Set Environment Variables

The number of cores used by Radioss during the optimization can be defined using the OptiStruct script options -rnt and -rnp options.

If more advanced Radioss options need to be used, such as single precision or a specific version of Radioss, set the following environment variables.

Linux (bash):

export RADIOSS_SCRIPT=$ALTAIR_HOME/altair/scripts/radioss
export RADIOSS_ARGS=” -np 24 -nt -2 -sp -v 2022.3


set RADIOSS_SCRIPT=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hwsolvers\scripts\radioss.bat
set RADIOSS_ARGS=” -np 24 -nt -2 -sp -v 2022.3

The script defined via RADIOSS_SCRIPT will be executed by OptiStruct when the Radioss outerloop simulation is done. The RADIOSS_ARGS options will be used as arguments to the RADIOSS_SCRIPT. The RADIOSS_SCRIPT must be a script that runs both the Starter and the Engine.