Power balance (Transient Magnetic application)


In Transient Magnetic application, the resolution is carried out for each time step. The power balance is carried out for a time interval defined by the user.

Sub-systems definition: reminder

A system comprises one or more sub-systems as the one presented in the figure below.

Computation / results

For each of the sub-systems, as well as for the time interval defined by the user (Δt = t2 - t1), the following quantities are computed:

  • the stored energies (instantaneous values, for t = t1 and for t = t2)
  • the dissipated powers (mean values over the time interval Δt)
Attention: In the presence of symmetries and/or periodicities, the results correspond to the whole device, contrary to what is usually carried out in Flux.
Remember: The results usually correspond to the part of the device represented in the finite elements domain, with the exception of the magnetic flux in the coils, the forces/torques applied on mobile mechanical sets.

Stored energies

For the stored energies, a summary of the computed quantities is presented in the table below.


Stored energy (at a moment t) (in J)


Magnetic energy stored in the computation domain: , with

Internal mechanical energy:


Energy stored in the coils:

Energy stored in the capacitors:


External mechanical energy

Attention: In reference to the energy stored in the coils, the initial current is not taken into consideration in Flux at the present moment.

Dissipated powers

For the dissipated powers, a summary of the calculated quantities is presented in the table below.


Losses (instantaneous values) (in W)

Losses (mean values) (in W)


Losses by Joule effect in solid conductors

Losses by Joule effect in stranded conductors

Internal mechanical losses:

(translating motion)

(rotating motion)

Electrical Losses by Joule effect (resistive components):

External mechanical losses:

(translating motion)

(rotating motion)