Altair® Panopticon


System Requirements

Panopticon Real Time is supported on these operating systems:

q  Linux which include the following distributions and versions:

·         RHEL/CentOS 7 or higher

·         Debian 8 or higher

·         Ubuntu 14 or higher

·         Fedora 21 or higher

q  Windows 10 (64-bit) – For Development Environments Only

q  Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)

q  Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)


Panopticon Real Time also requires:

q  Oracle Java SE 8, Oracle Java SE 11, Open JDK 8, and Open JDK 11 are supported after installing the dependency files that are distributed with Panopticon Real Time.



·         Unzip the contents of the dependency package file provided by Panopticon into the TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder to be able to run Altair Panopticon software on JRE 8 and Open JDK 8.

·         Please refer to Java documentation about setting up the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your system.




q  Apache Tomcat 9.0.x



When running on Windows instead of Linux, it is recommended to use the zip distribution of Apache Tomcat for Windows rather than the Windows Service Installer. This is because the zip distribution will let you run Apache Tomcat without any dependency on the Windows service manager, and management of the Apache Tomcat server will conform more with how it is done on Linux.




Starting with Tomcat 9, Debian Linux implements a security policy which puts a harder default restriction on which folders a Tomcat 9 web application can write to.

The change is described in full detail here:

Quoting from the release notes:

·         Tomcat is sandboxed by systemd and only has write access to the following directories:


Actual Directory









·         If write access to other directories is required, override the service settings. This is done by creating an override.conf file in /etc/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d/ containing:



Ensure to restart the service afterward with:

o     systemctl daemon-reload

o     systemctl restart tomcat9



Panopticon Real Time is supported for deployment on the following cloud providers:

q  Amazon Web Services (AWS)

q  Microsoft Azure

q  Google Cloud Platform

q  Oracle Cloud

Containerized deployment with Docker Linux containers is also supported.

Supported browsers include the latest version of:

q  Google Chrome

q  Safari



·         Panopticon Real Time requires administrative privileges during installation. Administrative privileges are not required after installation is complete.

·         Panopticon Real Time does not support Tomcat 7.x, Tomcat 8.0.x, or Tomcat 8.5.x.