Radioss Interface 2022.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperGraph

Post-processing Enhancements

  • Corrected variable output names from /TH/CLUSTER.
  • Support for new output variables VX, VY, VZ, SSP, and MACH for /TH/QUAD and /TH/BRICK.
  • Support for new output variables from /TH/SLIPRING, /TH/RETRACTOR, /TH/SUBSET, and /TH/TRIA.

Resolved Issues

  • /TH/SURF outputs selectable.

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Constraints Entity
The new Constraints entity is used for the definition of /MERGE/RBODY keywords.

Figure 1.
New Systems Workflow
The new Systems workflow provides a interactive and efficient user experience for the creation of coordinate systems.

Figure 2.
Import of Compressed Input Decks
It is now possible to directly import a compressed input deck.

Only the format .gz is supported.


Solver Profiles Cleanup
Radioss profiles lower than 2017 are no longer exposed.
Panels and Panel Functionality Removal in HyperWorks
Panels or panel functionalities for which an equivalent tool or workflow exists in other areas of the product (example: Browsers, Graphical entity selection, ...) are removed from HyperWorks only.
New Supported Keywords
/MAT/LAW111, /MAT/LAW116, /MAT/LAW117
Updated Keywords
Migration of /ADMESH/SET to Set entity
The keyword /ADMESH/SET, previously mapped to the Property entity, is now defined in the Set entity.

Resolved Issues

  • Display orientation of /SKEW/MOV2 is corrected.
  • Display orientation of /SKEW and /FRAME depending on the DIR value is corrected.
  • /SENSOR/RWALL is now correctly written on export.
  • Radioss /SET/GENERAL are maintained as in import/export as an unsupported keyword.
  • /MAT/LEE_TARVER in now correctly written on export.
  • Correction in Set assignment in /RBODY Entity Editor.
  • Correction in /TABLE support.
  • Correction in /TH keywords when reference entity is renumbered. The renumbered ID is now correctly updated in /TH keyword.
  • Correction in export of /SURF/SEG when defined on 2nd order hexa elements.