
Public Methods

createBrick(x=1, y=1, z=1, position=None, parent=None)

Creates a PolyNURBS block in space.

See createSurfaceGrid, createPolygonMesh, fit for more advanced create methods.

param x:Length of the block.
type x:float
param y:Width of the block.
type y:float
param z:Depth of the block.
type z:float
param position:Transformation matrix of the block.
type position:Matrix44
param parent:The parent of the new PolyNURBS part created.
type parent:Assembly
returns:The new PolyNURBS part.
createSurfaceGrid(numberRowsOfFaces=1, numberColumnOfFaces=1, cornerVertices=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], parent=None)

Creates a PolyNURBS surface in space.

param numberRowsOfFaces:
 Number of faces to be shown vertically for the surface.
type numberRowsOfFaces:
param numberColumnOfFaces:
 Number of faces to be shown horizontally for the surface.
type numberColumnOfFaces:
param cornerVertices:
 The four corner vertex location in global space.
type cornerVertices:
param parent:The parent of the new PolyNURBS part created.
type parent:Assembly
returns:The new PolyNURBS part.
createPolygonMesh(vertices, indices, edgeWeights=None, parent=None)

Creates a custom PolyNURBs polygon.

param vertices:List of each vertex location in global space.
type vertices:list[math.Point]
param indices:List of vertex indices forming each polygon.
type indices:list[list[int]]
param edgeWeights:
 A list of list containing vertex 1 index, vertex 2 index and the weight. The weight should be in [0, 10], with 10 being perfect crease with the cage. Edge weights pull the smooth surface closer to the cage’s edge.
type edgeWeights:
 list[list[int, int, float]]
param parent:The parent of the new PolyNURBS part created.
type parent:Assembly
returns:The new PolyNURBS part.

Contextmanager to group multiple updates for performance.

movePoints(self, deltaLocations)

Translates the points according to translation deltas given.

param deltaLocations:
 A mapping of points to their corresponding (dx, dy, dz) translation.
type deltaLocations:
 dict[FeaturePoint, math.Point]
setPointLocations(self, locations)

Moves points to an exact location.

param locations:
 A mapping of points to the corresponding new location.
type locations:dict[FeaturePoint, math.Point]
splitArea(self, area, point1, point2)

Splits a single PolyNURBS cage face.

Divides the area into two, including the original face, with a new edge between the original and new face. The order of points determines which resulting face is the original and which is new.

param area:The area to divide.
type area:FeatureArea
param point1:The first point of the edge.
type point1:math.Point
param point2:The second point of the edge.
type point2:math.Point
shell(self, areas, thickness=0)

Removes the cage face and creates thin walls to generate a shelled PolyNURBS part.

param areas:The cage face to remove.
type areas:FeatureArea
param thickness:
 The wall thickness of the shelled PolyNURBS part. If invalid thickness, is passed in, it will be computed.
type thickness:float

Finds and fixes any bad faces from the given part.


Closes holes in a PolyNURBS cage.

fit(parts, numberOfFaces=500, curvature=0.5, autoCrease=False, system=None, symmetry=(0, 0, 0), parent=None)

Creates a new PolyNURBS part, on top of an existing mesh geometry.

param parts:The part or parts to be fitted. If you pass more than one part, they will be combined into a single fit part.
type parts:list[Part]
param numberOfFaces:
 The number of PolyNURBS cage faces to be created for each part.
type numberOfFaces:
param curvature:
 The amount of curvature detail to be captured. The value should range between 0 and 1. Higher values will capture more features.
type curvature:float
param autoCrease:
 When True, the Fit operation will attempt to retain sharp edges from the original model, so you can create fillets at a later time.
type autoCrease:
param system:Reference system which symmetry should occur about.
type system:System
param symmetry:Specifies the direction of the symmetry along which axis of the system. The value can be (0,1,0) specifying the symmetry along Y axis of the reference system.
type symmetry:math.Point
param parent:The parent of the new PolyNURBS part created.
type parent:Assembly
returns:The new PolyNURBS part.
fitSynthesis(synthesis, curvature=50, numberOfFaces=2500, shrinkWrapSize=0.0019, autoCrease=False, intersect=True)

Fits an optimized part with PolyNURBS

param synthesis:
 Synthesis object to get the synthesized part
type synthesis:Synthesis
param curvature:
 The amount of curvature detail to be captured. The value should range between 0 and 100. Higher values will capture more features.
type curvature:float
param numberOfFaces:
 The number of PolyNURBs cage faces to be created for each optimized part.
type numberOfFaces:
param shrinkWrapSize:
 The Voxel dimension size for each PolyNURB cage.
type shrinkWrapSize:
param autoCrease:
 When True, the Fit operation will attempt to retain sharp edges from the original model, so you can create fillets at a later time.
type autoCrease:
param intersect:
 When True, intersects the optimized part with the new PolyNURBS part.
type intersect:bool
ShapeVariable(points, direction, **kwds)

Define which directions PolyNURBS cage points can move during PolyNURBS optimization.