Files Generated by CADFEKO

View the files associated and generated by CADFEKO.

Table 1. Files generated by CADFEKO
Argument Description
.cfx Contains the meshed and/or unmeshed CADFEKO model as well as the calculation requests. If an optimisation was run, a model will be created with the optimum values with a _optimum suffix.

Contains information regarding the mesh of the CADFEKO model.

.pre A .pre file is created when the CADFEKO model is saved.
.fek CADFEKO creates the .fek file and contains the geometry (solver mesh) of the CADFEKO model. Open this file in POSTFEKO to view the geometry and the calculation requests (for example, the near field request points are displayed if a near field calculation was requested).
.opt An .opt file is created when optimisation settings have been defined for the CADFEKO model.
.pfg Contains the relevant information used during optimisation (in conjunction with the .pre and .cfx files).