Ref Name Silk

Check the existence of a reference name on the silk layer.

The Ref Name Silk dialog contains the following sections:
  • Target Component Placed Layer Definition: Select layer(s) where the reference name should be.
  • Option
    • Detect multiple Reference Name on Same Layer: Check if there are multiple reference name silkscreens on the same layer.
  • Component Selection and Checking
    • All Component: Check for all components on the design.
      • Exceptional Component: Define the void-checking components for All Components case.
      • Both: Check if the Reference name exists on both top and bottom layers.
      • Same: Check if the Reference name exists on the same layer as the component placed layer.
      • Mirrored: In the Top Layer Ref Silk, mirrored text fails.In the Bottom Layer Ref Silk, non-mirrored text fails.
    • For Component Groups: Use this menu to check for certain component groups.
      • Item: Specify item name.
      • Component Group: Select target component group from group list.
      • Both: Check if the Reference name exists for both top and bottom layers.
      • Same: Check if the Reference name exists on the same layer as the component placed layer.
      • Mirrored: In the Top Layer Ref Silk, mirrored text fails.In the Bottom Layer Ref Silk, non-mirrored text fails.
      • Remainders: For undefined components in table, you can check the existence of reference name.