Engineering Solutions is a modeling and visualization environment for NVH, Squeak and Rattle Director, Crash, CFD, and Aerospace using
best-in-class solver technology.
The Crash application offers a tailored environment in HyperWorks that efficiently steers the Crash CAE specialist in CAE model building, starting from CAD geometry and finishing with
a runnable solver deck in Radioss, LS-DYNA and PAM-CRASH 2G.
HyperWorks offers high quality tools for CFD applications enabling the engineer to perform modeling, optimization and post-processing
tasks efficiently.
Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Connectors are geometric entities (not FE) used to create connections between components. Connectors are used to realize
FE idealizations of the physical connection. Just as you create an FE mesh on a surface, you create FE connections
by realizing a connector.
The HiLock realization type can be used for any more or less parallel combination of PSHELL and PCOMP elements, and creates a 1D element construct consisting of RBAR, CBAR and CBUSH elements.
Use the RBE3 Load Transfer realization to create MPC’s using RBE3 elements between the nodes of shell-shell, shell-solid
or solid-solid groups by using spot connectors.
The Radioss acm (shell gap contact and coating) realization creates hexa clusters between shell components. Contacts get defined
between the shell components and the appropriate hexa nodes. A heat affected zone for the shells from ultra high strength
steel material is also created.
There are many advantages to the way connectors store information. Not only does this local storage allow you to edit
the connector definition, it also allows you to review connector details and the quality of the realization.
Most of the information stored in the connector entity can be exported to a master connectors file, which contains
connector entity information such as location, link entity, link entity state, link entity rules. The exported file
may also contain metadata information stored in the connector.
Create weld points at a predefined pitch distance so that the model build process can continue without the need to
wait for the published weld data from CAD. Autopitch is useful when working with elements, not geometry.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
FEMFAT FEMFAT spotwelds are a particular realization type that conforms to the specifications outlined in the FEMFAT fatigue software.
Hexa Imprint (Adhesive Contact)
Use the Hexa Imprint realization to create seam lines between Overlap and L joint shell parts.
Hexa Nugget
Use the Hexa Nugget realization to create hexa clusters between shell components.
The HiLock realization type can be used for any more or less parallel combination of PSHELL and PCOMP elements, and creates a 1D element construct consisting of RBAR, CBAR and CBUSH elements.
RBE3 Load Transfer
Use the RBE3 Load Transfer realization to create MPC’s using RBE3 elements between the nodes of shell-shell, shell-solid or solid-solid groups by using spot connectors.
Seam Hexa Adhesives
This realization creates a continuous or discontinuous hexa weld with a predefined pattern.
Radioss ACM (Shell Gap Contact and Coating)
The Radioss acm (shell gap contact and coating) realization creates hexa clusters between shell components. Contacts get defined between the shell components and the appropriate hexa nodes. A heat affected zone for the shells from ultra high strength steel material is also created.
Seam-Quad LTB
The Seam-Quad LTB realization serves and realizes t-welds, lap-welds, and butt-welds simultaneously.
Seam-Rigid LTB
The Seam-Rigid LTB realization serves and realizes t-welds, lap-welds and butt-welds at the same time.