
HyperGraph 2D 2022.2の新機能に関する情報。

Altair HyperGraph 2022.2 Release Notes


New Features

Shade Style: Between Curves
A new shade style, Between Curves, added to the Plot Browser's Entity Editor.

Known Issues

  • For HWC, the application can freeze if you open a file browser by clicking in the HWC Intellisense pop-up window. Changing the focus two times using ALT+Tab restores the application. This only happens when you start HyperView on Windows and then switch to another client, such as HyperGraph.

Resolved Issues

  • Potato plots not working in HyperWorks HyperGraph.
  • Stack math empty mapping list issue.
  • Handling units with ISO MME data.
  • dB scale issues for octave plots.
  • Datum line issues with dB scale.
  • Plotting total mass with GLSTAT file.
  • Improved Seam reader performance.
  • Changing curve properties executes the Autofit option.
  • Reading mass from Radioss *.out files plots the wrong value.
  • Issue related to Report layers on saved session files.
  • The y-axis, when set to the dB20 scale, with a weighting factor (1e-11) and applied through the Entity Editor, always shows zero.
  • From the Build Plots dialog, unable to add any text as the x-axis label using Plot Options.
  • Bar chart category label issue when using the Stack style.
  • The file path characters change from uppercase to lowercase when loading any file using Open Recent.
  • API for setting cell data is slow.
  • Idle mode shortcuts are not working.


New Features

Customized File Menus
Customized client-specific entries in the “File” menu can be created. By referencing filemenu.xml files in the root extension.xml file, you can load client-specific plugin features.

Figure 1.


Unloading of Extensions
Extensions are now unloaded without the need to restart. The customized ribbons, drop-down menus, and toolbars are no longer visible.
Initialization of glocal Tcl scripts
In 2022.1, the initialization of client-specific Tcl scripts was introduced. In 2022.2 this is enhanced with the initialization of global Tcl scripts in the global section of the extension.xml file, which allows you to load procedures available for all clients/profiles.

Figure 2.

Resolved Issues

  • The error handling of corrupt XML files has been improved.

Known Issues

  • The newly added customized file menus will not be unloaded and are still visible. The unloading of these file menus will be supported in HyperWorks 2022.3.

Altair HyperGraph 2022.1 Release Notes


New Features

  • Dark theme support for all 2D chart types and for the 3D chart type.


  • Support for *.frf_amplitude and *.frf_angle files for the LS-Dyna solver in HyperGraph.
  • Corrected the variable names for the type cluster in T01 files for the Radioss solver.
  • Support for new time history output for /TRIA (2D solid element) for the Radioss solver.
  • Support for new outputs for the /TH/QUAD type for the Radioss solver.
  • Support for new output for Radioss time history type /TH/SLIPRING and /TH/RETRACTOR.
  • Support for unified OptiStruct format results in HyperGraph.
  • Identify the curve name in the legend when you click on a curve.
  • HyperWorks Command language (HWC) - Fitting the plot axis from both the Plot Browser and the View toolbar is recorded.

Resolved Issues

  • Additional axis created when you create an extreme curve from a session containing a secondary axis.
  • Crash while loading PCH file.
  • HyperWorks HyperGraph performance compared to HyperGraph is slow when the data set contains more than 100,000 points.
  • Application crash while creating extreme curve after adding a HIC note.
  • Filters are not working on elout channel.
  • Delete key behavior from the Plot Browser when deleting curves.
  • Issue with TPL files generated from 2017 and loaded into 2021.
  • HG Apply Style dialog size reduction issue when moved to second monitor.
  • readsim function issue for garbage results.
  • HyperGraph fails to read the incremental results from a *.cntf file.
  • Issue with reading binout file from LS-Dyna.
  • The axis font options display incorrect default font family.
  • HyperWorks Command language (HWC) - Math operations and copy/paste of curves in the Plot Browser no longer record unnecessary fit commands.


Abaqus Interface

  • Abaqus 2022 ODB result file reading is supported for HyperGraph.

LS-DYNA Interface

Post-processing Enhancements
  • Support for NVH/Frequency output files (frf_amplitude, frf_angle).
Resolved Issues
  • Plotting elout history curves from a previously saved session file works.

Radioss Interface

Post-processing Enhancements
  • Corrected variable output names from /TH/CLUSTER.
  • Support for new output variables VX, VY, VZ, SSP, and MACH for /TH/QUAD and /TH/BRICK.
  • Support for new output variables from /TH/SLIPRING, /TH/RETRACTOR, /TH/SUBSET, and /TH/TRIA.
Resolved Issues
  • /TH/SURF outputs selectable.


New Features

The Extensions infrastructure providing the main entry point for custom content has been significantly enhanced:

  • New Design of the Extension Manager
    • Common appearance across applications
    • Detailed view with more information (Location Path, Help Link)
  • Multi-client Support
    • Extensions can be developed for any HyperWorks client
  • Support of custom toolbars
  • Context Tcl API Commands
    • Enter/exit and interact with a tool programmatically.
    • The list of new commands can be found in the Context Commands section.

Figure 3.


The improvements to the Extension Manager include:

  • Support of minimum product version
  • Deleted extensions are removed from the extension manager instantaneously

Known Issues

  • Complete unloading of all GUI Elements like ribbon pages and loaded libraries/procedures requires an application restart.
  • Toolbars loaded with extensions are not exposed in the View – Toolbars menu.

Resolved Issues

  • No more warning messages during deletion of extensions are shown.

Altair HyperGraph 2022 Release Notes



  • Curve math harmonization provides consistent user experience.
  • Command Recording support of contexts and curve creation.
  • Plot entity support simplifies HWC customization in HyperGraph.

New Features

Curve Math Harmonization
To ensure a consistent user experience performing math operations on curves, the Edit Curves option, from the Plot Browser, is now integrated in the Stackmath feature. To support the range slider bars, which allow setting the x-range of a math operation in the graphics area, Stackmath become a context.

Figure 4.
Command Recording
HyperWorks Command (HWC) language coverage, which allows you to record and playback workflows in HyperGraph, has been expanded to support the following features. Tasks performed using these features are recorded in the HWC syntax and can be logged in HWC or Tcl syntax on the file system. The command line supports auto-completion and interactive help, and allows easy modification and re-execution of commands.
HWC Context Support
To support HyperWorks conformity, property changes using micro dialogs are recorded in HWC.

Figure 5.
Plot Window Entity Support
Reduces complex plotting scripts to a few lines of HWC. Marks of type “plot” can be created based on plot properties and used to create curves, notes, and datum lines.

Figure 6.
Curve Creation
Creating curves using the Plot Browser makes HyperGraph consistent with entity creation in HyperView and HyperMesh. Create multiple curves simultaneously in multiple windows and pages.

Figure 7.
Easy Handle Access
Creating handles from the MVP Toolbar toolkit is integrated in HyperGraph. Intelligent defaults allow you to create handles in one command without going through the object hierarchy. Automatic memory management makes scripting more robust and easy to use.

Figure 8.
HyperWorks Startup Dialog
In the Windows Start menu, individual client shortcuts are replaced by a single HyperWorks shortcut that prompts you to pick the client, profile, directory, or recent models and sessions.

Resolved Issues

  • The Attach To > Curve option missing in the Notes Entity Editor.
  • Application hangs when moving the vertical bars in the Statistics panel after setting the color mode to File.
  • Application error when accessing the Page Layout dialog from the Data Query panel.
  • The math function in the stackmath list disappears if accessed from the Macros panel.
  • Loading and plotting too many PCH files corrupts the HyperGraph session.
  • Method integral issue in the octave band conversion.
  • FlipXY removes all stackmath operations.
  • Min/Max values must be editable when the Lock Axes options are set to Always or At import.