Import and possible manipulations on an image

Import of an image

Click on the icon then select an image of the JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP or TIF type.

The opening by the user of a second image automatically generates the deleting of the first one.

Automatic resizing of the workspace

If the imported image is bigger than the previously defined workspace, Flux PEEC proposes to the user to enlarge this workspace to the image size:

Final result

Here is what it is obtained:

Modifications Actions
Deleting of the image Click on the icon
Different possible zooms

Click on the icon to zoom in

Click on the icon to zoom out

Click on the icon to visualize the entire workspace in the window

Click on the icon to define a window zone in which you will have to zoom in

Visibility of the workspace Click on the icon to make the workspace visible or invisible
Visibility of the image Click on the icon to make the image visible or invisible
Creation of Tube Points Click on the icon to insert the Tube Points on the image (see next paragraph)
Visibility of Tube Points Click on the icon to render the Tube Points visible or invisible
Visibility of coordinate system Click on the icon to render the coordinate system visible or invisible
Rotation of the image Click on the icon to pivot the image in trigonometric direction. In function of the desired angle, Flux PEEC will propose to the user to readapt the dimensions of the workspace so that the image should be totally recovered.
Modifying the image scale Click on the icon in order to resize the image. To this end, a distance between two points must be defined and a new value must be allotted to this distance. The image can thus be enlarged or diminished. If it is enlarged, the workspace also enlarges so as to include the image. If the image is diminished, the workspace remains unchanged.
Delete a selection Click on the icon to delete a selection
Mirror effect

Click on the icon to give a mirror effect to the image along a vertical axis

Click on the icon to give a mirror effect to the image along a horizontal axis

Resizing the image

Click on the icon to resize the image by manually returning to the new dimensions or by moving to a multiplicative factor with respect to the existing dimensions: