Extrusion along a vector of faces
The geometric operation Extrusion along a vector of faces allows extruding one or more faces (belonging to the same sketch or belonging to an object), as a direction vector. There is also the possibility to introduce an offset of the origin plane of extrusion.
Color and visibility
Upon creating an extrusion, there is the possibility to specify the color and the visibility of the resulting entities by clicking on:
The choice made is applied to the resulting object, but equally to the sub-entities (volume, face, line, point), except for the color of the points and lines that remain in the white color by default, for a better visual distinction.
The different accesses of the geometric operation Extrusion are:
- By menu:
- By icon:
Upon the creation, a preview of the extrusion can be visualized in the graphic zone. This permits to the user to visualize the object that he will obtain.
The preview is note available in, modification.
Structure of extrusion along a vector
The operation Extrusion along a vector of faces is describe by:
- « Definition » tab
- The sketch containing the faces to extrude (optional)
- A list of faces to extrude
- « Type of extrusion » tab
- The extrusion type
- The coordinate system of definition of direction and distances to apply to the extrusion (coordinate system of the sketch by default)
- The direction vector (along the Z axis by default: 0, 0, 1)
- The length of extrusion
- The offset of origin plane (optional : by default, 0 if empty)
- The appearance of resulting objects (color and visibility)
Dialog box | Illustration |
« Definition » tab
« Extrusion type » tab
Examples of extrusion configurations
The table below presented different examples of configurations of extrusion along a vector.
Length > 0 and Offset > 0 | Length > 0 and Offset = 0 |
Length > 0 et Offset < 0 | Length < 0 et Offset = 0 |
The application of a extrusion has as result:
- An object OBJ_EXTRUDE_1 and its sub entities (point, line, face, volume)
- A geometric operation EXTRUDE_1. This geometric operation is a specific entity of the modeler that permits to ensure the cycle of life of the construction (creation - modification - deletion).
- The operation EXTRUDE_1 has been added in the list of geometric operations linked with the object OBJ_EXTRUDE_1. (and also a SWEEP ASSEMBLY if the extruded faces do not belong to a sketch)
Creation of an extrusion along vector
The process of creation of an extrusion along a vector of faces is presented in the table below.
Stage | Description | Tab |
1 | Opening the dialog box Extrusion | _ |
2 |
Choice the name of resulting geometric operation (by default: EXTRUDE_1) |
_ |
3 | Choice the sketch (optional) | Definition |
4 | Choice the faces to extrude | |
5 | Choice the extrusion type (in this case, along a vector) | Type of extrusion |
6 | Choice the definition coordinate system | |
7 | Choice the direction vector | |
8 | Choice the extrusion length | |
9 | Choice the offset of origin plane to extrude | |
10 | Validation by clicking on OK | _ |
Some limitations:
- In modification every fields are editable, except the extrusion type.
- The preview is not available in modification.
- In the case of an extrusion of face does not belong to a sketch, the contour of this face may not modify (must keep the same number of lines an the same lines)