Edit Footprint
Invoke manual footprint editor.
Menu Bar/Tool Bar: Menus for editing footprint shape.
Edit, View, Draw functions are same with the Functional Symbol Editor.
Place: Place a pad, thermal pad, drill hole, reference designator and part name
Place a pad is not yet supported.
- View Area: Display the footprint shape.
- Property: Display the properties and the layer settings.
Layer Setting: Display and edit the layer viewing status.
- No: Display the artwork layer number.
- V: Check for the layer is visible.
- Color: Select the layer color.
- Name: Display the artwork layer name.
- Active Layer: Set the active layer.
- Property: Display and edit the properties of the selected object.
Display Pin Dimensions: Invoke the Pin Dimension Viewer.
- Measure Object: Select the objects to be measured.
- Pin List: Display the pin list. The selected pin is shown in the canvas area.