Adding a Filing Task
Adding a filing task is one of the steps of archiving reports into the Monarch Server system. (See Archiving Reports for a list of steps you need to perform before you add a filing task.)
To add a filing task
On the Navigation Tree, click Report Warehouse, then click Document Management and select Filing Tasks.
Fill in the boxes of the page and click Save.
The system saves the new filing task to the database and displays the updated Filing Tasks page, if the operation is completed successfully.
The Filing Task page contains the following items:
General Options
Filing Task Name: Enter a unique name of a new filing task.
Description: Enter any text defining the filing task. This step is optional.
Task Priority: If there are several tasks in queue, the system will first handle those with higher priority. Select priority from the following options: Lowest, Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal, Highest.
Select the location type from the following options: Physical Location, Virtual Location.
If you select the Physical Location type provide the following information:
Location: Specify the CORBA name of the server, which you can select from the list.
Select the Any Location option, if you specified a UNC path in the File Path field.
Note: If the required server is not on the list, refer to Locations Management topic to add a new location.
File Path: Specify the path to a folder containing files to be processed or click the Browse button to locate it.
File Name Mask: Specify an input file mask. You can use wildcard characters * (to substitute for any zero or more characters) and ? (to substitute for a single character).
Pin filing task to run only on the specified location: Enable the check box to specify forcefully a particular machine for filing task implementation. The check box is used if you use distributed MS installation with Datawatch.RemoteServices.FilingDispatcherServiceHost module run on different locations. Enabling the check box displays the Location to run drop-down list.
Location to run: Select a machine from the list for pinning the filing task. If no machine is selected for pinning the filing task, the Monarch Server system will select the most relevant machine for running the filing task. If the machine with stopped Datawatch.RemoteServices.FilingDispatcherServiceHost module is selected, the filing task will not be implemented.
If you select the Virtual Location type provide the following information:
Virtual Path: Specify the virtual path to a folder containing files to be processed.
File Name Mask: Specify an input file mask. You can use wildcard characters * (to substitute for any zero or more characters) and ? (to substitute for a single character).
Note: When editing the page, an administrator may add only one location.
Note: Location Names are case-sensitive. Use only names created during Monarch Server installation.
Document Groups
Document Group: Select a document group from the list to narrow the selection list of document types.
Document Type: Click the Select Document Type button to open a dialog box, where you can select the document type that you want to assign to a task.
Converter Type
Processing Type
Read and process internal indexes. This option is selected by default. It is used for reading text and PDF reports where index values will be extracted and reports will be mined by users.
Process as native document. This option is used for processing any file or document that does not require index values extraction, and mining from its content. Native documents can be indexed on fixed values (Index defaults), document date, and filename element values. This option requires licensing. To display native documents, appropriate software should be installed on the client’s computer (for example, XLS documents will require MS Excel application or viewer).
File processing during filing
Pre-mine all processed reports for interactive data analysis: Select this option, if you want table data to be extracted from the reports during the filing process and put into the Monarch Server database. Then the data can be used to build Dynamic View data views. This option requires licensing.
File processing after filing
Select one of the options listed below, which describe actions for processing files after filing. Files may be saved, deleted or moved to other directory.
Leave input files where they are
Delete input files
Move input files to the location (specify folder)
Move files causing errors to folder (specify folder)
Note: When specifying
folder, you may use the naming macros to name the destination folder.
To do this, click the Insert
Macro icon and select
the naming macros
from the drop-down list.
Note: The File Path, Move input files to the location and Move files causing errors to folder boxes define the path related to the server specified in the Location list.
0k files processing before filing
Select one of the options listed below, which describe actions for processing input files with zero size before filing. Files may be deleted or moved to other directory.
Delete 0k input files
Move 0k input files to the location (specify folder)
Note: When specifying
folder, you may use the naming macros to name the destination folder.
To do this, click the Insert
Macro icon and select
the naming macros
from the drop-down list.
File Storage Options
Use separate PDF storage in addition to plain text storage: For filing of PDF reports only. When PDF reports are filed, the text is stripped and stored in Monarch Server for fast and efficient mining operations. If this option is selected, the original PDF report is also stored for separate retrieval.
Store Original Report: When reports are read and indexed for storage, their format is changed to enable fast and efficient retrieval and mining. Selecting this option will also store the original report, as read, to the storage system.
Pages / Storage Unit: In storing reports, there are trade-offs between the compression ratio (disk space requirements) and speed of retrieval. A higher number of Pages / Storage Unit can provide dramatically increased storage compression but at a possible cost of reduced retrieval efficiency and performance.
Other Processing Options
Automatically start task when a new file appears: If you select this option, a filing process definition is not required for the filing tasks. New files will be automatically queued and processed.
Task priority: If there are several tasks in queue, the system will first handle those with higher priority. Priority is set by numeric values in inverse relation, meaning the higher the priority — the smaller the number, top priority being "1". By default, if this field is left blank, the system will consider it a top-priority task. (when Auto selected).
Log performance statistics: Select this option to gather the following indexing performance statistics: keywords quantity, documents and pages quantities, time for each indexing stage, total time for task and task status. This information is collected in [Instance_Name][Filing_Task_Name][Date][Time].log files.
Block Reports: Select the check box to block reports, so that reports cannot be searched for or viewed by non-admin users in MSClient.
Note: You can also block reports via the Report Instances tab.
Redaction settings are available only if a redaction license is enabled in MS.
Store reports redacted: Select this option to allow storage reports to be stored with redaction. In this case reports are stored in the redacted format in storage volume.
Store mining data redacted: Select this option to allow pre-mined data to be stored with redaction.
Save: Saves a new or existing filing task.
Clear: Clears all the boxes.
Cancel: Cancels the operation.
Note: Identical reports may only be filed once. Reports with the same attributes (file name, file date, and file size) as a previous report will not be filed for the same Document Type.