
Block Category: Signal Consumer


      type: Determines the event to be logged.


type input value



No event is logged


Informational message is logged


Warning message is logged


Error message is logged

      event: Determines the event.

Description: The eventLog block stores specific events by date, time, and location that are of importance to you in the Embed system log. The eventDisplay block lets you monitor and manipulate the information in the Embed system log.

The eventLog block is particularly useful for monitoring the behavior of your system models. At code generation time, the eventLog block emits the function vsmLogEvent( int eventType, const char *eventName, const char *eventClass).

Label: Indicates a user-defined block label that appears when View > Block Labels is activated. Embed uses this label to identify the source of the event in the eventDisplay window.

Log Errors: Indicates that error messages are stored in the Embed system log.

Log Messages: Indicates that informational events are stored in the Embed system log.

Log Warnings: Indicates that warning messages are stored in the Embed system log.