Power balance (Transient Magnetic application)
In Transient Magnetic application, the resolution is carried out for each time step. The power balance is carried out for a time interval defined by the user.
Sub-systems definition: reminder
A system comprises one or more sub-systems as the one presented in the figure below.
Computation / results
For each of the sub-systems, as well as for the time interval defined by the user (Δt = t2 - t1), the following quantities are computed:
- the stored energies (instantaneous values, for t = t1 and for t = t2)
- the dissipated powers (mean values over the time interval Δt)
Stored energies
For the stored energies, a summary of the computed quantities is presented in the table below.
Sub-system |
Stored energy (at a moment t) (in J) |
Internal |
Magnetic energy stored in the computation domain: , with |
Internal mechanical energy: | ||
Electrical |
Energy stored in the coils: Energy stored in the capacitors: |
Mechanical |
External mechanical energy
Dissipated powers
For the dissipated powers, a summary of the calculated quantities is presented in the table below.
Sub-system |
Losses (instantaneous values) (in W) |
Losses (mean values) (in W) |
Internal |
Losses by Joule effect in solid conductors Losses by Joule effect in stranded conductors |
Internal mechanical losses: (translating motion) (rotating motion) |
Electrical | Losses by Joule effect (resistive components): | |
Mechanical |
External mechanical losses: (translating motion) (rotating motion) |