Global computations


A global computation is a computation, at a given frequency, of a global physical quantity on one or several entities of conductor type, unidirectional or bidirectional.

The choice of the frequency is done by selecting a step from the solving scenario.

Physical quantities

Global computations can be done on:

  • Joule losses in a unidirectional or bidirectional conductor
  • Laplace force (average component as well as pulsating component) o n a unidirectional or bidirectional conductor

For the Joule losses the value for each conductor selected is calculated and displayed as well as the sum for all conductors selected.

For the average component of the Laplace force, the values taken by each of the three components (X, Y and Z) are calculated and displayed.

For the pulsating component of the Laplace force, the value taken by the real part and the imaginary part of each of the three components (X, Y and Z) are calculated and displayed.

Running a global computation

To run global computations the user has to:

Step Action Result

Open a global computation dialog box:

  • either by clicking one of the following icons:
  • or from the menu bar by clicking Post processing followed by Global computation and then select:

    Conductors losses or Conductors Laplace force


In the dialog box that appears:

  • select the conductors (unidirectional and bidirectional) for which to run the global computation of the physical quantity
  • only in the case of Conductors Laplace force choose either the average component or the pulsating component
  • click on OK
The values computed are displayed in the History zone of the general Flux PEEC window.