Register External Fits

To use HyperStudy with a custom Python fit, it must be registered.

Register user utilities in HyperStudy or by editing the preferences file.

Register External Fits in HyperStudy

  1. From the menu bar, click Edit > Register External Fit.
  2. Add an external fit.
    1. Click Add External Fit.
    2. In the Add dialog, enter a label for the Fit and click OK.
  3. In the Path column, enter the location of the external fit to be registered.
  4. Click Close to exit the external fit registration.

Register External Fits by Editing the Preferences File

Register external optimizers in the *BeginExternalFitDefaults() section of the preferences_study.mvw file.

  1. In the text editor, open the preferences_study.mvw file.
    You can find the preferences_study.mvw file in the HyperWorks installation directory under <install directory>/hw/prefinc/.
  2. Search for the syntax *BeginExternalFitDefaults().
  3. Immediately following any existing *RegisterExternalFit statements, register further external optimizers using the following syntax:
    Unique name for the fit, enclosed in parenthesis.
    Full path of the external fit Python file, including file name and extension.
  4. Save the preferences_study.mvw file.

Register in the Preferences File

In this example, the executable is added to the list of registered external fits.

             *RegisterExternalFit(“myFit”, "C:/My_SQPOptimizer/")
