Inputs for exporting to HyperStudy®

1. Steps to build and export a connector

In EXPORT / ADVANCED TOOLS / HYPERSTUDY area, 4 steps are needed to build and export a report:

  1. Select the test which will be performed by HyperStudy®
  2. Define the test configuration, that means the user inputs/outputs parameters needed to define the test (settings and user inputs of the considered test)
  3. Select the inputs/outputs parameters for performing studies with HyperStudy®
  4. Define the export information

2. Test selection

In the current version of FluxMotor, 7 tests can be selected for Reluctance Synchronous Machines:

  • Characterization / Thermal / Motor & generator / Steady state
  • Working point / Sine wave / Motor / I-Ψ-N
  • Working point / Sine wave / Motor / I-U
  • Working point / Sine wave / Generator / I-Ψ-N
  • Performance mapping / Sine wave / Motor / Efficiency mapping
  • Performance mapping / Sine wave / Generator / Efficiency mapping
  • Mechanics / NVH / Working point / I-Ψ-N

When a test is selected, the corresponding overview is displayed at the center of the screen, showing the main inputs to be considered.

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy®
1 Selection of a test to be performed by HyperStudy®
2 Display of general information (overview) dealing with the selected test

3. Test configuration

After selecting a test, the corresponding test inputs (settings and user inputs) must be defined. This allows to define the initial conditions for testing.

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy®
1 Overview of the selected test is displayed.
2 User inputs can be defined in the test area.
Note: The user help information about the test parameters is defined in the user help guide of the corresponding test. Please refer to the corresponding section.

4. Parameters for HyperStudy®

This section allows to select the parameters which must be available for the optimization in HyperStudy®.

These can be design parameters, parameters to define the test conditions (inputs and/or settings) or test results.

4.1 Selection of design parameters

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy® Design parameters selection
1 Tab to be expanded to choose input/output parameters for HyperStudy®
2 Area in which input/output parameters are stored for HyperStudy®
3 Shortcuts to select the part of the design to be considered for the selection of parameters
4 All available design inputs are displayed.

The corresponding dimension is highlighted when selected - arrow (5).When a parameter is chosen, the associated box is ticked (4), and the parameter name is stored in the selected parameters area (2).

5 Arrow illustrating the selected design input parameter
6 Button to validate the previous choices
Note: Data which are given by the user are written in blue. They are inputs data. Data resulting from internal computations (outputs) are written in black. This allows the users to quickly differentiate between the input data and output data inside data tables.

4.2 Selection of test data

The test data groups test results as well as the user inputs and settings. All these data can be selected for optimization in HyperStudy®.

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy® – Test data selection
1 Tab to be expanded to choose input/output parameters for HyperStudy®
2 Area in which input/output parameters are stored for HyperStudy®
3 Shortcuts to select the part of the test condition and test results to be considered for the selection of parameters
4 All available test data (test results as well as user inputs) are displayed.

When a data is chosen, the associated box is ticked (4), and the parameter name is stored in the selected parameters area (2).

5 Display of data which can be selected for HyperStudy® studies
6 Button to validate the previous choices
Note: Data which are given by the user are written in blue. These are inputs data. Data resulting from internal computations (outputs) are written in black. This allows the users to quickly differentiate between the input data and output data inside data tables.

5. Export information

The last step for building the connector for HyperStudy® is to define the export information.

There are three data to be defined:

  • The name of the connector
  • The folder in which the connector must be stored
  • The last answer, “Save iteration (Yes/No)“ indicates if the results of the HyperStudy® must be stored in a dedicated catalog of Motor Catalog application. When “Yes” is answered all the resulting motors can be visualized in Motor Catalog, and then these can be edited in the Motor Factory very quickly.

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy® – Export information
1 Tab to be expanded to define the export information for HyperStudy®
2 Area in which the export parameters to be defined are listed
3 Button to validate the previous choices
4 Button to finalize the export of the connector. When one clicks on this button, the folder gets opened where the connector is stored.
Note: When data is missing in the third table; “Parameters for HyperStudy® ” for instance, an error message is displayed in the red colored font which indicates, what is missing and where. If all the needed information is missing, exporting a connector is not allowed.

Motor Factory – EXPORT AREA – Export connector for HyperStudy® – Error message
1 Error message written in red font
2 The button to export the connector is not active if the needed data is missing

6. Connection between FluxMotor and HyperStudy®

Before starting new studies in HyperStudy® by using connectors exported from FluxMotor® , FluxMotor® must be registered as a new solver script in HyperStudy®.

This must be defined only while using the coupling for the first time.

Connection between FluxMotor® and HyperStudy®
1 Open the area in HyperStudy to register FluxMotor 2022.2 script
2 Path where FluxMotor s .exe must be selected to be registered as a new solver in HyperStudy.
Note: : FluxMotor s .exe with a “s” at the end of FluxMotor s. This must be defined only while using the coupling for the first time.
Note: Since the version 2022.1 of HyperStudy, the FluxMotor solver script is automatically registered, when the default path installation is selected while installing Flux and FluxMotor.