentified systems into separate collectors controls how the Orphaned systems are organized into the auto generated System Collector(s). When this check box is cleared (default), a single System Collector is created and all Orphaned systems are organized into that single System Collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate System Collectors are created for each Orphaned system.


Element to property ratio
Defines how imported elements are organized into components. When importing an FE model and the By HM Comment option is selected but no HyperMesh comment cards exist, Nastran users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperMesh will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties:
  • If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
  • If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.
Delete duplicate nodes
Delete duplicate node IDs on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.
Delete duplicate systems
Delete duplicate systems IDs on import; only the final imported systems of a given ID will be retained.
Import comment lines on nodes and elements
Read and store Nastran comment lines above nodes and elements. Reading in models with a large number of comments on nodes and/or elements may increase model import time. By default, this option is turned OFF.
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors
Organize orphan systems, vectors, and beamsections into a separate collector during import.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular System Collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An Orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME System Collector in the same include file. Upon import, Orphaned systems are organized into auto generated System Collectors that reside on the same include files as the Orphaned systems. The solver import option Organize unidentified systems into separate collectors controls how the Orphaned systems are organized into the auto generated System Collector(s). When this check box is cleared (default), a single System Collector is created and all Orphaned systems are organized into that single System Collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate System Collectors are created for each Orphaned system.
Read ANSYS Comments and Read PATRAN Comments
Read ANSYS and PATRAN comments during import.


Element to property ratio
Defines how imported elements are organized into components. When importing an FE model and the By HM Comment option is selected but no HyperMesh comment cards exist, OptiStruct users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperMesh will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties:
  • If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
  • If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.
Delete duplicate nodes
Delete duplicate node IDs on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.
Delete duplicate systems
Delete duplicate system IDs on import; only the final imported systems of a given ID will be retained.
Import comment lines on nodes and elements
Read and store Nastran comment lines above nodes and elements. Reading in models with a large number of comments on nodes and/or elements may increase model import time. By default, this option is turned OFF.
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors
Organize orphan systems, vectors, and beamsections into a separate collector during import.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular System Collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An Orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME System Collector in the same include file. Upon import, Orphaned systems are organized into auto generated System Collectors that reside on the same include files as the Orphaned systems. The solver import option Organize unidentified systems into separate collectors controls how the Orphaned systems are organized into the auto generated System Collector(s). When this check box is cleared (default), a single System Collector is created and all Orphaned systems are organized into that single System Collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate System Collectors are created for each Orphaned system.


Read Engine
Read the Radioss engine cards if an engine file (_0001.rad) is available with the imported input deck.
Read and import Radioss initial state cards of 2D elements.
Activate transformations
Activate Radioss transformations during the import process, so that transformed entities will be displayed in their transformed position after importing the model.
Read INITIAL Brick Data
Read and import Radioss initial state cards of 3D elements.
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors
Organize orphan systems, vectors, and beamsections into a separate collector during import.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular System Collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An Orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME System Collector in the same include file. Upon import, Orphaned systems are organized into auto generated System Collectors that reside on the same include files as the Orphaned systems. The solver import option Organize unidentified systems into separate collectors controls how the Orphaned systems are organized into the auto generated System Collector(s). When this check box is cleared (default), a single System Collector is created and all Orphaned systems are organized into that single System Collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate System Collectors are created for each Orphaned system.
Create single collector for rigids rbe3 and admass elements
Create a single component for all rigid bodies, and create a single component for all admas elements. When disabled, each rigid body and admas element will be read as a single component.

Import Error Messages

When an external input translator is used to import data, HyperWorks Desktop creates a file for messages in the directory in which the program was started.

This file is named translator.msg, where translator is the name of the translation program being used. This file contains errors, warnings and useful information about the import process.

HyperWorks Desktop translators also create a second file that contains extra data from the file being imported. This file is named importfile.hmx, where importfile is the name of the file being imported into HyperWorks Desktop. This extra data could contain FEA data and keywords not supported by HyperWorks Desktop and/or generic comments about the data.

If the Display Import Errors checkbox is selected on the Import tab, any error messages will display in the Import Process Messages dialog. Choose to display the .hmx file, save the message file or delete the message file. Clicking Close will close the dialog, but will not remove the message file from your directory.

By HM Comment

An overview of how solver interfaces use the By HM Comment import option.


When importing Abaqus files, the By HM Comment option behaves as follows:
  • If available, HyperWorks Desktop will consider comments written during a previous model export.
  • If neither **HM_comp_by_property nor **HM_set_by_property comments are present, HyperWorks Desktop creates a component and a property collector for every element set (ELSET) that points to a sectional property. Both collectors will have the name of the referenced element set.
  • If a comment such as **HM_comp_by_property “<property name>” <color> is found before a sectional property, for example *SHELL SECTION is found, a component with the name of the referenced element set will be created. At the same time, a property collector will be created, which defines the sectional property of the component (property assignment on component level). Its name will be taken from the HyperMesh comment.
  • If a **HM_set_by_property comment is found, HyperWorks Desktop will create a property collector, which defines the sectional property of the elements mentioned in the element set (property assignment on element level). In addition, the elements will be placed into the component they were in before exporting. If present, the prefix “HMprop_” will be stripped on import.


When importing Nastran files, the By HM Comment option behaves as follows:
  • Create a component based on the HMCOMP NAME card
  • Move elements into component based on the HMMOVE card
  • Assign properties based on the HMDPRP card
  • When HMCOMP NAME does not exist in the imported deck, and there is a one-to-one ratio between elements and properties (2D and 3D properties), HyperWorks Desktop will create one component and move all the elements into this one component. Properties will be assigned to the element.
  • When HMCOMP NAME does not exist in the imported deck, and there are multiple elements with the same property, HyperWorks Desktop will create a component for every property, move all the elements that have a property into the associated component, and create one component for all elements that do not have a property. The property will be assigned to the component.
  • When importing a Nastran input file containing ANSYS or Patran comments, using the By HM Comment import option, HyperWorks Desktop will automatically recognize and use them to organize the model. The supported ANSYS and Patran comments, and their interpretation in HyperWorks Desktop, are listed below:
    ANSYS Comments
    HyperWorks Desktop supports organizing Nastran input files containing the following ANSYS comments.
    ANSYS Comments HyperWorks Desktop Mapping
    $ANSA_PART;GROUP Assembly
    $ANSA_PART; PART Component
    $ANSA_NAME Property / Material / Set Name
    $ANSA_COLOR Property / Material Color
    Only one property can be indirectly assigned to a HyperWorks Desktop component. Any additional properties associated to a single ANSA_PART component will be assigned to the HyperWorks Desktop component using Direct Property Assignment (a warning message will be issued during import). The resulting elemental property assignment and integrity of the solver input file will not be affected by this.
    Patran Comments

    HyperWorks Desktop supports organizing Nastran input files containing the following Patran comments.

    Patran Comments HyperWorks Desktop Mapping
    $Elements and Element Properties for region Property
    $Material Record Material
    $<load type> of Load Set Load Collector
    $Deform Body Contact LBC Set Contact Surface
    $Subcase name Loadstep
    $Connector elements and properties for region Property

By Property Hierarchy

Figure 1. Solver Group 1. OptiStruct, Abaqus, Nastran

Figure 2. Solver Group 2. Radioss, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, Permas

By Component Hierarchy

Figure 3. Solver Group 1. OptiStruct, Abaqus, Nastran

Figure 4. Solver Group 2. Radioss, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, Permas

Duplicate Entity IDs

IDs that are duplicated within element and property groups for the LS-DYNA user profile are supported in HyperWorks Desktop.

For example, elements like beam and shell can now be imported without renumbering even if they have the same ID. Although it is not recommended to use duplicate IDs, this support has been implemented for greater flexibility for users who need to import models that already contain duplicate IDs. This support helps to preserve data integrity between HyperWorks Desktop and the solver by mimicking the solver's data rules. This support is provided by several means:

LS-DYNA data decks that have duplicated IDs are no longer automatically renumbered by HyperWorks Desktop. The ID numbers for elements and properties are preserved regardless of duplication. However, renumbering is still in effect for other entity types.

In an FE input, if the FE overwrite option is selected, IDs are overwritten only within the same ID group.

From the Preferences drop down menu, select the Meshing Options panel to see the allow duplicate IDs option. This can be selected to enable the duplication of IDs across pools of new elements or properties you create in HyperWorks Desktop. For example, ID 1 can be used for a shell element and a solid element. However, ID 1 cannot be used for two shell elements. By default, the option is not selected and HyperWorks Desktop never creates entities with the same ID during renumbering or meshing, and uses a sequential numbering scheme. With the exception of importing decks, the HyperWorks Desktop support of duplicate IDs must be manually activated.

When you attempt to select properties or elements for editing or deletion and you choose the by id option, you now must select an ID group, such as ELEMENT_SHELL or ELEMENT_BEAM, in addition to the ID, if the ID is present in more than one group. This selection is required to identify specific IDs if there is duplication across ID groups. For example, if both beam and shell have element ID 1, and you select an element by ID=1, a pop-up window appears that allows you to select between the two available groups that contain ID 1.

Import Session Files

Import session files into your current session.

  1. Import a session file in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, select File > Import > Session.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Session).
  2. In the Import Session File dialog, navigate to your working directory and open the session file (*.mwv).

Import Geometry

Import CAD files.

  1. Import geometry in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, click File > Import > Geometry.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Geometry).
    The Import - Geometry tab opens.
  2. For File Type, select the file type to import.
    Tip: Choose Auto Detect to automatically select an input translator.
  3. Click and select the file(s) to import.

    Remove files from the File Selection pane by clicking (Remove Selection) and (Remove All).

  4. Define CAD import options by clicking to the left of Import Options.
  5. Click Import.

CAD Import Options

CAD readers provide options for processing data during import.

You can access some of these options from the Import browser, while other options are accessed from a reader's _reader.ini file.


Create multiple components for linear members
Create multiple components for each member part.
Create multiple components for stiffeners
Create multiple components for each stiffener (one for each property; that is, if we have flange and web, then two different properties and components are created).
Display representation
Import a CAD file in visualization mode only.
  • Choose Low to set the faceting level to the lowest level.
  • Choose Medium to set faceting level to its normal (default option).
  • Choose High to set the faceting level to its maximum.
  • Choose Custom to set the edge and surface tolerance manually (default: 1e-04).
Note: This advanced option is available for applicable formats like Inspire, JT, NX, Parasolid, and Solidworks (Parasolid based formats).
Hierarchy as
Type of hierarchy to generate.
  • Choose BOM Only to generate an empty part-based hierarchy.
  • Choose Parts to generate a full part-based hierarchy.
Insert name field
Customizes the organization and names of components (NX parts). The naming options are specified using the Format option.
  • Choose Part Name to use the string attribute DB_PART_NAME from the part. If that attribute does not exist, the part file name is used.
  • Choose Part Number to use the string attribute DB_PART_NUMBER or DB_PART_NO from the part. If that attribute does not exist, the part filename is used.
  • Choose Category to create and name components based off of the NX categories associated with the geometry.
  • Choose RID-PDI to use the string attribute DB_PART_REV from the part.
  • Choose Layer to create and name components based off of the layers of the geometry being imported.
  • Choose Instance Name to use the name of the part's instance in an assembly. If the part is the root of an assembly, the part filename is used.
  • Choose Material Name to use the name of the material if a material is specified for the geometry being imported. Otherwise, the name of the component is unaltered.
  • Choose Thickness to use the thickness value if the geometry being imported is a midsurface with thickness information. Otherwise, the name of the component is unaltered.
  • Choose UG Body ID to use the internal numerical ID of each geometric body. This value is unique for each geometric body imported.
  • Choose UG Tag to use the internal numerical tag of the part instance. This value is unique for each part instance imported.
Parent Module ID
Imports all child assemblies and parts from the incoming geometry under the given assembly module (part assembly ID). Supported only for parts hierarchy.
Sample component name
This corresponds to the NX Part Browser Assign components by name option; the default value is "default", that is the standard component naming. Name corresponds to the Insert name field option in < > (brackets).
Single part only
Consolidate the hierarchy into a single part.
Split components by
Strategy used to split components, which is dependent on the CAD format. Options include one or more of the following (based on CAD format):
  • Choose Body to generate a body-based component.
  • Choose Layer to generate a layer-based component.
  • Choose Part to generate a part-based component.
  • Choose Category to split components by category.
  • Choose Material to split components by material.
  • Choose Thickness to split components based on component thickness.
  • Choose Custom to enable sub-options.


Cleanup tolerance
Can be Automatic or Manual.
Create solids
Creates solid entities. If unchecked, reads surfaces but does not create solid entities.
Degenerate surfaces
Surface treatment method for degenerated surfaces on import
  • Preserve- No degenerate surfaces removed
  • Automatic Cleanup - Auto-calculated tolerance used to detect and remove degenerate surfaces
  • Remove- User tolerance used to detect and remove degenerate surfaces
Ensure manifold geometry
Extracts the manifold body from a Parasolid general body that is non-manifold and/or of mixed topological dimensionality. If unchecked, extracts Parasolid general bodies as defined.
Extend surfaces
The imported surfaces are extended to match neighbor surfaces.
Faceplates as surfaces
Import faceplates as surfaces if the surface description is present in the file, otherwise import as curves.
Import type
Create an object based on the structure of the file.
Imprint stiffeners
Stiffener lines are projected onto close surfaces and create corresponding topological modifications to these surfaces
Merge edges
Edges are merged together, when possible, during import as part of the cleanup phase.
Perform connectivity
Import the model and compute connectivity. The surfaces will be connected. If unchecked, import the model without computing connectivity. The surfaces will not be connected. This option speeds up import, but may not be suitable for any other purpose than visualization.
Pillars as surfaces
Import pillars as surfaces if the surface description is present in the file, otherwise import as curves.
Prefer detailed
When multiple representations of an object are available, import the most complex one.
Scale factor
Define the model scaling factor during import.
Split periodic faces
Split periodic surfaces to improve the quality and robustness of the import.
Stiffeners as surfaces
Import stiffeners as surfaces if the surface description is present in the file, otherwise import as curves.
Stiffener/beam/ER systems as
Can be one of the following:
  • Solids - Imports these objects as solid entities.
  • Landing curves - Imports these objects as just the landing curves.
  • Landing curves and midsurfaces - Imports these objects as both landing curves and midsurfaces.
  • Midsurfaces - Imports these objects as midsurfaces.
Stitch across bodies
Stitch surfaces belonging to different components.
Stitch different sheets
Stitching across different sheet bodies belonging to the same part/instance.
Target Units
Target unit system to be adopted for the imported model.
  • Choose a specific unit.
  • Choose CAD units to match the unit system to the CAD file being imported. If the target unit system does not match the CAD file being imported, than the corresponding numbers are modified to account for the unit change.
  • Alternatively, choose Scale Factor to adopt the CAD unit system and scale the entities by the indicated factor.
Tolerance value
The reader considers this tolerance as the object space tolerance used to process the CAD data.
Trim surfaces using
Method for trimming surfaces. Can be:
  • Parametric curves
  • Model curves
  • Preferred representation
Visualization only
Import the model for visualization purposes only. This skips many of the import steps (cleanup, stitching, solid creation, and so on) to provide a faster import. The resulting model may not be suitable for other uses.


Assign properties to components
Assign properties to the corresponding component for components that have more than one property, properties are not assigned.
BREP and tessellation
Import B-rep or tessellation, with B-rep given preference. If B-rep is present, tessellation is not imported (default). Choose from the following:
  • BREP or tessellation
  • BREP and tessellation
  • BREP only
  • Tessellation only
Import both compartments in the files, and compartments defined by “Faces.” The former by importing the geometry, the latter just by creating a metadata; also reference planes are created, because they can be referenced by compartments.
Coordinate systems
Import CAD coordinate systems as system collectors.
Cutout profiles
Import cutout profiles.
Disable layers
This corresponds to the NX Part browser Disable option in Layer filtering mode. The layers to disable in the import should be listed with the same rules as for the NX Part browser entry.
Enable layers
This corresponds to the NX Part browser Enable option in Layer filtering mode. The layers to enable in the import should be listed with the same rules as for the NX Part browser entry.
FE models
Import FE models.
This corresponds to the NX Part browser Layer filtering selection.
Free curves
Import free curves (wireframe entities) into the model.
Free points
Import free points into the model.
Groups as regions
Create region entities corresponding to groups.
Hidden (blanked/no show)
Import entities that are hidden, blanked, or no show.
Hidden ply surfaces
Read hidden ply base surfaces.
Create holes.
IGES compartments
Import compartments in the files.
Layer filter
Import only the specified layer filters. The string should be in the form of "%filter1%filter2%filter3". The filter names are listed, separated by a character that you choose, and inserted as the first element of the string. The example uses '%' as a separator. You can choose another character as a separator, in case one of the listed attribute names contains '%'. HyperWorks Desktop will recognize it as it is the first character of the string. A special value of DEFAULT can be used to indicate the default layer filter.
In batch mode, and when @Display= layerfiltering, midsurfaces are imported. In GUI import when Creation type is set to Assemblies, this initializes the corresponding option in the NX Part browser.
Notch profiles
Import notch profiles.
Panel profiles
Create curves along the panel profiles.
Parameters prefix
Only import parameters with this prefix. All others will not be imported.
Plane size factor
A factor > 0 for sizing of infinite planes. The factor is a percentage of the modal size.
Ply contour gap tolerance
Ply contour gap tolerance (default 0.3).
Create regions from the geometry referenced in publications.
Selected categories
This corresponds to the NX Part browser option Categories; they should be listed as they are written in the command file string: “<name1_length> <name1> <name2_length> <name2>…”, where <name<i>_length> is a number representing the string length of the ith category name.
Skip entities
Specific entity types, or even subtypes (that is entity types with specific form numbers) that should be skipped during import.
In batch mode, when @Display= layerfiltering, solids are imported. In GUI import when Creation type is set to Assemblies, this initializes the corresponding option in the NX Part browser.
Select the appropriate solver.
Topological properties
Create reference planes and sketch contours, and attach metadata to the systems that own these properties.
Trim ply surfaces
Trim ply base surfaces during import.
Unbounded curved plates
Import curved plates lacking boundary descriptions.


Import all generic attributes (global and related to single entities) as metadata.
Body ID
Assign body identifier as metadata.
Read color attributes of geometric entities as metadata with integer values.
Read density value as metadata.
Full name
Generate the full CAD name, as retrieved from the CAD part, as metadata. This consists of assembly name/part name/feature name/entity name.
Read layer value as metadata.
Legacy hierarchy
Generate metadata with the original CAD hierarchy within the part.
Original ID
Import original CAD entity IDs as metadata.
Plate system attributes
Create physical properties assigned in the XML to plate systems and bracket children as metadata.
Read PMI data for points. New points are created and PMI attributes are attached as metadata.
Prefix string
The string is prefixed to all metadata names. No prefix is used by default.
Stiffener normals
Attach some metadata with information about normals to stiffener/beam/ER systems.
Create entity name as metadata.
Unique ID
Create metadata to track the unique CAD ID (default). The same identifier can be obtained for two entities when a single entity is split during import.

User Defined

Use this GUI field to enter additional options not explicitly exposed in the GUI, in the form option1_name=option1_value, option2_name=option2_value, and so on. If an option also exposed in the GUI is mentioned in this field, the value of this field prevails.
Timeout (seconds)

Defines a timeout value (in seconds) that is used to abort the import of a CAD file. The timeout covers only the time spent in processing done within the third-party library calls (load and prepare the data to be sent to HyperMesh). Once the data is sent to HyperMesh the timeout no longer applies. This timeout applies individually to each CAD file being imported. If you import a single file, either an individual part or a master assembly file, it applies to the import of the entire file. If you import multiple files, such as selecting multiple files, or performing Representation Load from the Part Browser, it applies individually to each file.


Read color attributes of geometric entities as metadata with integer values in RGB format.

PDM Attributes

Material name
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM material name info of the current part. Default is MATERIAL_NAME.
Mesh flag
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM mesh flag name info of the current part. Default is MeshFlag.
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM material ID info of the current part. Default is MaterialID.
Part number
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM part number info of the current part. Default is PartNumber.
Name of the CAD attribute containing PDM property ID info of the current part. Default is PID.
Name of the CAD attribute containing PDM major revision info of the current part. Default is Revision.
Thickness name
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM thickness info of the current part. Default is Thickness.
Name of the CAD attribute containing the PDM UID info of the current part. Default is UID.

Default versions of the _reader.ini files are included in the directory [Altair Home]/io/afc_translators/bin/[platform] directory and its children. When a CAD reader is activated, each reader first checks the current working directory for the appropriate _reader.ini file. If the file is not found, the translators looks in all directories pointed by the HW_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

As a last resort, the translator uses the default _reader.ini file in the above directory. In this way the _reader.ini file can have "global" or "local" user scope. For instance, local user changes for a current job can be made by copying and modifying the _reader.ini file in the local current working directory.

Options can take on only one value at a time. Options can also be commented out (ignored) by placing a # in front of an option, in which case the default value for that option will be used.

Many CAD translators also import other relevant information as metadata attached to specific entities (assemblies, components, points, lines, surfaces, solids). Some metadata is generated by default while other metadata is generated by enabling/disabling certain options in the _reader.ini files. Metadata is stored in the database and can be used for review or to perform process automation. For example, you can obtain the tag (name) of a surface from the CAD file and apply certain mesh criteria to that surface inside HyperWorks Desktop.

Import BOMs

Import bill of material files.

  1. Import BOMs in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, select File > Import > BOM.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import BOMs).
    The Import - BOM tab opens.
  2. For File type, select the type of file to import.
    Tip: Choose Auto Detect to automatically select an input translator.
  3. In the File field, navigate to the BOM file to import.
  4. Define BOM import options by clicking to the left of Import Options.
    1. For Import type, select an import behavior.
      • Choose Child to import the BOM file into the current HyperMesh session.
      • Choose Replace to clear the current HyperMesh session and creates a new model hierarchy based on the BOM file.
    2. To use the native reader, select the Use native reader checkbox. By default, the native UG reader is used for "Auto Detect", just like for CAD import.
      Note: Available when File type is set to UG.
  5. Click Import.

Import Connectors

Import connector files.

  1. Import Connectors in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, select File > Import > Connector.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Connectors).
    The Import - Connector tab opens.
  2. For File type, select the type of file to import.
    • Connectors (*.mwf, *.mcf, *.xml, *.vip, *.csv)
      Note: A xMCF file can be imported via a .xml file that contains the following headline:
      <xmcf xmlns:xs="http/" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="http:
    • Spotwelds
  3. In the File field, navigate to the connector file to import.
  4. In the ID map file field, navigate to your working directory and open the map file.

    The ID Map file displays the component IDs from the *.mwf, *.mcf, *.xml, *.vip, or *.csv file and their corresponding ID in HyperMesh; the IDs become mapped from one ID to the next.

  5. Define import options by clicking to the left of Import Options.
  6. Click Import.
For XMCF files, the following types of connectors and features are managed:
  • 0D: Spotweld, bolt, screw, gumdrop, clinch, rivet (blind, self-piercing, solid, swop), robscan, contact_list, threaded connection, heat stake, clip, nail
  • 1D: Sequence connection 0D (spotweld, gumdrop), seamweld (butt_joint, corner weld, edge weld, i_weld, overlap weld, y-joint, k-joint, cruciform joint, flared joint), adhesive-line, hemming, contact list
  • 2D: Adhesive face
  • Custom attributes are managed.
  • Appdata is not managed.

Import Markers

Import marker files into MediaView.

Before you begin, make sure a video file is loaded.
  1. Import markers in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, select File > Import > Markers.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Markers).
  2. In the Import Marker File dialog, navigate to your working directory and select the marker file to import.

Import Table CSV

Import a comma separated value file.

TableView supports multiple lines of data in a single cell. To add a line break, press Alt + Enter. In TableView, the Conditional Formatting and the Cell Data panels are disabled if you select a cell that contains multiple lines or if you press Alt + Enter.

  1. Import CSV file in the following ways:
    • From the menu bar, select File > Import > Table CSV.
    • From the Standard toolbar, click (Import Table CSV).
  2. In the Import CSV File dialog, navigate to your working directory and select the comma separated value file to import.