
A transition is a directed relationship between a source state and a target state. It may be part of a compound transition, which takes the state chart from one state configuration to another, representing the complete response of the state chart to an event.

For more information on transitions, see Working with Transitions.


      A fork segment must not have guards or triggers.

      A join segment must not have guards or triggers.

      A fork segment must always target a state.

      A join segment must always originate from a state.

      Transitions outgoing pseudo-states may not have a trigger.

Attach Breakpoint: Sets a breakpoint the transition that causes the simulation to stop after the corresponding Embed time step is complete. For more information, see Using breakpoints.

Available Triggers: Lists all triggers within the scope of the transition.

Edit Behavior: Defines the transition specification. It can contain triggers, a BOOLEAN guard, and a behavioral expression. For more information, see Defining transition specifications.

Log Message: Logs the specified message when a transition behavior is executed. For more information, see Logging messages.

Restore: Repositions the transition specification label to its default location in the middle of the transition arc.

Selected Triggers: Lists the triggers associated with the transition.


See Examples > State Charts > TransitionGuard001.