Variables Automatically Set Correctly
Specific variables are used by Feko to set/estimate memory blocks. These variables should generally not be set by the user since PREFEKO estimates the variables correctly.
- maxanr
- The maximum number of sources.
- maxapo
- The size of the memory block that is used to save the coefficients in
the physical optics approximation. For
the necessary amount will be dynamically allocated.
- maxarang
- The maximum number of or angles used with the AR card (excitation by a point source with a specified radiation pattern).
- maxarpat
- The maximum number of radiation pattern excitations (AR card) allowed simultaneously.
- maxbsobnr
- To accelerate the ray path search with PO the area under consideration is divided into boxes. Information pertaining to which box contains which object must be stored. A field of size maxbsobnr is used in this case.
- maxcolayer
- The maximum number of layers on a CO card which implements thin dielectric sheets.
- maxdrnv
- The maximum number of triangle elements that can be connected to a segment at an attachment point.
- maxfepkts
- The maximum number of points considered for the near field computation with the FE card when using specified points.
- maxfoges
- The maximum number of areas that are described by using the Fock theory.
- maxgfmsia
- The maximum number of entries in the interpolation tables for the Green’s function of a planar substrate.
- maxhacards
- The maximum number of HA cards (used internally to set up microstrip ports) that may be present in the .fek file.
- maxkanr
- The maximum number of “internal” edges (also the number of basis functions) per triangle. It may be larger than 3 if more than two plates share an edge.
- maxknonr
- The maximum number of nodes that may lie against a segment.
- maxl4cards
- The maximum number of L4 type loads.
- maxlab
- The maximum number of labels in a model.
- maxlecards
- The maximum number of LE cards (which specify a load on an edge between triangles).
- maxleedges
- The maximum number of edges between two surface triangles that can be loaded with a single LE card.
- maxlengz
- Dimension of the interpolation table used for the planar multilayer Green’s functions. This variable determines the maximum number of sample points in the z direction.
- maxmedia
- The maximum number of different media used for the treatment of
dielectric bodies in the surface equivalence principle. The surrounding
free space (medium 0) is not counted (with
one dielectric body can be treated).
- maxnp
- The maximum number of columns and rows which a block in the matrix
consists of in the Block-Gauss algorithm which solves the matrix
equation. Dynamically
Bytes are allocated for 3 blocks in the matrix.
- maxnv
- The maximum number of connection points between wires and surface triangles.
- maxndr
- The maximum number of triangles.
- maxnka
- The maximum number of edges between two triangles.
- maxnkapo
- The maximum number of edges in the physical optics approximation.
- maxnkno
- The maximum number of nodes between segments.
- maxnlayer
- The maximum number of layers for the special Green’s function of a planar substrate.
- maxnqua
- The maximum number of dielectric cuboids.
- maxnseg
- The maximum number of segments.
- maxntetra
- The maximum number of tetrahedral volume elements for a FEM solution.
- maxnzeile
- The maximum number of basis functions in the MoM area.
- maxpoka
- The maximum number of bordering edges to the PO area.
- maxpokl
- The maximum number of wedges in the PO area.
- maxpolyf
- The maximum number of polygonal plates that can be used to represent a body in the UTD region.
- maxpolyp
- The maximum number of corner points allowed for a polygonal plate.
- maxpovs
- The maximum number of label to label visibility specifications set by VS cards (a card with a range sets a number of entries equal to the size of the range).
- maxsklayer
- The maximum number of layers at an SK card.
- maxtlcards
- The maximum number of TL cards.
- maxutdzyl
- The maximum number of cylinders in the UTD region.
- nmat
- The memory size that may be allocated for the matrix of the system of
linear equations. For
, the necessary amount will be allocated dynamically. The allocation is not specified in Bytes, but in terms of the number of type DOUBLE COMPLEX numbers. (These require 16 Bytes each.) For example, 400 MByte is specified by settingnmat = 400*1024*1024/16
. The same effect can be achieved by setting the variable maxallocor maxallocm. Therefore it is unusual to assign a value to nmat.
- npuf
- The maximum number of control cards that may occur in a loop (for example in a frequency sweep).