List of temporary files

Here is a list of the locations for temporary files:

%CD% (Flux working directory)

  • %CD%\*.log or %CD%\*.report

    Flux log files.

    Note: They can be deleted if Flux is not running.
  • %CD%\MipseServer.log

    MIPSE solver log files.

    Note: They can be deleted if Flux is not running.
  • %CD%\hs_err_pid[0-9]+

    Contains diagnostic errors if the application crashes.

%APPDATA% (Windows 10 -> C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming ) or $HOME (Linux)

  • %APPDATA%\flux\fsg_setting (Not Applicable to Linux)

    Configuration used by Flux Supervisor Starting Guide.

    Warning: Do not delete unless Flux has been uninstalled.
  • %APPDATA%\flux\hostfile.txt ($HOME/.flux/hostfile.txt on Linux)

    Configuration used by Flux MUMPS solver.

    Warning: Do not delete unless Flux has been uninstalled.
  • %APPDATA%\flux_starting_guide (Not Applicable to Linux)

    Configuration used by Flux Supervisor.

    Warning: Do not delete unless Flux has been uninstalled.
  • %APPDATA%\.EMachineToolbox\<version> ($HOME instead of %APPDATA% on Linux)

    Cache and log files.

    Note: They can be deleted if the application is not running. They will be recreated as needed when the application starts.
  • %APPDATA%\.matmanager\<version> ($HOME instead of %APPDATA% on Linux)

    Cache and log files.

    Note: They can be deleted if the application is not running. They will be recreated as needed when the application starts.

User %TMP% (Windows 10 -> C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Local\Temp) or $TMP or /tmp (Linux)

  • %TMP%\jffi[0-9]+.dll (Not Applicable to Linux)

    Temporary Jython DLLs for running Flux.

    • They can be deleted if not in use by Flux.
    • (No automatic deletion for now this is a known Jython issue).
  • %TMP%\Flux (Not Applicable to Linux)

    Working directory for CSS/CDE service.

  • %TMP%\[0-9]+ ($TMP or defaults to /tmp on Linux)

    Temporary folders for Anonymous projects.

    • They should be automatically deleted when the Anonymous project is saved or closed.
    • They may be deleted if Flux is not running.
  • %TMP%\FLUX_* ($TMP or defaults to /tmp on Linux)

    Temporary files used when Flux is running ("Undo", "Linear solving" ...).

    The following environment variables may be used instead of TMP if they are defined in the user environment: TMPDIR or DLOGTMP or TEMP.

    Note: They can be deleted if Flux is not running.

System %TMP% (Windows 10 -> C:\Windows\Temp)

  • %TMP%\usedPorts.dat (Not Applicable to Linux)

    CSS configuration file.

    Warning: It must not be deleted unless CSS/CDE has been uninstalled.
  • %TMP%\jna[0-9]+ (Not Applicable to Linux)

    Folder that contains jna DLLs.

    Note: They may be deleted if neither CSS nor CDE service are running.
  • %TMP%\CDE_[0-9]+ (Not Applicable to Linux)

    CDE log files.

    Note: They may be deleted if no CDE job is running.