Edit Element Panel

Use the Edit Element panel to hand build, combine, split, or modify elements.

Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

In the Edit Element subpanel you can stitch two unconnected meshes by adding elements between them, split elements at weld locations, and combine and split elements to fix connectivity in the transitional area between fine and coarse mesh areas.

Create Subpanel

Use the Create subpanel to create elements manually by selecting nodes. For example, you can use this subpanel to build elements in a situation where three elements are to be joined with two elements. You can create multiple plot elements by selecting by path from the node list selector. The element type is selected, followed by the selection of nodes to create the element. The element is automatically generated as soon as the required number of nodes for the chosen element type is selected. After at least two or more nodes are selected, click create to create whatever element type is appropriate for the number of nodes selected.

For example, while creating quads, you need to create one tria. You can leave the element type as quad, select three nodes, and then click the middle mouse button to complete the selection. A tria element is generated. Similarly, while creating a hexa element, you can create any lower element type without changing the element type to be created.

When creating second order elements, make sure you set element order in the Options panel's mesh subpanel.
Option Action
node list Select a group of nodes from which you wish to create an element.
plot, tria, quad, tetra, pyramid, penta, hex Choose the type of element you wish to create.
auto order Enables the mesher to automatically determine the node order. Clear this checkbox to manually select the nodes in the appropriate order.

This option may re-sequence the selected nodes to prevent the creation of inverted or folded elements.

elem types = Select an element type to create.

Command Buttons

Button Actions
create Create the element
reject Revert the most recent action, or clear the current selection.
combine Combine the currently selected elements. This will only be necessary if you have disabled auto-combine, or wish to combine a number of elements that is less than the value of auto comb =.
split Perform the split. Elements that the line passes through are split into two or more smaller elements.
delete line Delete the current splitting line.
return Exit the panel.