HyperStudy Database Generation

Below are the steps to utilize HyperStudy to generate the results database required by SnRD Post - Stochastics for results processing.

Note: It is advised to make a copy of the XML file exported from Export Variations Study Tutorial. This XML will be later utilized in SnRD Post.

Stochastics Runs

  1. Launch HyperStudy 2022.2.
  2. Click Open.
    A file browser option will be displayed. Browse and select Manufacturing_Variation_Study.xml present in the SnRD Pre working directory location.
  3. Once the XML file is loaded, a session tree will populate in HyperStudy and the process will start from Sto 1 node.

    Figure 1.
    Note: Green check boxes signify that the respective data is available. Any Yellow, Red or empty boxes mean inputs are required.
  4. Click Next to proceed to Sto 1 > Definition > Test Models task.
    Note: You can skip Define Models and Define Input Variables tasks since they are pre-defined.

    Figure 2.
  5. Click All under Test column.
  6. Click Next to proceed to Define Output Responses and click Evaluate.
  7. Click Next to proceed to Specifications and click Apply .

    Figure 3.
  8. Click Next to proceed to Evaluate.Click Evaluate to run the stochastics variations.

    Figure 4.
    Note: Evaluation tasks will take considerable amount time to complete. Please do not interfere with HST when the process is running.

    Figure 5.

    Once the evaluation is completed, remaining tasks, I.e Post-processing and Report turn green.

  9. Click Next twice to skip Post-processing and navigate to Report task.
  10. Click Create Report .
    This will generate a .data file, which will be the results database that will be utilised later in SnRD Post.

    You can navigate to Tutorial working model folder and verify the files. The respective files will be created in the export folder.

    Note: To know more about HyperStudy, you can refer to HyperStudy Help.