LS-DYNA Interface 2022.2 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Joint Creation Tool
The new Joint Creation tool enables the automatic creation of *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_(OPTIONS) keywords and the connection of the joint to the structure with *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY or *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES.
The tool is accessible in HyperWorks under the Interactions pull-down on the Model ribbon.

Figure 1.
New Element Behaviors Entity
The Element Behaviors entity is introduced. The keywords *DEFINE_ELEMENT_DEATH_(OPTIONS) and *DEFINE_ELEMENT_EROSION_(OPTIONS), previously mapped to the Property entity, are now migrated to the Element Behaviors entity.


Keywords support
The following keywords are now supported: *MAT_SOFT_TISSUE
The following keywords have been updated: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE, *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION, *MAT_040, *MAT_100_DA
Keywords to new entity migration
The keywords *DEFINE_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_(OPTIONS), previously mapped to the Property entity, are now migrated to the Material Behaviors entity.
Entity Selections in Keywords Entity Editor
In HyperWorks, some entities allowed to be selected in keywords were not inline with the solver definition. For example, selection of Nodes or Elements in *CONTACT keywords. Those inconsistencies have been corrected and the selection of entities does not push to selection through panels anymore.
Mass/COG/MOI Calculations
The following improvements have been made in the Mass Measurement tool:
  • Solver Mass entity is made selectable.
  • Ply entity is made selectable.
The following improvements have been made in the Mass Summary tool:
  • Results display in table per Assemblies or per Includes
  • Re-definition of the Mass columns in the table view
  • Sorting of values in column
  • Correction of Mass/COG/MOI values on Assembly level

Resolved Issues

  • Attribute RL is now maintained in *MAT_FABRIC when FORM=-14

Altair HyperView

Resolved Issues

  • Correct Volume and Mass Fractions, for ALE Analyses.