Intergraph Reader
Supported Entities
- Systems
- The following systems, listed in hierarchical order, are supported and
created as assemblies or components, when
.- Generic systems. One assembly is created for each generic
- Root systems. One assembly is created for each root
- Plate systems. One component is created for each plate system.
- Stiffener systems. By default one or more
components (depending on the properties you
created) are created for each stiffener child
geometry; this behavior can be changed based on
the ini option
. - ER systems. Same as stiffener systems.
- Bracket systems. One assembly is created for each
bracket system.
- Bracket system child. One component is created for each bracket child.
- Stiffener systems
- Beam systems. Same as stiffener systems.
- Member systems. By default one component is created for
each member part; this behavior can change based on the
ini option
- Root systems. One assembly is created for each root
- Generic systems. One assembly is created for each generic
- Compartments
- By default, no compartments are imported. To import compartments, the
ini options should be set. - Topological Properties
- By default no topological properties are created; this behavior can
change based on the ini option
. - Plate Geometries
- The following plate geometries are supported and created:
- Planar
- Curved
- External (supported just in IGES format)
- Stiffener/ER/Beam Systems Cross Section
- The following stiffer/ER/beam system cross sections are supported and
- Flat bar
- Angle
- TBar
- IBar
- Channel
- Round
- Rectangle
- Linear Members
- The only member parts that are imported have a straight NURBS as a contour 3D, and a cross section of type round.
- Materials and Properties
- By default, materials and properties are created for the Nastran solver; a different solver can be
selected with the ini option
Import Options
Value | Description |
on |
Assign properties to the corresponding component (for components which have more than one property, properties are not assigned). |
off |
Do not assign properties to components (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Assign body identifier as
off |
Do not assign body identifier as metadata (default). |
Value | Description |
double |
A negative value (default) indicates to use the auto cleanup tolerance. A value greater than the calculated auto cleanup tolerance indicates to use that specific tolerance. Refer to the CAD Cleanup Tolerance. |
Value | Description |
on |
Attach some metadata with information about normals to stiffener/beam/ER
off |
Do not attach metadata with information about normals to stiffeners/beam/ER systems (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Create one component for each member part (default). |
off |
Group member parts belonging to the same member system based on thickness and diameter, that is, just one component is created for each set of data. |
Value | Description |
on |
Create one or more components for each stiffener/beam/ER geometry (one for each property; that is, if we have flange and web, then two different properties and components are created) (default). |
off |
Group stiffener/beam/ER geometries belonging to the same root stiffener/beam/ER system based on their properties (that is, just one component is created for each set of property data). |
Value | Description |
Parts |
Generate a full part-based hierarchy. |
BOMOnly |
Generate an empty part-based hierarchy. |
TreeOfComponents |
Generate an assemblies/components based hierarchy. |
PackIntoSinglePart |
Consolidate hierarchy into a single part. |
Value | Description |
on |
Preserve the original geometry edges, instead of merging them together during the import cleanup phase. |
off |
Merge edges together during the import cleanup phase (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Import both compartments in the IGES files, and compartments defined by “Faces”. The former by importing the geometry, the latter just by creating a metadata; also reference planes are created, because they can be referenced by compartments. |
off |
Do not import any compartments (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Import compartments in the IGES files. |
off |
Do not import any compartments in the IGES files (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Create physical properties assigned in the XML to plate systems and bracket children as metadata. |
off |
Do not import physical properties assigned in the XML to plate systems and bracket children (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Create stiffener/beam/ER midsurfaces (instead of solid geometry) in both global and local analysis; also create landing curves in ../../bank/../pre_processing/geometry/cad_import_options_r.htm#cad_import_options_r__cad_import_options_r_dlentry_im2_kvf_dgb. |
off |
Create stiffener/beam/ER solid geometry in local analysis, and landing curves in ../../bank/../pre_processing/geometry/cad_import_options_r.htm#cad_import_options_r__cad_import_options_r_dlentry_im2_kvf_dgb (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Create reference planes and sketch contours, and attach metadata to the systems which own these properties (see Intergraph Metadata Suppport). |
off |
Do not import topological property (default). |
Value | Description |
on |
Generate metadata with the original CAD hierarchy within the
off |
Do not generate metadata with the original CAD hierarchy within the part (default). |
Value | Description |
string |
The string is prefixed to all metadata names. No prefix is used by
default. See CAD Metadata Naming for more details. |
Value | Description |
string |
Name of the properties created in HyperMesh. It can
contain “special” strings that will be replaced with their meaning:
<COMPONENT_NAME> is the name of the component to which the
property is associated, <PROPERTY_CARD_NAME> is the name of the
property card. Default is <COMPONENT_NAME> |
Value | Description |
double |
Define the model scaling factor during import. Default is 1.0. |
Value | Description |
string |
Use to choose the solver for which materials and properties are created; currently this string can be “nastran” or “ansys”; the default solver is Nastran. |
Value | Description |
Part |
Generate part-based component (only allowed value if
CreationType =Parts ). |
General |
Keep component as in CAD (only allowed value if
CreationType =TreeOfComponents ). |
Value | Description |
on |
Create only landing curves for stiffeners. |
off |
Create the complete stiffener geometry (default). |
Value | Description |
CAD units |
Keep the units of the CAD files (default for GUI). |
MKS [m kg N s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
MMKS [mm kg N s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
MPA [mm t N s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
CGS [cm g dyn s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
MMKNMS [mm kg kN ms] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
MMGNMS [mm g N ms] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
IPS Std [in pounds lbf s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
IPS Grav [in slinch lbf s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
FPS Std [ft pounds lbf s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
FPS Grav [ft slug lbf s] |
Convert to the corresponding units system. |
Scale factor |
Apply the corresponding scale factor (default for no GUI to allow supporting legacy scripts). |
Supported Metadata
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
Identifier of the CAD body containing the entity. Generated when
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems |
Created for each bracket system and associated to the bracket system assembly. Its value is "Name = <name_1> ID = <id_1>; Name = <name_2> ID = <id_2>; …; Name = <name_n> ID = <id_n>”, where <name_1>, <name_2>, … <name_n> are the support names and <id_1>, <id_2>, …<id_n> are the support ids. |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems |
Created for each compartment which has a child of type “Faces” and is attached to the generic system assembly to which the compartment belongs to. The <name> field is the name of the compartment; the value is “Faces = <id_1> <id_2>… <id_n> Compartment father = <id>”, where <id_1>, <id_2>…<id_n> are the ids of the faces, and <id> is the id of the compartment father if it exists (there could be a hierarchy of compartments). Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems.. Its value is the normal direction of the stiffener at the landing curve end point. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems. . Its value is the normal direction of the stiffener at the landing curve end point. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
Hierarchy of an entity within a part. Generated when
Type | Entities | Description |
integer |
Model units specified in the CAD file.
This is always generated. |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems. Its value is the mounting rule value as found in the XML. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description | |
assems |
The attributes that are in the XML under “Details” are attached to the main ship assembly. The <name> field is the attribute name and the double/string is the value of the attribute. |
comps |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems comps |
Generated for root system assemblies, bracket system assemblies, stiffener/beam/ER components, and member part components. Its value is the the XML field NamingCategory -> LongDesc. |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems comps |
Generated for root system assemblies, bracket system assemblies, and
stiffener/beam/ER components. Its value can be:
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
surfaces |
Created for reference planes. Its value is the name of the reference plane as found in the XML. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems |
Created for root systems, for each XML child of type TopologicalProperties -> Boundaries -> RefPlane (the number <n> is just the index of the child). Its value is the value of this field. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems |
Created for root systems, for each XML child of type TopologicalProperties -> Boundaries -> ReferenceStruct (the number <n> is the index of the child). Its value is the value of this field. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
assems if hierarchy as Assemblies; parts if hierarchy as Parts | Generated for root system assemblies. Its value is the XML field OID. |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems. Its value is the normal direction of the stiffener at the landing curve start point. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems. Its value is the landing curve start point. Generated when |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for each stiffener/beam/ER system component. Its value is the XML field Molded -> Type. |
Type | Entities | Description |
string |
comps |
Created for ER systems and member parts in any case, and also for stiffener/beam systems. Its value contains the xsection geometrical data (different for each xsection type) in the form “<data name 1> = <data_value 1> <data name 2> = <data value 2>… <data name n> = <data value n>”. |