Try Catch
See the Try/Catch description in the Flow of Control and Looping section.
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Explore the Extended Definitions, OML Guides, Block Library, API Guide and Glossary.
PDF file with in-depth information on key topics in the User's Guide.
OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
Literals are items that are constant throughout the life of the application. Literals include numeric, imaginary, characters, strings, logicals, and Other (NaN/Inf).
Data types are items that are constant throughout the life of the application and are built into the OpenMatrix language.
Strings are arrays of characters.
OML language scripts manipulate data through variables. Variables are referred to by their name (alphanumeric) and can be created (assigned) and deleted as described in this section.
Indexing is used to retrieve one or more specific values out of a collection.
Operators are used to combine operands.
Each operator in this section is explained with the operations of scalars, vectors, and matrices that are allowed for said operator.
Statements are made of expressions, which may be simple or complex.
Loops are used to perform the same set of statements multiple times.
There are two types of workspaces: Local and Global.
Functions are packets of statements that can be used repeatedly.
OpenMatrix statements persist in .oml files.
This section describes files that can be manipulated by the OpenMatrix Language.
Errors and warning messages are both output in the console (or the Command Window in GUI mode) of Activate.
There are two types of errors: parse-time, and run-time.
See the Try/Catch description in the Flow of Control and Looping section.
Warning messages are similar to error messages in that they are output into the console or command window.
Create 2D and 3D plots and control their style and appearance.
Objects in OML are defined using the classdef keyword. This creates a blueprint for an object but does not actually create (instantiate) anything.
The Reference Guide contains documentation for all functions supported in the OpenMatrix language.
Describes all of the blocks in the installed Activate library.
Provides information about developing and simulating models through the Activate Application Program Interface.
Key terms associated with the software.
You've got questions? We've got answers!
Define shortcuts to common operations.
OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
Explore the Extended Definitions, OML Guides, Block Library, API Guide and Glossary.
Errors and warning messages are both output in the console (or the Command Window in GUI mode) of Activate.
See the Try/Catch description in the Flow of Control and Looping section.
See the Try/Catch description in the Flow of Control and Looping section.
(c) 2025 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.