Creating the Model
Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.
Define the following variables:
- freq = 30e6 (The operating frequency.)
- lambda = c0/freq (The wavelength in free space.)
- rBig = 1 (Radius of revolution.)
- rSmall = 0.1 (The pipe radius.)
- wireRad = 5e-3 (The wire segment radius.)
- Create an elliptic arc with radius set to rSmall. Change the workplane origin to (-rBig ,0,0). Set the U vector to (0, 0, 1) and V vector to (1, 0, 0).
- Rotate the arc over an angle of 185° around the Z axis.
- Spin the ellipse over an angle of 350° around the Z axis.
- Draw an elliptic arc through the centre of the toroidal section. (radius = rBig, start angle = 0°, end angle = 360°)
- Add an incident plane wave that loops over multiple incident angles with 0°≤θ≤90° and ϕ=0°. Set the Polarisation (angle) to 90°. Increment the incident angle, θ, in 10° steps.
- Set the frequency to freq.
The electric fields are normal to the Y=0 plane.
- Specify the symmetry about the Y=0 plane as Electric symmetry.
Activate higher order basis functions (HOBF) for the model.
Tip: Open the Solver settings dialog and click the General tab. Select the Solve MoM with higher order basis functions (HOBF) check box. From the Element order list, select Auto (default).