High Frequency NVH Workflow

Follow the order of these tasks to successfully import, visualize, and post-process an XML model file using high frequency NVH and SEAM.

Once converted into entities, you can edit, visualize, solve, and post-process the imported model.

Start High Frequency NVH

  1. From the Standard toolbar, click the sub-profile option under the High Frequency NVH Profile icon.
    Note: This option is only available if you have an environment variable set.


  1. From the frequency selection menu bar item, select High Frequency NVH.

    Figure 1.

Import a Model

  1. From the File > Import menu, select Third-Party XML.
  2. From the XML Reader dialog, click the file browser to select the XML file to import.

    Figure 2.

Visualize the Imported Model

  1. After importing an XML file, visualize the imported entities in the Model Browser and the graphical user interface.

    Figure 3.

    Figure 4.
  2. Set the guide bar to SEA Subsystems.

    Figure 5. SEA Subsystems guidebar
  3. From the guide bar, right-click on a subsystem and select Edit SEA Subsystems to visualize and edit the subsystem parameters in the Entity Editor.

    Figure 6. SEA Subsystems guide bar context menu
  4. Parameter entities are populated based on the selected subsystems. From the Entity Editor, select any SEA junction to isolate it and view its properties. From the Model Browser, double-click on a seam entity to open another browser tab.

    Figure 7. Edit Seasubsystems entity editor

Solve the Imported Files

  1. Once the model is reviewed and verified, click Run, , to generate the SEAM Solver deck and solve it.
  2. SEAM subsystems entities are updated in the Model Browser, based on the model content.
  3. The generated solver file is solved in the background and the results are populated in the session.
  4. Once the calculation is complete, the following message is displayed:
    Figure 8.
  5. Solver files are generated in the following location on Windows:
    • Users\username\AppData\Local\Altair\SeamNG2021
    Note: To solve the SEAM Solver deck, you must install HyperWorks Solvers as a part of your installation.

Post-Process and Plot Results

  1. Once the SEAM run is completed, select one of the following options to visualize the results:
    1. From the SEA ribbon, select Plot, , to display the Plot Manager.
    2. From the modeling window, select a subsystem and right-click to display the context menu. From the Plot option, select a response to be plotted.

    Figure 9. Context menu, Plot option selected
  2. From the NVH Plot Manager, select single or multiple responses, as all result types from the run are available.

    Figure 10. NVH Plot Manager