Describing sources


The following types of sources can be defined:

  • an electric current (sinusoidal)
  • an imposed value of the magnetic field strength (3D application)
  • an imposed value of the magnetic flux density (2D application)

The features of the source are detailed:

  • partly, with the Magneto Static application
  • partly, with the Transient Magnetic application

Electric currents

The current sources generate harmonic electric currents: a function in cosine (maximal value for t = 0) is used.

Supply of conductors

In general, the conductors* have an external electric circuit supply (See chapter Circuit coupling: principles).

Note: * The conductors of the Stranded conductor type can also have a direct current supply as presented in § Describing sources of chapter Magneto Static application: principles.

Circuit coupling: reminder

The "coupling" with the electric circuit is carried out by linking the regions of the Coil conductor type or Solid conductor type (of the finite elements domain) to the components of the Stranded conductor type or Solid conductor type (of the associated electric circuit), as presented in the table below.

Type of components …


Type of regions …

Stranded conductor Coil conductor/ Coil conductor with losses

Solid conductor

2 terminals

Solid conductor

Solid conductor

N terminal

Imposed magnetic field (3D)

The “supplementary” magnetic field (H0) imposed in the study domain can be uniform or space dependent. This field is sinusoidally time-varying.

Imposed magnetic flux (2D)

The imposed magnetic flux (φ0) on a study region can be uniform or space dependent. This field is sinusoidally time-varying.