Create Design Project

This tool is based on a design project database containing entire data of a PCB design including the materials, parts, physical layout, analysis models, and analysis result data. With the use of the unified design project database, this application can be commonly used by multiple engineering disciplines.

From the menu bar, click File > Save as Project to create a new project directory from scratch.
A default design project name, Design_Name, is displayed as shown below.

You can enter a new project name and select the project folder to put in the design folder. If a PollEx PCB design project is already existing for the PCB design, instead of creating a new design project, you can share the PollEx PCB design project by selecting the PollEx PCB design project folder for the new project name.

When you create a project, related files are copied into the project directory. Along with progress on design and validation process, additional folders and files are automatically generated under the project folder. Since the necessary files are found in the prescribed design folder structure, it is important for users not to delete or move files in the design folder.

Once the project is created, you should use design_name.pdbb under project directory. The project folder and its contents are shared with other PollEx applications.

When PCB is revised because of analysis, you can conveniently use the Copy Project menu. With this menu, you do not have to go through the entire project setup again. All the required parameters such as PCB stack-up, Simulation model, Composite net information, and simulation results are imported automatically into net project directory.

Figure 1.