Use the Surfaces panel to create surfaces using a wide variety of methods.
The following subpanels create surfaces using specific methods. Each is accessed from a toolbar-like strip of buttons on the Surfaces panel, and some buttons--those with a small arrow in the bottom corner--have multiple values (right-click to change).
The Surfaces panel contains the following subpanels:
This subpanel creates two-dimensional square surface primitives. This 10x10 mesh has a new surface created with size 3 centered on the base node; the mesh is set to Two values are required to create a square using this method:
Because you must specify nodes, you must already have suitable nodes in your model or a mesh from which you can pick nodes. The square subpanel does not contain any tools to create new nodes.
This subpanel creates three-dimensional full cylinder surface primitives. In this example, mesh is set to transparent, and geometry is set to solid with feature lines. The highlighted Four values are required to create a cylinder using this method:
This subpanel creates three-dimensional partial cylinder surface primitives. This example uses Base 1, Height 4, Start Angle 30, End Angle 270, and Axis Ratio 1. Eight values are required to create a cylinder using this method:
This subpanel creates three-dimensional full cone surface primitives. This example uses a top radius of 0.5, base radius of 3, and height of 4. Five values are required to create a cone using this method:
This subpanel creates three-dimensional partial cone surface primitives. This example uses a top radius of 0.5, base radius of 3, height of 4, start angle 45, end angle 320, and Five values are required to create a cone using this method:
This example uses the same settings as the previous one, but with axis ratio 0.5.
This subpanel creates three-dimensional sphere surface primitives by specifying the center and radius. Two inputs are required to create a sphere using this method:
This subpanel creates three-dimensional sphere surface primitives by specifying four nodes. The selected nodes cannot all be coplanar. The smallest sphere that passes through all four nodes is created. If more than four nodes are selected, only the four most recent are used.
This subpanel creates three-dimensional partial sphere surface primitives. Eight inputs are required to create a sphere using this method:
If the theta node is specified, the theta zero degree angle starts on the vector between the center and R node nodes, and rotates in the plane created by the center, R node, and theta nodes. This plane also therefore defines the axis for phi, which starts its zero degree angle on the vector extending from the center node normal to the plane defined by the center, R node, and theta nodes. If the phi node is specified, the phi zero degree angle starts on the vector between the center and R node nodes, and rotates in the plane created by the center, R node, and phi nodes. This plane also therefore defines the axis for theta, which starts its zero degree angle on the vector extending from the center node normal to the plane defined by the center, R node, and phi nodes.
This example uses theta begin 45, theta end 270, phi begin -30, and phi end 90, while the previous
This subpanel creates three-dimensional torus surface primitives by specifying the center, normal direction, minor radius and major radius. The highlighted node is the center; the dark one is the normal; this torus has a major radius of 3 and minor Four inputs are required to create a torus using this method:
This subpanel creates three-dimensional torus surface primitives by specifying three nodes. The nodes define the torus major and minor radii as well as its orientation. Three inputs are required to create a torus using this method:
The three nodes must define a plane and cannot be collinear. The torus is created perpendicular to the plane, but edge-on relative to the vector between the major center and minor center nodes.
This subpanel creates three-dimensional partial torus surface primitives. In this example, the major radius is 3 and major start/end angles are 30 and 270, while the minor Nine inputs are required to create a torus using this method:
This subpanel creates surfaces by spinning lines or a node list around an axis. Seven inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
If a node list is specified, a line will first be fit through the specified nodes.
If disabled, a surface is created for each input line, with shared edges connecting surfaces where relevant. If enabled, the input lines are merged into smooth lines when possible. A surface is created for each group that forms a tangentially continuous line.
Selecting current component organizes the new surfaces to the current component. Selecting lines component adds the new surfaces to the same component that the selected lines already belong to. The result is unpredictable if lines from different components become a part of the same surface.
The base node of the plane/vector represents the center of rotation.
Spin + is defined using the right-hand rule around the axis of rotation and uses the start angle and end angle values as specified. Spin - is defined in the opposite direction and uses the negative of the specified start angle and end angle values.
This subpanel creates surfaces by dragging lines or a node list along a vector. The three nodes on the plane define the vector (via the right=hand rule) to drag the selected lines along. Six inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
If a node list is specified, a line will first be fit through the specified nodes.
If disabled, a surface is created for each input line, with shared edges connecting surfaces where relevant. If enabled, the input lines are merged into smooth lines when possible. A surface is created for each group that forms a tangentially continuous line.
Selecting current component organizes the new surfaces to the current component. Selecting lines component adds the new surfaces to the same component that the selected lines already belong to. The result is unpredictable if lines from different components become a part of the same surface.
Drag + is defined using specified vector direction. Drag - is defined in the opposite direction.
This subpanel creates surfaces by dragging lines or a node list along another line, called the "drag line". In this example, the white line is dragged along the dark gray line list one to produce a new surface. Eight inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
If a node list is specified, a line will first be fit through the specified nodes, then dragged:
The highlighted line of the rectangular surface is dragged fixed frame: the lines are only translated during the drag, not rotated. line tangent: in addition to the translation of the fixed frame option, the lines are also rotated in the same way that the tangent of the line list rotates. Frenet frame: in addition to the translation and rotation of the line tangent option, the lines also rotate around the line list tangent axis in the same way as the curvature vector rotates. The Frenet frame option does not work well when the curvature of the line list is not smooth or includes large jumps.
T: tangent of the drag line at S. R: reference node. B: base node of the transformation plane. N: normal vector of the transformation plane. The reference node (R) is used to translate the drag (path) line prior to the drag, thus producing results as if the drag line actually began at the selected reference node. By default, R=S. If a different S is specified, the line list is translated by the vector defined from S to R. The transformation plane is used to translate and rotate the input lines prior to the drag. By default, no transformation occurs (B=R and N=T). If specified, the lines are translated by the vector defined from R to B, and are rotated from N to T. In this example, R is white and B is purple.
Drag + is defined at the start of drag line, which is the closest end of the line to the line vertices. Drag - is defined in the opposite direction.
This subpanel creates surfaces by dragging lines along their normal.
The yellow arrow indicates the starting normal direction for the selected (white) line. Six inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
This subpanel creates surfaces by dragging lines along the normal of their adjacent surfaces. Three inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
This subpanel creates surfaces by interpolating linearly between lines or nodes. Three inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
This subpanel creates surfaces by filling in gaps, such as a hole in an existing surface. Four inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
This subpanel creates a surface by skinning across lines. At least two input lines are required. Three or more input lines will fit a surface across all of the input lines, with the first and the last input lines defining the surface ends. Two inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
This subpanel creates constant radius fillet surfaces across surface edges.
Four inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
CommentsIf an edge (or edge chain) is curved, Altair HyperMesh can only fillet with a radius that is smaller than the radius of the edge curve, in order to avoid the fillet intersecting itself. In addition, care must be taken such that different fillets do not overlap (for example, if two unrelated parallel edges are filleted, the fillet radius must be small enough so that the two fillets do not interfere with each other). There are known issues in which sometimes fillets are too short, or do not complete the trim of the surfaces being filleted. Sometimes this leads to a false decision of what should be deleted and what should be kept, and a useful surface is deleted. Many times, changing the cleanup tol in the Options panel fixes this. If it cannot be fixed this way, a workaround is to complete the trim manually using other functions; if needed, uncheck delete trimmed surface chips, create the fillet, complete the trim using manual methods, then delete what is not needed and organize the other surfaces as required.
This subpanel creates surfaces that closely fit a selection of shell elements. In this example the mesh is changed from wireframe to transparent to make the surface more visible. Six inputs are required to create a surface using this method:
A mesh line is a line on the elements of a 2d (shell) mesh that is associated with the mesh by retaining information about where it enters and exits each shell element. For a closed chain of mesh lines, you can select the elements or nodes inside the chain and save them as collections for retrieval in other panels. This can be useful for application of loads, selection of a region to morph, or construction of CAD surfaces close to the mesh using the mesh line chain approximations as the surface borders. Mesh lines can also be used to generate new surfaces, using a simple spline function to create the surface edges based on the mesh lines. The mesh lines are blue, the surfaces are gray, and the splined surface edges are red. In addition, meshlines can be generated automatically from plot elements such as feature lines.
CollectionsWhile not related to generating mesh lines, the collections option lets you use existing closed mesh line chains as boundaries to quickly and easily select groups of nodes or elements that may form an irregular shape. The collections button lets you pick a node or element; if the selection resides inside a closed chain of mesh lines, then all of the nodes/elems within the chain will be selected automatically. Once this selection is made, you can click the selector and pick save from the extended entity selection menu. Once saved, this collection of nodes or elements can be retrieved from the extended entity selection menu on other panels, such as load-related panels (forces, pressures, fluxes, and so on. )