When you create a compound block, it is colored cyan; however, you can selectively change compound block colors.
Note: If any of the following compound block parameters are activated, a specific diagonal line color overrides the selected custom block color. When multiple parameters are activated, there is an order of precedence for the displayed diagonal color.
Compound block parameter |
Color |
Order of precedence |
Red diagonal lines |
1 | |
Blue diagonal lines |
2 | |
Green diagonal lines |
3 |
To choose a color for a specific compound block
1. CTRL+right-click the compound block, or choose Edit > Block Properties and click the compound block.
2. In the Compound Properties dialog box under Appearance, activate Set Color and click ... to select a color.
3. Click OK, or press ENTER.
4. Click OK, or press ENTER when the Compound Properties dialog box appears.
To choose white for all compound blocks
When printing, you may want compound blocks to be printed in white.
1. Choose Edit > Preferences.
2. Select the Preferences tab.
3. De-activate Color Compound Blocks.
4. Click OK, or press ENTER.
You can also choose specific colors for individual compound blocks. When you do so, the Color Compound Blocks parameter has no effect on individually colored compound blocks.