Step 2 : Computation and export of the forces


In this part, the method of creating the computation of surface magnetic forces on Flux mesh is described.

It is available through the menu Force computation > New or through the icon

Creation of force computation

The steps of the computation creation are described below. Images of the creation box of the computation are also available.

Step Action
1 Choose the name of the computation (+comment)
2 Choose the computation method Computation of surface magnetic forces on Flux mesh
3 Choose the computation support created beforehand

In magnetic transient:

Choose the computation interval according to the choice of applying or not a temporal duplication in the field Data to compute (See Spatial and temporal definition ).

Reminders :

  • the initial step and the final step are repeated
  • Do not consider the first step of the scenario as the first step of the computation

In steady state AC:

Choose the forces to compute:

  • Computing continuous values of forces
  • Computing instantaneous values of forces

In magnetic transient:

Choose the data to compute. It is about choosing :

  • The application, or not, of a temporal duplication (choice connected with stage 4)
  • The choice to compute:
    • Only the forces
    • Or the forces with their harmonics

It is strongly advisable to calculate the harmonics (if it has a physical meaning), as the computation of the harmonics is rapid.


In magnetic transient:

In case of temporal duplication, verify if the time interval is in good correlation with :

  • The real fundamental frequency
  • The computed fundamental frequency based on the computation interval
  • The number of duplications
  • the number of computed harmonics (see Spatial and temporal definition last paragraph for more information)

See Tools of geometric reconstruction and temporal duplication .

7 Validate by OK
8 Visualize the arrows of the forces or of the harmonics (See Postprocessing with forces arrows)

Step 1 to 7: