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NVH Director 2022.3 Release Notes


  • Update NVHD Assembly with optimized design variable values from deterministic optimization OptiStruct output.

New Features

Update NVHD Assembly with optimized design variable values
New option in the Assembly to map and update the assembly with optimized design variable values from deterministic optimization OptiStruct output. This new option allows you to read a mapping file (CSV file) having information on the design variables and their optimized values from OptiStruct output. You can choose the design variables and review them and update the assembly with new optimized values. This information is then saved in an XML file for reuse and further iterations.


  • Enhancement to support create CDTire from the latest version 2021.1.1 of the CDTire Parameter file.
  • Enhancement to automatically identify the width of patch points from the CDTire parameter file.
  • Enhancement to create CDTire, by default, with rotation in counterclockwise direction and corresponding changes in the delay calculation to simulate the condition of the vehicle moving in forward direction.
Workflow Improvements
  • Enhancements in workflow using new unity contexts to improve usability in creation and handling of control volume
Modal FRF
  • Enhancement in LCS creation workflow using enhanced core options for LCS creation

Resolved Issues

  • Issue related to derived responses calculation in Modal FRF for FRF responses starting from zero Hz.
  • Issue related to additional windows creation on clicking on the screen when transformation is in progress in Modal Assurance Criteria.

NVH Director 2022.2 Release Notes


  • Deterministic Optimization Workflow in Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)

New Features

Deterministic Optimization workflow in Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
A new option in the Analysis Manager to define optimization set-up for the selected analysis. The new options allow you to create design variables for materials, gages, connections and modal parameters. There are options to create design responses, constraints and objectives for the user-defined loadcases and submit the optimization for OptiStruct. The complete optimization set-up can be saved in an Assembly XML file for review and reuse. A new post-processing utility is developed to post-process the optimization results. A very powerful, efficient and end-to-end workflow for deterministic optimization for pre-processing, solving and post-processing.


Deterministic Optimization
  • Enhancement to define mass and volume as design responses. This allows you to set-up NVH optimization problems for vehicle weight reduction initiatives while maintaining vehicle NVH performance.
  • Enhancement to define the relation between design variables. This allows you to link and maintain the relation between design variables for optimization to objectives and constraints. For example, mount rates for suspension, engine, and can have the same values between symmetric sides.
  • Enhancement to read the sensitive variables from Design Sensitivity Analysis and define them as design variables for optimization.
Design Sensitivity Analysis
  • Pre-processing: Enhancement to define materials and properties to be defined as design variable for sensitivity analysis.
  • Post-processing: Enhancement to export sensitive variables for a particular response/frequency in a separate .csv file. This .csv file can then be imported in the optimization feature to define these as design variables.
NVH Process Managers
Migration of NVH Process Managers in HyperWorks NVH to a new framework to improve the user experience in HyperWorks NVH.
Modal FRF
  • Enhancement to convert the NVH responses from displacement to velocity to acceleration, and vice-versa.
  • Enhancement to calculate derived quantities for NVH responses, such as rms, rss, and average for the frequency range of interest.
  • Enhancement to define multiple subcases.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue related to displacement transfer functions in FRF-to-CDS utility.
  • Issue related to Modal Assurance Criteria (MAC) calculation for modal results in cylindrical coordinate systems.

NVH Director 2022.1 Release Notes


  • Deterministic Optimization Workflow

New Features

Deterministic Optimization Workflow
The Deterministic Optimization Workflow is a very powerful, efficient end-to-end workflow for pre-processing, solving, and post-processing. In the Analysis Manager, Deterministic Optimization defines the optimization setup for the selected analysis. Use this option to create design variables for materials, gages, connections, and modal parameters. There are options to create design responses, constraints, and objectives for the user-defined loadcases, and submit the optimization to OptiStruct. You can save the complete optimization setup in an Assembly XML file for review and reuse. A new post-processing utility post-process the optimization results.


NVH Preferences
The NVH preferences supports team preferences and user preferences, providing efficient and seamless coexistence and usage of team and user preferences from a single preference file.
Model Correlation
Support for LCS from test UNV files in MAC calculation.
U-joint Connection
Support to specify plunging mass in U-joint connections.
Workflow Improvement
Workflow improvements for usability when creating and handling local coordinate systems, response point manager, frequency set manager, batch modal check, and batch model reduction.

Resolved Issues

  • Solving MAC optimization in Linux.
  • Plotting DSA results in Integrated Diagnostics.
  • Generating responses for *.odb file in Modal FRF.
  • Selecting a few modes in CMS modes for MSA.

NVH Director 2022 Release Notes


  • Optimization in Model Correlation
  • Flexible Rim Support in CDTire
  • Non-linear stiffness (Force Vs Deflection and Frequency Vs Stiffness) of engine mounts in Mounts Optimization

New Features

Optimization in Model Correlation
New option in Model Correlation utility to set-up optimization set-up for model updating of the simulation model to improve the correlation. Poor modal correlation between test-simulation results can be possibly improved by updating the simulation model. The new option of optimization allows you to create design variables in the simulation model, specify relevant objectives and constraints for the necessary correlation values and submit the optimization run.
Flexible Rim Support in CDTire
New option to consider flexible rim in CDTire handling. This advanced feature automatically creates connection between CDtire and Flexible rim, and allows you to study the effect of rim dynamics on NVH responses.
Non-Linear Stiffness (Force Vs Deflection and Frequency Vs Stiffness) of engine mounts in Mounts Optimization
New feature to specify non-linear stiffness of mounts in terms of Force Vs Deflection or Frequency Vs Stiffness in Mounts Optimization utility. This allows you to simulate real-life stiffness behavior of engine mounts for prediction for mount displacements and reaction forces for different operating conditions.
General Signal Processing for aero-acoustics simulations
New feature for general signal processing to predict NVH responses for aero-acoustic usecases.


Mounts Optimization
Enhancements in defining stiffness based constraints for engine mounts optimization in addition to existing frequency based constraints.
Model Correlation
Enhancement to support test UNV files with modal results partial directions by automatically identifying the directions with result data and use it for calculation of MAC.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue in identifying the subcase IDs in order cut analysis for result files from optimization run.