Altair HyperLife Weld Certification 2022.1 Release Notes

New Features

The rail industry regulation ERRI B12 RP60 to determine the permissible fatigue limit is implemented with this release. HyperLife Weld Certification calculates Margin of Safety using Haigh Diagram or SN curve.
SN analysis Workflow for Nodal Solution: Un-welded Solids and Shells
SN analysis workflow is now supported on HyperLife Weld Certification for nodal solutions for both un-welded solids and shell models.
Multi Curve for Material Model in SN and ERRI B12 RP60 Workflow
SN Mean Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for multiple mean-stress values as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. The input curves can be slope-intercept or XY data format.
SN R-ratio Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for multiple stress ratios(R) as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. The input curves can be slope-intercept or XY data format.
SN Haigh Multi-curve: The material tool is enhanced to input material curves for representing multi Haigh diagrams as manual entry and table import. You can input stress as Stress-Amplitude, Stress-Range or Max stress. XY data format is supported to input Haigh diagram.
Weld Templates for SN and ERRI B12 RP60 Workflow
Weld templates are supported which assist with auto assigning predefined materials to welds for assessment.
Selection of Load Increments for Loadcase Comparison Method
In case of FEA result files with load incremental result output, options are provided on the Loadmap tool to select the load increment of choice while creating events.


  • For the FKM guideline, the default value of Normal Cycles at knee point (Nd_Normal) is set to 5e+06.
  • With the FKM guideline static assessment, the result type Stress Ratio is renamed as Static Utilization which is consistent with FKM terminology.
  • Certain parameters for butt weld with DVS (Groove Gap, Depth and Angle) that were missing are now available.

Resolved Issues

  • The stress combination: Tensor Components for FKM unwelded fatigue evaluation is hidden and unavailable for this release.
  • Auto ODB upgrade is unavailable with HyperLife Weld Certification version 2022.1. Currently you are notified with a warning message. The workaround is to upgrade the ODB file on the HyperWorks ODB upgrade utility before loading the file on HyperLife Weld Certification.

Known Issues

  • The stress combination Tensor Components for FKM unwelded fatigue evaluation is hidden and unavailable for this release.
  • Auto ODB upgrade is unavailable with HyperLife Weld Certification version 2022.1. Currently, you are notified with a warning message. The workaround is to upgrade the ODB file in the HyperWorks ODB upgrade utility before loading the file in HyperLife Weld Certification.
  • While performing FKM static assessment, the tool may become unresponsive. The issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.