Radioss Interface 2022 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Radioss V2022 Profile
The new Radioss 2022 profile is added and supports the latest solver version.
Unit Conversion
The new unit conversion tool in the Model ribbon provides an efficient way to convert a model from its original unit system to a new unit system.
The supported unit systems are: (N, m, s, kg); (N, mm, s, T); (kN, mm, ms, kg); (N, mm, ms, g)


New Keywords
The following Radioss keywords have been added:
/MAT/LAW109, /MAT/LAW112, /MAT/LAW115, /MAT/LAW200
Updated Keywords
The following Radioss keywords have been updated accordning to the latest solver manual:
  • /DT/NODA/…: new option to define the time step according to the percentage of numerical added mass
  • /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN: new S-Flag attribute added
  • /INTER/TYPE19: new Igap=4
  • /INTER/TYPE25: addition of attributes for the definition of thermal conductivity
  • /MAT/LAW78: updates in attribute Mexp
  • /MAT/LAW104: removal of Fcut attribute
  • /PROP/SOLID: new attributes values for automatic solver set-up
  • /PROP/TYPE14: addition of Itetra10=3
  • /MAT/LAW51 is made compatible with /MAT/LAW102