Double Exponential Difference Pulse

Define a double exponential difference time pulse.

Figure 1. Define a double exponential difference time pulse.
Time axis unit
Specify the unit to be used for the time axis.
Total signal duration ( s d )
The total length of the signal in the specified units.
Amplitude ( u 0 )
The amplitude of the time signal.
Pulse delay ( t 0 )
The pulse delay is the time until the peak of the time signal envelope.
Time constant ( τ 1 )
The pulse is defined as the difference of two exponentially charging pulses. The value of τ 1 describes the time that would be required for the subtracted signal to reach 63.2% of its full potential ( u 0 ).
Time constant ( τ 2 )
The value of τ 2 describes the time that would be required for the base signal to reach 63.2% of its full potential ( u 0 ).
Number of samples
The number of samples taken from the signal’s analytical equation.
(1) u ( t ) = { 0 for  t t 0 u 0 ( e t t 0 τ 1 e t t 0 τ 2 ) for  t > t 0

The Fourier transform is as follows:

(2) U ( f ) = u 0 ( τ 1 1 + j 2 π f τ 1 τ 2 1 + j 2 π f τ 2 ) e j 2 π f t 0