Taking into consideration the magnetic materials


This section deals with the extension of the PEEC method in order to take into consideration ferromagnetic materials. This new version of the methodology is commonly named ‘µPEEC'.

This section presents therefore some physics reminders on magnetic materials, their modeling by means of the Amperian currents formulation and the changes to be brought to the PEEC equivalent circuit.


The calculation of the partial circuit elements (R, L and M) under PEEC is based on the concept of magnetic vector potential A and its integration into a volume of the conductors to be modeled. But this integration is possible only in the case of a permeability µ homogeneous on all the space, the vacuum permeability µ0 being given by the default presence of the air around the conductors.

On the other hand, in power electronic, the equipment may also include ferromagnetic made parts, whose behavior must be taken into consideration throughout the design process.


Additional information on the method µPEEC is available in the following documents:

  • J.-P. Keradec, E. Clavel, J.-P. Gonnet, V. Mazauric

    "Introducing linear magnetic materials in PEEC simulations. Principles, academic and industrial applications"

    2005 Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 2236 - 2240

  • J.-P. Gonnet

    "Optimisation des canalisations électriques et des armoires de distribution",

    UJF PhD Thesis, Grenoble, June 9, 2005 (in French)
