Sending a Crash Report While Connected to the Internet
You have the option to send the crash report to the Altair Feko development team with a description of the steps leading up to the crash. Crash reports can help the development team locate and correct problems faster.
In the event of a crash occurring in CADFEKO, POSTFEKO or EDITFEKO, the crash report utility generates a crash report.
Select one of the following options:
- To attach the model files and any related files to the crash report, click Attach model files before sending.
- If you are working on a confidential model and do not want to send the model files, click Send report without model.
- If you do not want to generate a report nor attach model files, click Do not generate report, and the crash report utility will exit.
- [Optional] Click What does this report contain? to view the list of files in the crash report.
- [Optional] In the Your E-mail field, enter your email if you would like feedback when the crash has been resolved.
- [Optional] In the Describe in a few words... field, give a description of the steps that you followed at the time of the crash to help the Altair Feko development team resolve the issue.
- [Optional] Select the Restart after this window is closed check box to restart the software after the window is closed.
Close the crash report utility by selecting one of the following
- To send the report immediately and close the dialog, click
Send report.
- The report is sent by e-mail using a built-in SMTP client. If the network that the computer is on does not allow this, an attempt will be made to send the report using the default e-mail client installed on the computer.
- To close the dialog and send the report later, click .
- To close the dialog and not send the report, click
This option should be used when the computer is temporarily disconnected from the internet.
- To send the report immediately and close the dialog, click
Send report.