Polyhedral Particles

Add a Polyhedral Particle Shape

A Polyhedral particle is defined either by using one of the default polyhedral particle shapes or by an imported CAD geometry. Selecting “Add Polyhedral” creates a new Polyhedral particle in the creator Window. The Polyhedral solver supports convex polygons either defined using the EDEM polyhedral shape library or an imported CAD geometry.  Switching from Multi Sphere to polyhedral particles is only supported at time step 0s.


Adding Default Polyhedral Particle Shapes


Within the Particle menu, there is an option to define the shape of the particle called Cuboid, Triangular Pyramid, Prism or CAD Geometry.


To change a particle shape once a particle has been defined, select the particle name and in the shape (grey box) select “Modify Shape”, the three default particle shapes are now available to select.



Selecting this for Cuboid gives the option to edit the X,Y and Z components of the cuboid.


The Prisms Length, Radius and number of sides can be defined

Triangular Pyramid

The Height and Base radius of the Triangular pyramid can be defined

Import Custom Particle Shape

Select Import Custom Particle Shape.. to select a CAD geometry to import as a particle shape.  These can only be convex geometries. The geometries will be centered based on their center of mass when Calculate Properties is selected. Editing of the particle size can be done by changing the size distribution under “Size Distribution"



Calculate Particle Properties


The mass of the particle will be calculated using the volume of the particle geometry if “Shape” is selected in particle properties. The Mass, Volume and moments of inertia can also be defined manually using the “User defined” option.




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