Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
A part is an engineering representation of a physical part, and a part assembly is a group of part assemblies and/or
parts. Part Instances, which are recognized from PDM, are automatically converted to Part Instances on import into
The part assembly can be saved as a self-contained binary file, which will include the part assembly based hierarchy
and attributes such as components, properties, and materials.
The CAD representation is typically the original source of information of what a physical part will look like. It
forms the basis of the Common representation, which in turn is the basis of all subsequent discipline specific mesh
representations. A part can contain multiple representations.
Create your own user defined representation. User defined representations are saved to the settings and will be available
in subsequent HyperMesh sessions.
Parts and part assemblies without a UID cannot be saved to the Library. Considering this, the UID field in the Save Representation dialog is user editable.
All BOM-related information, including part/assembly hierarchy, part attributes, and representation information is organized
and displayed in the Part Browser.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Part Assemblies can also be saved to the Library. This saves all parts as one Part
Assembly representation rather than individual Part representations. This enables
mesh connectivity between parts to be retained upon unloading and loading of the
Part Assembly.
In the Part Browser, right-click on part assemblies and
select Representations > Save from the context menu.
The Save Representation dialog
Change the Parts selection in the bottom left to Part Assemblies.
Edit the Major Revision and Study
Revision columns to reflect the intended revisions.
Select the Representation type.
To overwrite representations that already exist in the repository, select the
Overwrite available checkbox.
To only save parts locally, deselect the Save to Library