Nonlinear finite element analyses confront users with many choices. An understanding of the fundamental concepts of
nonlinear finite element analysis is necessary if you do not want to use the finite element program as a black box.
The purpose of this manual is to describe the numerical methods included in Radioss.
The historical shell element in Radioss is a simple bilinear Mindlin plate element coupled with a reduced integration scheme using one integration point.
It is applicable in a reliable manner to both thin and moderately thick shells.
Kinematic constraints are boundary conditions that are placed on nodal velocities. They are mutually exclusive for each degree
of freedom (DOF), and there can only be one constraint per DOF.
The stability of solution concerns the evolution of a process subjected to small perturbations. A process is considered
to be stable if small perturbations of initial data result in small changes in the solution. The theory of stability
can be applied to a variety of computational problems.
A large variety of materials is used in the structural components and must be modeled in stress analysis problems.
For any kind of these materials a range of constitutive laws is available to describe by a mathematical approach the
behavior of the material.
Explicit scheme is generally used for time integration in Radioss, in which velocities and displacements are obtained by direct integration of nodal accelerations.
The performance criterion in the computation was always an essential point in the architectural conception of Radioss. At first, the program has been largely optimized for the vectored super-calculators like CRAY. Then, a first parallel
version SMP made possible the exploration of shared memory on processors.
The following formulations of degenerated quadrilateral shells are based on the successful
full integration element MITC4 developed by Dvorkin-Bathe 1 and Q424 developed by Batoz and Dhatt 2; they are suitable for both thin and thick
shells and are applicable to linear and nonlinear problems. Their main feature is that a
classical displacement method is used to interpolate the in-plane strains (membrane,
bending), and a mix/collocation (or assumed strain) method is used to interpolate the
out-plane strains (transverse shear). Certain conditions are also specified:
They are based on the Reissner-Mindlin model,
In-plane strains are linear, out-plane strains(transverse shear) are constant
throughout the thickness,
Thickness is constant in the element (the normal and the fiber directions are
5 DOF in the local system (that is, the nodal normal vectors are not constant from one
element to another).
Notational Conventions
A bold letter denotes a vector or a tensor.
An upper case index denotes a node number; a lower case index denotes a component of
vector or tensor.
The Einstein convention applies only for the repeated index where one is subscript and
another is superscript, e.g.:
{} denotes a vector and [ ] denotes a matrix.
Geometry and Kinematics
The geometry of the 4-node degenerated shell element, as shown in Figure 1, is defined by its mid-surface with coordinates denoted by interpolated by the node coordinates (=1,4):(1)
Where, are the bilinear isoparametric shape functions, given
A generic point within the shell is derived
from point p on the mid-surface and its coordinate along the normal (fiber):(3)
Shell thickness
The transformation between the Cartesian system and the Natural system is given by the
differential relation (in matrix form):(4)
is the gradient tensor which is related to the Jacobian tensor .
With 5 DOF at each node I (three translational velocities and two rotational velocities , the velocity interpolation is given by the Mindlin
Where, and are the rotational velocity vectors of the normal:
This velocity interpolation is expressed in the global system, but
must be defined first in the local nodal
coordinate system to ensure Mindlin's kinematic condition.
Strain-Rate Construction
The in-plane rate-of-deformation is interpolated by the usual displacement method.
The rate-of-deformation tensor (or velocity-strains) is defined by the velocity gradient tensor :(6)
with .
The Reissner-Mindlin conditions and requires that the strain and stress tensors are computed in
the local coordinate system (at each quadrature point).
After the linearization of with respect to , the in-plane rate-of-deformation terms are given by:
with the membrane terms:
the bending terms:(7)
Where, the contravariant vectors , dual to , satisfy the orthogonality condition: (Kronecker delta symbol); is the average curvature: (8)
The curvature-translation coupling is presented in the bending terms for a warped element
(the first two terms in the last equation.)
The out-plane rate-of-deformation (transverse shear) is interpolated by the "assumed
strain" method, which is based on the Hu-Washizu variation principle.
If the out-plane rate-of-deformation is interpolated in the same manner for a full
integration scheme, it will lead to shear locking. It is known that the
transverse shear strains energy cannot vanish when it is subjected to a constant bending
moment. Dvorkin-Bathe's 1 mix/collocation method has been proved very
efficient in overcoming this problem. This method consists in interpolating the transverse
shear from the values of the covariant components of the transverse shear strains at 4
mid-side points. That is:(9)
Where, are the values of the covariant components at 4 mid-side
points which vanish under a constant bending moment (Figure 2).
Special Case for One-point Quadrature and the Difficulties in Stabilization
The formulations described above are general for both the full integration and
reduced integration schemes. For a one-point quadrature element, you have the following
The quadrature point is often chosen at . The derivatives of the shape functions are:(11)
Where, .
This implies that all the terms computed at the
quadrature point are the constant parts with respect to , and the stabilizing terms (hourglass) are the non-constant
The constant parts can be derived directly from the general formulations at the
quadrature point without difficulty. The difficulties in stabilization lie in correctly
computing the internal force vector (or stiffness matrices):(12)
It would be ideal if the integration term could be evaluated explicitly. But such is not the case, and
the main obstacles are the following:
For a non-coplanar element, the normal varies at
each point so that it is difficult to write the non-constant part of strains explicitly. For
a physically nonlinear problem, the non-constant part of stress is not generally in an
explicit form. Thus, simplification becomes necessary.
1Dvorkin E. and Bathe K.J. “A continuum mechanics four-node shell
element for 35 general nonlinear analysis”,
Engrg Comput, 1:77-88, 1984.
2Batoz J.L. and Dhatt G., “Modeling of Structures by finite
element”, volume 3, Hermes, 1992.