Network Analysis Parameters
Control the frequency-domain analysis for extracting network parameters such as S, Y, and Z parameters.
- Starting/Ending frequency (MHz): Denotes the starting and ending frequencies during the network parameters extraction.
- Frequency sweep type: Specifies the type of frequency variation. Linear or decade should be one of them.
- Number of frequency points per decade: Denotes the number of observing points of frequency between starting and ending frequencies.
- Output data type: You can use this constraint to specify the output of the network analysis. (S/Y/Z Parameter, Spice Netlist, PSPICE Netlist)
- S/Y/Z Parameter: Network Analysis results are displayed as S/Y/Z parameters.
- Spice Netlist: Network Analysis results are saved in Berkeley Spice compatible format. (*.sp)
- PSPICE Netlist: Network Analysis results are saved in PSPICE compatible format. (*.lib)
- Include package pin parasitic: Upon selecting this option, the package parasitic value is included in the S/Y/Z parameter of the network analysis result.