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Altair Radioss 2022.2 Release Notes


  • Major improvements for the 2D seatbelt material and slipring
  • Continuous development to support the reading of more LS-DYNA keywords and options
  • Improvement of solver performance for linear tetrahedron elements and contact interface sorting

New Features

  • /DT/FVMBAG/2: New timestep formulation and control for the FVMBAG1 and FVMBAG2.
Materials and failure models
  • /FAIL/TAB2: New failure model fully compatible with LS-DYNA feature *MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_GISSMO.
  • /MAT/LAW120 (TAPO): New connection material to model toughened adhesive polymer.
LS-DYNA reader
  • New LS-DYNA format reading capability
    • *ELEMENT_SEATBELT (only for 1D elements)
    • *MAT_063
    • *MAT_077_H
    • *MAT_B01 (SEATBELT) (1D seatbelt material)
    • *SECTION_SEATBELT (only for 1D elements)
Results output and time history
  • /H3D/SHELL/NL_EPSP, /ANIM/SHEL/NL_EPSP, /H3D/SOLID/NL_EPSP and /ANIM/BRIC/NL_EPSP: new output for non-local plastic strain
  • /H3D/SHELL/NL_EPSD, /ANIM/SHEL/NL_EPSD, /H3D/SOLID/NL_EPSD and /ANIM/BRIC/NL_EPSD: new output for non-local plastic strain rate
  • /H3D/SHELL/VONM/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/VONM/TMAX: new output for the maximum value of von Mises stress over time
  • /H3D/SHELL/SIGEQ/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/SIGEQ/TMAX: new output for the maximum value of equivalent stress over time
  • /H3D/SHELL/ENER/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/ENER/TMAX: new output for the maximum value of specific energy over time
  • /H3D/SHELL/DAMA/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/DAMA/TMAX: new output for the maximum value of damage over time and integration points
  • /H3D/NODA/DIS/TMAX: new output for the maximum displacement resultant over time
  • /H3D/NODA/VEL/TMAX: new output for the maximum velocity resultant over time
  • /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRESS/TMAX: new output for the stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) or minimum principal stress (P3) over time and integration points
  • /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRAIN/TMAX: new output for the strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) or minimum principal strain (P3) over time and integration points
  • /H3D/NODA/GPS/TMAX: mean nodal stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) or minimum principal stress (P3) over time
  • /H3D/NODA/GPSTRAIN/TMAX: mean nodal strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) and minimum principal strain (P3) over time
  • /H3D/SHELL/TENS/STRESS/TMAX: new output for the stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) and minimum principal stress (P3) over time and integration points
  • /H3D/SHELL/TENS/STRAIN/TMAX: new output for the strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) and minimum principal strain (P3) over time and integration points
  • /H3D/QUAD/GROUP, /H3D/SHELL/GROUP, /H3D/SOLID/GROUP, /H3D/SPH/GROUP, /H3D/SPRING/GROUP, and /H3D/TRUSS/GROUP: New output to display the element group used in the solver
Other features
  • /LOAD/PRESSURE: New pressure load dedicated for hydro-forming where the pressure is applied only in the area not in contact with selected contact interfaces.
  • /SENSOR/NIC_NIJ: New sensor based on the Neck Injury Criterion NIJ to stop the computation (/STOP/LSENSOR).
  • /SENSOR/TEMP: New sensor activated according maximum, minimum or average temperature of a defined set of nodes.


Accessing Demo Model Files
You can now click a link, within an Example and Verification Problem, to download the required model file(s).
Important: This download option is only available if you (or any user) are connected to the internet. Users attempting to download a model file will be prompted with further directions on how to access the model file online. A zipped package of the model files can be downloaded from the Altair One Marketplace and extracted to a local machine or directory on your company’s local server.
/TRANSFORM: Transformations are now applied in the order written in the model and no longer according to the order of their ID. This change is made to recover Radioss behavior for versions prior to 2021.1. Usually, pre-processing tools write transformations in the same order as their identifier. Thus, a different behavior will only be observed for a few models.
2D seatbelt element and material
  • New option Ip=24 in the shell property /PROP/TYPE9 to define the orientation of 2D seatbelt elements with material /MAT/LAW119. The transversal direction of the 2D seatbelt can be defined with a local coordinate system or a vector in the shell property.
  • New Error message in the Starter and Engine if the nodes defined in a shell slipring element (/SLIPRING/SHELL) are also defined in a rigid body.
  • Section force output is available for 2D seatbelt elements (/MAT/LAW119) with the sum of the shell and spring forces.
  • New feature in the seatbelt material /MAT/LAW119.
  • The information about the remaining finite volume elements and the merging information are removed from the Engine listing file.
Element and properties
  • /TETRA10: automatic setting of Icpre=1,2 to avoid volumetric locking.
  • /PROP/TYPE26: Dmax is now activated and Dmin has been added to Radioss 2022 input format. Failure in tension and compression are available.
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW2: New message in the Engine output file when maximum plastic strain defined in the material is reached for a solid element.
  • /MAT/LAW33: New, the skeletal behavior (flag Ka=2) before yield is elastic, with perfect plastic behavior in tensile when maximum tensile stress (sigma_cutoff) is reached.
  • /MAT/LAW62: New parameter to better model the degree of compressibility.
  • /MAT/LAW80:
    • Improvement of the shell formulation for the material law /MAT/LAW80. Small changes in the results is expected.
    • Phase transformation is now available during heating process.
  • /MAT/LAW90: New exponent Alpha for the unloading behavior.
  • /NONLOCAL/MAT: LE_MAX parameter is used to automatically adapt the failure criterion parameters using the element size factor function (fct_IDel) and reference element size (El_ref).
  • /FAIL/GENE1: Improvement of the volumetric strain computation. The initial element size is taken into account for regularization and mixed mode failure.
ALE and FSI features
  • /MAT/LAW51:
    • Volumetric viscosity is removed from the input Iform=12 and kinematic viscosity is automatically computed from each submaterial law composing the mixture.
    • Improvement of the behavior when FV material and other ALE material from legacy solver are used in the same model.
  • Detonation time is computed taking into account initial vol fraction in case of several explosive sub-materials of /MAT/LAW151 and for any ignition option (/DFS/*).
  • /DFS/WAV_SHAPER: use several explosive materials with the wave shaper option and multi-fluid material /MAT/LAW151 is now available.
  • /INTER/TYPE19: new flag Igap=1 for automatic gap computation for each Lagrangian surface and each Eulerian or ALE brick.
  • /EOS/TABULATED: new tabulated equation of state model.
Radioss and LS-DYNA reader
  • Improvement of the Error message if there are several /BEGIN cards with different unit systems or versions in the same //SUBMODEL card.
  • /MAT/LAW87: Correction of reading for the tabulated input with format 2022.
  • /CNODE: Improvement of the information in the Starter listing file for the CNODE which are merged to /NODE or /CNODE or transformed to /NODE (not merged).
  • The material *MAT_006 can be applied to beam and truss elements.
  • *SECTION_BEAM: ELFORM=4 is now supported (simplified version).
Results output and time history
  • /TH/SPRING: New output LENGTH to get the total length of the spring element in time history file (T01).
  • /TH/BRIC:
    • New output for 3D solid elements to display material velocity, speed of sound & Mach number output.
    • New variables NL_PLAS and NL_PLSR (the /NONLOCAL/MAT option).
  • /TH/SHEL: new variables NL_PLAS and NL_PLSR (the /NONLOCAL/MAT option).
  • 2D solid element /TRIA can be used in the /H3D/ELEM/SCHLIEREN output file.
  • The parallelogram rigid wall (/RWALL/PARAL) was rotated 45 degrees from its correct position in the animation files (/ANIM or /H3D).
  • /ANIM/DT and /H3D/DT: Error message is printed if Tfreq is not defined in the card.
Other features
  • With the option "-hstp_write", all dependent or include files of the model are described in the HTML file .depx.
  • /MONVOL/PRES: Improvement of the field description in the Starter output file.
  • /INTER/TYPE24: Improvement of the pressfit behavior (INACTI=-1) where the materials in contact have large stiffness difference.
Scalability and speed up
  • /TETRA4: Reduction of the CPU cost for linear tetrahedon elements.
  • /INTER:
    • Improvement of the sorting algorithm to speed up the computation in case of element failure.
    • Improvement of contact interface performance for the treatment of eroded element and free nodes (flag Idel).

Resolved Issues

Element and properties
  • /TETRA10: Improvement of the stress distribution for quadratic tetrahedron elements (/TETRA10) with the formulation Itetra10=2.
  • /PROP/SH_*: Starter error for orthotropic shell elements with Ishell=4 and N > 1 and isotropic material.
  • /PROP/TYPE14 and /PROP/TYPE6: Failure model is working correctly for linear tetrahedron elements (/TETRA4) with the formulation Itetra4=3.
  • /PROP/TYPE14:
    • Advanced tangent modulus estimation for Hourglass is now automatically activated for the concrete law /MAT/LAW24 (old Ihkt=2). Result may change from previous versions.
    • Correction of the output option /OUTP/BRICK/USERS/FULL for linear tetrahedron elements with the formulation Itetra4=1.
  • /PROP/FLUID: QA and QB values are reset to the same default values as /PROP/SOLID. Result may change from previous version with specific models.
  • /PROP/TYPE20, /PROP/TYPE21, and /PROP/TYPE22: Constant pressure formulation is better selected according to the material used with the thickshell element. The selected value is printed in the Starter output file (Icpre flag). Results can be different from previous version.
  • /PROP/TYPE26: Spring element is correctly deactivated with the option /ACTIVE. Forces were remaining after element deactivation.
  • /PROP/CONNECT and /PROP/VOID: New Error message if material is not defined for the solid connection element (/PROP/CONNECT). New Error if material is not defined for a /PROP/VOID part.
    • Improvement of the solid element stability during the material failure process. Engine may fail (NaN) for specific models.
    • Correction of the animation file outputs (H3D, ANIM) if stress tensor was requested for all integration points for connection elements.
  • /PLY: Behavior correction for /PROP/PCOMPP.
  • /PROP/PCOMPP: Correction of memory allocation issue in Radioss Starter when there are stacks (/STACK) with different numbers of plies (/PLY).
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW2: Default value is corrected for Eps_UTS (Iflag=1). It was not set to 1.0.
  • /MAT/LAW10: Improvement of the Error message #829 and information added in the Reference Guide about unclosed yield surface definition.
  • /MAT/LAW21: Warning message #829 corrected.
  • /MAT/LAW36: Warning #2064 corrected for /MAT/LAW36 (PLAS_TAB).
  • /MAT/LAW42: Nodal time step estimation for the quadratic tetra element (/TETRA10) in the Starter in order to better estimate the target time step according to % of added mass value.
  • /MAT/LAW51: Improvement of the Non-Reflecting Frontier elements (Iform=6) initialization when initial gravity (/INIGRAV) is applied on the full model.
  • /MAT/LAW72:
    • Improvement of the failure computation with non-local damage (/NONLOCAL/MAT) for solid elements.
    • Improvement of yield stress when initial plastic strain EPS0 is defined.
  • /MAT/LAW80:
    • Correction of the thermal expansion.
    • Improvement of the of local yield calculation convergence for solid elements. The previous algorithm was diverging for specific cases.
  • /MAT/LAW102: The output of plastic strain in the animation file and time history file is no longer missing.
  • /MAT/LAW109: Improvement of the material law behavior. Time step no longer dropping for specific model.
  • /MAT/LAW119:
    • Correction of numerical issue with 2D seatbelt material. Radioss Engine no loner fails with specific model.
    • Correction of the spring creation for the 2D seatbelt. Spring elements no longer missing for specific model.
  • /MAT/LAW151: Memory allocation issue correction if the material is defined in the model and not used for the analysis.
  • /MAT/LAW200: Material information is correctly shared for the computation of the global material used in the stack (/PROP/TYPE51 or /STACK).
  • /FAIL/TAB1: Damage function identifier (fct_IDd) is reported in the Starter output file and correctly used for solid element.
  • /FAIL/HASHIN: Correction of failure material behavior with single precision. The results are no longer incorrect.
  • /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN, /FAIL/COCKROFT, and /FAIL/ORTHSTRAIN: Correction of the shear behavior for the failure model. The shear components are taken into account. These corrections may change the results of the existing model for large shear deformation, failure will appear for bigger deformation.
  • /EOS: Normal termination of Starter and correct Error message when /EOS cannot get mass density from /MAT.
Contact interfaces
  • /INTER/TYPE25:
    • Improvement of the memory allocation with the options Irem_i2 and Igap and specific model. Radioss Starter no longer failing.
    • Improvement of the edge-to-edge treatment for free edges of shell elements if the shell thickness is larger than the mesh size. Unexpected contact forces were displayed.
  • /INTER/TYPE18:
    • The Warning message #1826 was printed in the Starter output file even if it was not necessary for some specific models.
    • Unexpected Warning message #100217 was printed in the Radioss Starter output file.
    • Radioss Starter correction when a group of bricks is defined. Radioss Starter no longer failing for specific models.
Results output and time history
  • /H3D/*/TENS/STRESS: Correction for the output of the viscous stress. Only the value of first IP is added to the global value of stress.
  • /H3D/ELEM/SCHLIEREN: Correction of Engine behavior when this output is requested for model with /SHELL and /SH3N elements.
  • /ANIM/SHELL/SIGEQ and /H3D/SHELL/SIGEQ: Correction of the SIGEQ output when there are several integration points through the thickness.
  • /TH/BRIC:
    • Correction of the strain output for each integration point of the thick shell elements.
    • Local stress (LOCSTRS) or local strain (LOCSTRN) output in time history file is now output in the local coordinate system for specific solid property set.
  • /TH, /ANIM, and /H3D: Strain tensor for output is now constant after element deletion or deactivation for solid elements and some materials (< LAW28).
  • /TH/MONV: Radioss Starter no longer failing where a non-existing monitored volume identifier was defined in the time history card.
LS-DYNA reader
  • *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODY: Improvement of the rigid body assembling. Some secondary nodes no longer missing with specific model.
  • *LOAD_BODY: Reading improvement when SF=0 (default).
  • The cards written after *END are now ignored.
Other features
  • /BCS/CYCLIC: Correction of boundary condition setting when both cyclic boundary (/BCS/CYCLIC) and imposed displacement (/IMPDISP) are defined with skew.
  • /ANALY: Improvement of the Radioss Starter Error message when 3D elements are defined for 2D analysis (/ANALY).
  • /SUBDOMAIN: Requested entities defined in a sub-domain are now correctly output in time history file (T01).
  • /SURF/DSURF: Improvement of the surface deletion for specific cases when segments were removed from solid parts. Some segments were not correctly removed.
  • /SENSOR/ENERGY: Correction of the sensor behavior which was not working as expected.
  • /RAD2RAD: /PROP/PCOMPP, /STACK and /PLY can now be used with the multi-domain option.
  • /MONVOL/FVMBAG1: Correction for the computation of the average airbag output temperature, pressure, area and volume.
  • /LOAD/PFLUID: Correction of the pressure direction if the structure is moving faster than the fluid flow.
  • /IMPL/QSTAT/MRIGM: Young's modulus variation is taken into account in spring back analysis for the material laws /MAT/LAW36, /MAT/LAW43, /MAT/LAW57, /MAT/LAW60, /MAT/LAW74, /MAT/LAW78, and /MAT/LAW106.
  • /INIMAP2D: Correction of internal Energy and Pressure mapping for explosive phase from /MAT/LAW151 to /MAT/LAW51.
  • /INIBRI:
    • Correction of model reading issue when the value -1 or -2 for Ismstr, Icpre or Iframe is used in the solid property.
    • Improvement of the reading for the initial state card. Too many warning messages were printed and the reading time was too long.
    • Correction of reading issue of the initial state data for under-integrated orthotropic thick shell elements (/PROP/TYPE21 with Isolid=15).

Altair Radioss 2022.1 Release Notes


  • A new version of the Radioss reader is released and the old one is entirely removed. As a consequence, input formats older than V9.0 are no longer supported and there are a few other limitations listed below.
  • The non-local method is extended to all elastic-plastic material and failure models. It can be activated with the new keyword /NONLOCAL/MAT. This option helps to reduce local necking, reducing the mesh dependency (shape and size) to get more accurate and predictive material damage.
  • A new 2D seatbelt slipring and material is available as beta version. There is still some development ongoing to improve the output and the non-linearity in the material.
  • There are also various other developments (material, failure models, contacts, airbags, ...) with continuous improvement of Radioss stability and performance.

New Features

/SENSOR/VEL: new sensor based on node velocity
Materials and failure models
  • /NONLOCAL/MAT: non-local method, initially in /FAIL/GURSON, is extended to all failure models based on plastic strain by adding this new option in the material law
  • /MAT/LAW121: elastic-plastic material with specific strain rate dependency
  • /FAIL/GENE1: failure model for element deletion from maximum pressure, minimum principal strain, equivalent plastic strain, volumetric strain, minimum pressure, maximum principal strain, equivalent stress, shear strain, threshold stress, temperature or time
  • /FAIL/RTCL: failure model based on RTCL formulation
  • /FAIL/SAHRAEI: failure model from MIT for battery material failure
Seatbelt models
  • /MAT/LAW119: material law for 2D seatbelt models (beta version)
  • /SLIPRING/SHELL: slipring for 2D seatbelt models (beta version)
Animation files and time history outputs
  • /H3D/SOLID/THIN: new output option to display average % thinning of thick shell element
  • /H3D/SOLID/THIC: new output option to display average thickness of thick shell element
  • /H3D/SHELL/TENS/BSTRESS: backstress tensors for shell elements can be output in .h3d file for /MAT/LAW36 (1), /MAT/LAW78 (3) and /MAT/LAW87 (1 to 4)
  • /H3D/SOLID/TENS/BSTRESS: backstress tensors for solid elements can be output in .h3d file for /MAT/LAW36 (1) and /MAT/LAW78 (3)
  • /H3D/ELEM/EINTV: H3D output for volumic internal energy for 2D and 3D solid and SPH elements
  • /H3D/ELEM/EINTM: H3D output for massic internal energy for 2D and 3D solid and SPH elements
  • /H3D/ELEM/ENTH: H3D output to display enthalpy in solid and SPH elements
  • /H3D/ELEM/ENTHV: H3D output for volumic enthalpy for solid and SPH elements
  • /H3D/ELEM/ENTHM: H3D output for massic enthalpy for solid and SPH elements
Time step and Engine control
  • /MASS/RESET: new option to reset the mass added in the previous run due to nodal or contact time step treatment at the beginning of the run
  • /DTTSH: new option to have a higher time step (almost the same as a shell's) for thick shells (/PROP/TYPE20, /PROP/TYPE21, /PROP/TYPE22) taking into account only the “in plane” surface


Accessing Tutorial Model Files
You can now click a link, within a tutorial, to download the required model file(s) for that tutorial.
Important: This download option is only available if you (or any user) are connected to the internet. Users attempting to download a model file will be prompted with further directions on how to access the model file online. A zipped package of the model files can be downloaded from the Altair One Marketplace and extracted to a local machine or directory on your company’s local server.
/LOAD/PBLAST: new Abaqus with ground reflection and Mach front
Initial conditions
/INIVOL: improvement of the messages printed in the Starter listing file
/MONVOL/FVMBAG1 and /MONVOL/FVMBAG2: finite volume generation has been improved to reduce the amount of initial finite volumes and get faster computation
Element and properties
/PROP/SOLID, /PROP/SOL_ORTH: the formulation Itetra4=3 for linear tetrahedron (/TETRA4) is generalized and can be used for many material laws
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW24:
    • strain rate value is output in the animation A-files and H3D files
    • variable yield scale factor from failure surface k is output with the variable VK in the time history
  • /MAT/LAW34: material compatible with shell (/SHELL and /SH3N) elements, beam elements (/BEAM) and truss elements (/TRUSS)
  • /MAT/LAW51: the viscosity is now computed for each sub-material in the ALE cell
  • /MAT/LAW70: stability improvement of the foam material with Isolid=18 and Isolid=24
  • /MAT/LAW76: new error message is printed in case the stress value defined in the yield tables/curves is smaller or equal to 0
  • /MAT/LAW80: now compatible with /THERMAL option in order to speed up the thermal behavior for a given mechanical time frame
  • /MAT/LAW112 (PAPER): new error message in case table or function is missing in the material definition with Itab = 1
  • /MAT/LAW116: improvement of the shear failure for specific models. The failure was not at the right deformation or energy
  • /FAIL/TAB1: new error message in case mandatory table1_ID is not defined
Contact interfaces
  • /INTER/SUB: new feature to sum the contact forces for a part from all contact interfaces in the model, or between 2 sets of parts or elements coming from all contact interfaces defined in the model
  • /INTER/TYPE24: improvement of the pressfit behavior (Inacti= -1) in case materials in contact have a large stiffness difference
  • /INTER/TYPE25:
    • new option Inacti= -1 to model the pressfit behavior between 2 solid components. Initial intersection is removed smoothly from the beginning of the contact activation time.
    • improvement of the Irem_i2 flag behavior when the edge-to-edge option is activated. Non-expected force was displayed.
Other Starter keywords and messages
  • /MERGE/NODE: new option to merge nodes with the same coordinates (within a defined tolerance). The merging can be done for nodes defined in a set or nodes from a set to the other nodes of the model
  • Isolid value in the “PART ELEMENT/MATERIAL PARAMETER REVIEW” of the Starter listing file refers to the one used for the 8 node solid elements even there is another type of solid element in the same part.
LS-DYNA format reader
  • *MAT_NULL: this material can be used for beam and truss elements
  • *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY: improvement of the mapping of the flag VP in the materials /MAT/LAW36 and /MAT/LAW44
  • *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY: animation files are now Gzipped only in the case DCOMP > 1
  • *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER: mapping information for the added mass, local coordinate system and time history cards was missing in the Starter output file
  • *SECTION_BEAM: predefined sections SECTION_08 and SECTION_11 defined with truss section (ELFORM=3) are now supported
  • *INCLUDE_TRANSFORMATION: Radioss Starter was failing for specific LS-DYNA models with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORMATION cards and transformations
  • Options which are now read:
Time step and Engine control
/IMPL/SOLVER: only PCG and MUMPS implicit solvers are kept, and the other ones are removed. MUMPS solver is now the default solver

Resolved Issues

Initial conditions
  • /INIMAP1D: improvement of the mapping for specific cases. The results were not as expected
  • /INIMAP1D/FILE, /INIMAP2D/FILE: improved error message when /INIMAP1D/FILE or /INIMAP2D/FILE cannot find the given filename
  • /INISHE/THICK: correction of the shell thickness initialization. The initialization was wrong
  • /INISPRI: improvement for the spring types 4, 13, 25 and material /MAT/LAW113 initialization with the option Ilen = 1. The mass and inertia were not correct.
  • /INISHE: correction of shell element initialization issue when damage (/INISHE/FAIL) and yield stress scale factor (/INISHE/SCALE_YLD) are set together on the same part
  • /INIBRI: Radioss Starter was displaying an incorrect error message in case initial state was applied on quadratic tetrahedron elements and Isolid different from 0 or 1
  • /INIBRI/EREF: correction of reading issue for model with /TETRA4, Itetra4=1 and Ismstr=1, 10, 11 or 12
  • /INIBRI/EREF: correction of the element behavior in case positioning (/TRANSFORM) is defined in the model
Other Starter keywords
  • /CNODE
    • improvement of the Starter behavior with the card /CNODE. For some specific models, it was necessary to define the card at least twice in the model to have the correct merging behavior
    • correction of Starter behavior in case the search distance in the /CNODE card is very large. The Starter was failing
    • correction of the merging node behavior. /CNODE was not merged with the correct node for specific cases
  • //SUBMODEL: wrong error message was displayed in case several /BEGIN cards with different input versions were defined in the model. This error message is removed, and the format defined in the first /BEGIN card is used. The other /BEGIN cards in the submodel (//SUBMODEL) are ignored.
  • /SET: qarning message was missing in case a set (/SET) defined inside a set (/SET) did not exist in the model
  • /ADMAS/4: Radioss Starter was failing when void material and property were defined in the added mass type 4
  • /SECT: correction of the numerical issue in the Engine restart when there is SC01 and SC02 files
    • Correction of airbag meshing using HyperMesh mesher (Kmesh=14)
    • Duplicated elements on fabric surfaces are automatically removed from the surface, a warning provides the IDs of the nodes of the elements
    • Improvement of the finite element time step with some modifications in the meshing parameters
  • /MONVOL/AIRBAG1 and MONVOL/COMM1: improvement of the computation of the total mass in uniform pressure airbags in case of multi-component gas. The total value was under-estimated
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW2: correction of strain rate initialization in case it is not used in the material law
  • /MAT/LAW24: the HBP parameter is now correctly evaluated by Radioss and a warning message is displayed in case of negative values
  • /MAT/LAW35: correction of numerical stability. Radioss computation was failing for specific material definition
  • /MAT/LAW62: improvement of the time step computation for the element with high deformation for better element stability
  • /MAT/LAW90: improvement of the material stability versus strain rate dependency. Model was diverging for some specific cases. Also, result can be very different from previous version.
  • /MAT/LAW78: correction of potential numerical issue (NaN) with Single Precision version
  • /MAT/LAW88: improvement of the material behavior when the flat Tension=1. The unloading behavior was not the expected one
  • /MAT/LAW112 (PAPER): improvement of material stability for specific material definition
  • Improvement of the time step computation for the element with high deformation for better element stability for the hyperelastic materials /MAT/LAW42, /MAT/LAW82, /MAT/LAW92, /MAT/LAW94 and /MAT/LAW95
  • /FAIL/CHANG: correction of the tensile matrix mode equation in the Reference Guide
Element and properties
  • /PROP/TYPE16: airbags with fully-integrated 4-noded mesh was not stable when the element was completely warped
  • /PROP/TYPE6 and /PROP/TYPE14: correction of the strain tensor output for the non-co-rotational formulation (Isolid=1,2,12,17 with Iframe=1). The values were written in the elementary coordinate system, instead of global one as documented
  • /PROP/TYPE17: new error message in case the same ply is used twice in the stack
  • /PROP/SHELL: correction of memory issue with Ish3n=30. Radioss Engine was failing with specific model
Contact interfaces
  • /INTER/TYPE2: improvement of the tied contact force output in the time history and animation file
  • /INTER/TYPE18: behavior improvement with the multi-fluid material /MAT/LAW151. Computation was failing for specific models
  • /INTER/TYPE25:
    • Correction of initial penetration reporting in the Starter output file (_0000.out) with specific model. Non-existing initial penetration was printed
    • Improvement of the contact interface with edge-to-edge treatment for specific cases where some node stays hooked during the computation
    • Improvement of the edge-to-edge treatment for free edge of shell element in case the shell thickness is bigger than mesh size. Unexpected contact forces were displayed
    • Correction of memory allocation issue in the Radioss Starter. Specific model was failing at the beginning of the computation with MPI
  • /INTER/SUB: new error message in case sets are not defined in the /INTER/SUB card
Animation files and time history outputs
  • /TH/NODE: reaction force and moment output improvement for constrained nodes.
  • /ANIM/ELEM/TEMP, /H3D/ELEM/TEMP: temperature was not correctly output for 2D solid element in the animation files. This output is now available when /HEAT/MAT, /ALE/MAT or /EULER/MAT is defined with the material card
  • /TH/QUAD: documentation updated according to the current available variables
  • /CLUSTER: correction of the force and moment time history output defined with local cluster coordinate system
  • /ANIM/BRICK/DAMA: animation files were not readable for the thick shell composite property with more than 9 layers
  • /H3D/SHELL/.../LAYER=ALL: Radioss Engine may stop with segmentation fault for specific model
  • /H3D/ELEM/DENS: improvement of the density output in the .h3d file format. It was different to animation file (A-files) for specific models
  • /ANIM, /H3D: Correction of the rigid wall and section force name in the animation file (A-file and .h3d). The name was not correct for specific models
  • /H3D/NODA/GPS, /ANIM/GPS/STRESS/TENS: correction of the Grid Point Stress value for linear tetrahedron elements (/TETRA4). The results were wrong since version 2021
  • /H3D: in the case of 2D simulation (N2D3D=1 or 2 in the /ANALY card), the deleted elements are now removed from h3d visualization
  • /H3D/SOLID/.../OUTER: skin element generated by the output option /H3D/SOLID/.../OUTER are deleted when the attached solid element is deleted
Seatbelt models
  • /RETRACTOR/SPRING: improvement of the node coordinate check for the spring element inside the retractor. Correction of the sensor ID for the retractor. It was referring to the internal ID and not the user ID
  • /SLIPRING/SPRING: last node of the seatbelt defined in the slipring can not go through the slipring anchorage node
Other input corrections
  • Correction of warning message in case the card format of *MAT_002 was not the expected one
  • Radioss Starter was failing for specific model with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORMATION cards and transformations
  • Failure models were missing during the model reading for several material laws *MAT_...
  • Node in time history output was duplicated when card *DATABASE_BNDOUT was set in the model
  • Reading improvement when *DEFINE_BOX is used in *INITIAL_VELOCITY
  • The materials can now be read with their number (*MAT_024)
Time step and Engine control
  • /DT/THERM: time step was not correctly updated for model with tied contact (/INTER/TYPE2). The computation was diverging with default time step scale factor
  • /STATE/BRICK/FAIL: Engine was failing with segmentation fault for specific model
  • /EIG and /IMPL/BUCKL: correction of memory issue. Engine was failing
  • /IMPL/QSTAT/MRIGM: Young’s modulus variation is now taken into account in the spring back analysis for the material laws /MAT/LAW78, /MAT/LAW43, /MAT/LAW36, /MAT/LAW74, /MAT/LAW106, /MAT/LAW57 and /MAT/LAW60

Removed Options

Older Radioss input versions
Radioss input formats prior to V9.0 are no longer supported. The model needs to be updated to a newer format using HyperWorks.
/INIVEL/AXIS: initial velocity written with Radioss V9.0 format is no longer supported. The model needs to be updated to a newer format using HyperWorks.
/BOX: box written with Radioss V12 format is no longer supported. The model needs to be updated to a newer format using HyperWorks.
Time step and Engine control
  • /DT/GLOB: global time step is set as obsolete option and it is removed from the code.
AcuSolve coupling
  • /IMPL/DYNA/FSI: AcuSolve coupling is no longer available. Error message is printed, if /IMPL/DYNA/FSI card is added in the Engine.

Altair Radioss 2022 Release Notes


  • 139 LS-DYNA input keywords can now be read in Radioss with many enhancements for the already supported keywords.
  • New 1D seatbelt, slipring and retractor models to enhance Radioss capabilities for automotive passive safety.
  • New input for the Multiscale Designer material law with specific output in the .h3d files.
  • Many enhancements and corrections for material laws and other features.
  • MPI versions updated to Intel MPI 2021.2 (win64 and linux64) and OpenMPI 4.1.12 + UCX 1.12.0 (linux64 only).

New Features

Failure model /FAIL/ORTHBIQUAD
  • New failure model based on /FAIL/BIQUAD formulation with orthotropic behavior
Cohesive material /MAT/LAW117
  • New connection material law with failure criteria
Multiscale Designer material /MAT/LAW200 (MDS)
  • New user material interface with Multiscale Designer solver
  • /H3D/MDS/…: New specific outputs in the .h3d files have also been added
  • New Starter and command argument to define the location of the MDS library. By default, the environment variable defined by the HWSolvers installer are used.
Spring for railway coach bumper
  • /PROP/SPR_BDAMP: New spring property with bounded damper effect dedicated for railway coach bumpers
Seatbelt for 1D elements
  • /MAT/LAW114: New seatbelt material law for spring elements (/PROP/TYPE23)
  • /RETRACTOR/SPRING: New entity to model seatbelt spooling force pull-in, active pretensioner and load limiter, for spring elements defined with material /MAT/LAW114. The force, slip, and status can be output in time history file (/TH/RETRACTOR).
  • /SLIPRING/SPRING: New entity to model seatbelt sliprings for spring elements defined with material /MAT/LAW114. The force and slip can be output in time history file (/TH/SLIPRING).
Equations of State (EOS) and ALE features
  • /EOS/IDEAL-GAS-VT: New EOS based on the ideal gas formulation taking into account heat capacity and temperature
  • /EBCS/NRF: New boundary condition option to model Non-Reflecting Frontier which can be used with all ALE material laws
LS-DYNA keyword reading
The following additional keywords are implemented or supported in Radioss:
  • *CONTROL_MPP_<parameters>[1]
[1]Card is read but ignored for Radioss Computation.


Contact interfaces
  • /INTER/TYPE18: The values used to compute automatic stiffness of the FSI contact interface are now printed in the Starter output file
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW0 (VOID): Void material is now compatible with spring /PROP/TYPE23
  • /MAT/LAW35 (FOAM_VISC): New strain rate filtering parameters
  • /MAT/LAW36 (PLAS_TAB):
    • Elements (solid, shell, beam) are automatically deleted when the yield stress is null. This feature enhances model robustness
    • Reduction of the computation time for this tabulated elasto-plastic material applied to solid elements
  • /MAT/LAW41 (LEE_TARVER): Unit system can be defined for this material law
  • /MAT/LAW43 (HILL_TAB): Strain rate filtering is added in the material law. Equivalent strain rate is available in the animation files (A-files and .h3d file).
  • /MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT): The recommended formulation /UPWM/SUPG is activated by default for 2D axisymmetric analysis
  • /MAT/LAW57 (BARLAT3): Strain rate filtering is added in the material law. The filtered strain rate can be seen in the animation files
  • /MAT/LAW71: Material model stability improvement for some specific loading and phase changes
  • /MAT/LAW76 (SAMP): Improvement of the material behavior with additional check for the input
  • /MAT/LAW78: Enhanced to support additional options during unloading
  • /MAT/LAW80: Enhanced material law with new developments in hot stamping and press hardening to better predict the martensite volume fraction
  • /MAT/LAW83: New elastic modulus for compression Ecomp and new option Icomp = 1 to have a linear elastic behavior in compression and elastic-plastic behavior in tensile
  • /MAT/LAW87 (BARLAT2000):
    • New default values of the strain rate filtering
    • New hardening formulation based on Chaboche & Rousselier formulation and Hansel formulation
  • /MAT/LAW92: Default value for D is now recomputed from the input value and NU = 0.495
    • The flag Flrd is removed from the ALE and EULER material definition because the method used is obsolete and may lead to numerical issues
    • The external boundary of the domain is closed by default
    • Material transfer through the boundary can be done using material /MAT/LAW11 or /MAT/LAW51 or specific boundary /EBCS
  • /FAIL/ALTER: New parameter from the PhD Thesis of Christopher Brokmann to improve the failure behavior for the windshield. Several improvements in the algorithms have been implemented during this development
  • /VISC/PRONY: New viscous model defined by time relaxation curve or Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). Radioss automatically fits the Prony series values
Load Cases
  • /PLOAD: New option Idel = 1 to stop load application when element is deleted
  • /LOAD/PBLAST: New feature to correlate positive impulse in addition to positive peak pressure
Elements and properties
  • /PROP/TYPE17: New parameter to define viscosity for the inter-ply material (Vinterply). It is also possible to add a material between sub-plies (INT).
  • New error message in case the material law /MAT/LAW88, /MAT/LAW92 or /MAT/LAW94 is used with non-compatible elements
  • New option Ip to define the reference material direction with some new capabilities for the orthotropic shell properties /PROP/TYPE9, /PROP/TYPE10, /PROP/TYPE11, /PROP/TYPE16, /PROP/TYPE17, /PROP/TYPE51 and /STACK
  • New option Ip to define the composite material orientation in the orthotropic solid element /PROP/TYPE6
    • New feature to activate the sensor when the internal or kinetic energy is constant during a defined time value
    • New feature to activate the sensor with total energy
LS-DYNA keyword reader
  • *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC…, *CONTACT_ERODING_SINGLE_SURFACE...: The parameter SOFT of the additional Optional Card A is read and mapped into Istf in the corresponding contact interface /INTER/TYPE25
  • *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR: Option FILE is now handled. Contact pressure (/ANIM/VECT/PCONT) is added in the animation files.
  • *INITIAL_VELOCITY: Initial velocity applied on a rigid material or rigid body is now automatically applied on the rigid body main node. The exempted node set is ignored for the primary velocities (secondary velocities not yet implemented).
  • *MAT_024 (PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY): Improvement of the failure parameter setting in Radioss with FAIL > 0. The material was failing when 1 integration point through the shell thickness reached the limit instead of all of them.
  • *MAT_034 (FABRIC): Improvement of the reading in case E2 = 0. It is now understood as E2 = E1.
  • *SET_..._COLLECT: The option COLLECT is handled for all sets
  • *SET_..._INTERSECT: The option INTERSECT is handled for sets of type BEAM, DISCRETE, NODE, SEGMENT, SHELL and SOLID
Initial state and conditions
  • *ELEMENT_SHELL_THICKNESS_BETA: This option is now written in the .dynain file (/DYNAIN)
  • /INIBRI/EREF: New option to initialize solid element with total strain or small strain formulations. The option /STATE/BRICK/EREF is used to write the data in the .sta file.
  • /STATE/NO_DEL: The non-active elements (non-active, defined in rigid bodies) are now kept in the .sta file with the keyword
  • /STOP/LSENSOR: New flag to output state file with LS-DYNA format ( .dynain)
  • /INIVOL: Volume fraction initialization can be done with a hyper-ellipsoid surface /SURF/ELLIPS
Animation and time history outputs
  • The display of the global coordinate system is removed in the native .h3d file (H3D)
  • Information about the units is written in the header of the .h3d file
  • /ANIM/VECT/PCONT2, /H3D/NODA/PCONT2: New output options to display the contact pressure from tied interface (/INTER/TYPE2)
  • /H3D/SHELL/PEXT, /H3D/SOLID/PEXT: New output to display the pressure imposed by the options /PLOAD, /LOAD/PFLUID, /LOAD/PBLAST or /BEM/DAA
  • /H3D/RBODY/SINGLE_PART: New option to display only 1 component for all RBODY. By default, there is 1 component per rigid entity with its own name.
  • /H3D/RBE2/SINGLE_PART: New option to display only 1 component for all RBE2. By default, there is 1 component per RBE2 with its own name.
  • /H3D/RBE3/SINGLE_PART: New option to display only 1 component for all RBE3. By default, there is 1 component per RBE3 with its own name.
  • /H3D/TRUSS/TENS/STRAIN, /H3D/TRUSS/TENS/STRESS, /ANIM/TRUSS/EPSX: New options to display the stress and strain tensor of the truss elements
  • /TH/TRIA: New time history output for 2D solid elements
  • /TH/BRIC, /TH/QUAD, /TH/TRIA: New outputs for 2D and 3D solid elements to display material velocity, speed of sound & Mach number in the time history file
Other Starter keywords and messages
  • ALE, Euler and /DFS options can now be used inside a submodel (//SUBMODEL)
  • The 2D solid element /TRIA is now compatible with submodel (//SUBMODEL)
  • The message #666 for the solid element connectivity is no longer relevant and has been removed from the Starter output file
  • Reduction of the computation cost for the option /CYL_JOINT with SPMD/HMPP version.
  • The recommended formulation /ALE/MUSCL is now activated by default. This behavior can be reset with the keyword /ALE/MUSCL/OFF in the Engine file.
  • New error message in case option Itetra10 = 2 in the solid property and Advanced Mass Scaling (/AMS) are defined together in the model. These options are not compatible with each other.
  • New warning message in the Starter output file in case Batoz shell element (Ishell = 12) is used with XFEM failure model (not compatible). The XFEM flag is automatically switched off for the failure model.
  • /MONVOL/FVMBAG1, /MONVOL/FVMBAG2: New option Iswitch = 2 to reduce the airbag to a single finite volume in order to save CPU time and keep exactly the same gas properties
  • New error message in case the number of Prony coefficients M is null in the card /VISC/PRONY
Engine keywords
  • /IMPL/QSTAT/MRIGM: New option to input 3 reference nodes for the rigid body mode computation
  • /INIV/AXIS/Keyword3/2: New option to define initial velocity on a node set of the model
  • /INIV/ROT/Keyword3/2: New option to define rotational initial velocity on a node set of the model
  • /INIV/TRA/Keyword3/2: New option to define translational initial velocity on a node set of the model
  • The Label field is now the same as parameter name (/PARAMETER) in the specific file for the HyperStudy interface (generated by command line -HSTP_WRITE)

Resolved Issues

LS-DYNA keyword reader
  • *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID: The rigid body main node was added several times in /TH/NODE and Radioss Starter printed an error message
  • *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODE_SET: Set of parts was used instead of set of nodes in cases where both sets had the same ID.
  • *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY: The case where NSID = 0 is now taken into account (NSID = rbody_ID).
  • *MAT_ARUP_ADHESIVE: The failure model created during the mapping was not referring to the right material ID in case there were several *MAT_ARUP_ADHESIVE cards in the model or the material was used in several parts
  • *MAT_SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER: Correction of the material reading in case there is only a single stress/strain curve instead of a table. Radioss Starter was failing without error message.
  • *MAT_SPOTWELD: Correction of the spot weld material reading with specific model. The created functions were not correctly referred to, and failure models were created even if not necessary.
  • *SECTION_BEAM: Setting improvement for reading the beam element *SECTION_BEAM with ELFORM = 1, 4. The parameter df in the integrated beam (/PROP/TYPE18) is reset to 0 in order to avoid large mass increase.
  • *SET: Set of elements was not defined in several options in case the set ID was the same as the set of nodes
Materials and failure models
  • /MAT/LAW6: Correction of the information printed in Starter output file (_0000.out) file
  • /MAT/LAW/25:
    • All elements were deleted from time 0 when the flag Ioff = 1 was set for specific model
    • Correction of variable initialization for QEPH shell element. Computation was failing with segmentation fault with specific models.
  • /MAT/LAW28, /MAT/LAW50, /MAT/LAW68: The input maximum value for shear strain was compared to the gamma component, and not the shear strain (gamma = 2 * shear strain). The failure occurred sooner than expected.
  • /MAT/LAW43: Correction for the strain rate output
  • /MAT/LAW44: Numerical stability improvement of the failure model (/FAIL) with single precision version. Radioss Engine was failing with specific model and configuration.
  • /MAT/LAW51: Improvement of the material stability for some specific meshes. Computation was failing with negative density.
  • /MAT/LAW70:
    • Improvement of the foam behavior with Ismstr = 11. The results were not identical to Ismstr = 1 for specific model under simple loading.
    • Improvement of the foam material stiffness computation with HEPH solid formulation (Isolid = 24). The material was too stiff compared to other solid formulations or other element types.
  • /MAT/LAW71:
    • Correction of the equivalent stress for beam elements (/PROP/TYPE18). Differences were observed in equivalent stress (2/3 factor).
    • Correction of shell behavior which was giving non expected behavior
    • Material model stability improvement for some specific loading and phase change conditions
  • /MAT/LAW80: Correction of numerical instability for specific hot forming application
  • /MAT/LAW87: Correction of potential numerical issue (NaN) with Single Precision version
  • /MAT/LAW90:
    • Improvement of the foam material with HEPH solid formulation (Isolid = 24). The element was too stiff compared to the other solid formulations.
    • The first reference strain rate is reset to 0 to avoid incorrect extrapolation. Warning message is printed in the Starter output file.
    • Improvement of the stress initialization when reference geometry is defined on the part (/XREF)
  • /MAT/LAW93: Correction for /PARITH/ON issue when using tabulated yield stress with strain-rate effect
  • /MAT/LAW104: Correction for the strain rate output
  • /MAT/LAW111: Compression behavior improvement in case the input curve is defined for tensile direction only
  • /MAT/LAW112: Improvement of the output of plane stiffness computation (direction Z)
  • /MAT/LAW113: Correction of elementary time step when Ileng = 1
  • /MAT/LAW115: Correction of algorithm check issue Istat = 1. Starter was printing an incorrect error message.
  • /MAT/LAW116: Improvement of the cohesive material /MAT/LAW116 behavior for the mixed mode condition. The failure behavior was not happening at the correct displacement/absorbed energy.
  • /MAT/USERij: User materials were not getting the correct strain values for specific cases
  • /FAIL/BIQUAD: Correction of the regulation behavior for solid elements in the failure model /FAIL/BIQUAD
  • /FAIL/HASHIN: Improvement for the Hashin failure model (/FAIL/HASHIN) for the computation of the criteria F2 for the lamina formulation. Non-expected failure was occurring for specific model.
  • /FAIL/TAB1: The scale factor Xscale1 and Xscale3 was transformed to 1/Xscale1 and 1/Xscale3. The failure model /FAIL/TAB1 was giving different results since version 2021.
  • /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN: Correction of the computation of the principal strain for Iflag = 3 in the failure model /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN
  • /FAIL/VISUAL: Correction of the animation file output for the damage value on quadratic tetrahedron elements
Elements and properties
  • /PROP/SHELL: Reporting correction of the flag Idril value in Starter listing file. Value was reported as 0 instead of 2.
  • /PROP/TRUSS: Gapini > 0 has a wrong behavior and initial truss length was not correctly output in the time history file.
  • /PROP/SOLID: Strain formulation Ismstr = 12 has been improved to remove potential numerical stability issues for elastic material (/MAT/LAW1). This flag is now set as recommended value (activated with Ismstr = -1 in the solid property or Ismstr = -1,-2 in the default solid card).
  • /PROP/SPRING: Correction for the unit translation of the spring stiffness
  • /PROP/TYPE26: Improvement of the stability issue during compression unloading. Unexpected tensile force could be seen in specific model.
  • /PROP/TYPE14: Correction of numerical stability issue with Itetra10 = 2 and /ADYREL under specific loading conditions
  • /PROP/TYPE17: Correction of variable initialization for the composite property /PROP/TYPE17. The behavior was not correct with Ipos > 0 and Iskew > 0.
  • /PROP/PCOMPP: Correction of the information stored in the restart files. The second Engine was failing during the restart file reading.
  • /PROP/PCOMPP: Correction of ID offset for submodel (//SUBMODEL)
  • /PROP/PLY, /PLY: Correction for the element orthotropic direction when the angle is defined in the shell element (/SHELL) and the flag def_orth = 1 is set in the /PLY card. The angle defined in the shell was not read as degrees.
  • /PROP/TYPE43 (CONNECT): Initial state (/INIBRI) import correction for the connection solid element (/PROP/CONNECT). Incorrect error message was displayed.
  • /PROP/TYPE45 (KJOINT2): Default values for parameters Kti and Cti were not correct.
Contact interfaces
  • /INTER/TYPE18: Behavior improvement with the multi-fluid material /MAT/LAW151. Computation was failing for specific models.
  • /INTER/TYPE21: Correction of numerical issue for forming contact /INTER/TYPE21 with initial penetration and the output file option Ipri = 5 (/IOFLAG). Radioss Starter was failing.
  • /INTER/TYPE25:
    • Improvement of MPI communication
    • Correction of error message calling. Radioss Starter was calling a non-existent error message.
    • Correction for the sorting of the edge to edge contact with initial penetrations. The computation may fail with segmentation fault for specific cases.
    • Correction of compiling issue for the contact interface /INTER/TYPE25 with recent Xeon CPU (AVX512 capable). Radioss Engine may fail for specific models. o Correction of friction value initialization to avoid memory issue.
    • Reduction of the CPU time used for the non-active interface (before Tstart or after Tstop)
  • /INTER/TYPE7: Correction of incorrect thermal behavior in contact interface with SPMD/HMPP version
  • /SURF/SURF: Correction of the segment orientation for 2D analysis for the contact surface defined with /SURF/SURF and negative ID
  • /SURF/DSURF: Improvement of the surface deletion for some specific cases when segment was removed from solid part. Some segments were not correctly removed.
Initial state and conditions
  • /INIBRI/STRA_F: Correction of the data reading for the initial strain. Radioss Starter was failing for specific model.
  • The solid formation reported in the cards /INIBRI/STRA_F, /INIBRI/AUX for quadratic tetrahedron element (/TETRA10) was Isolid value instead of 1, the only formulation available for quadratic tetrahedron elements
  • /INIBRI/STRESS/*: Correction of the stress initialization and output for material laws for orthotropic solid property (/PROP/TYPE6)
  • /INIMAP: Correction of possible wave reflection on Non-Reflecting Frontier (NRF) modeled with /MAT/LAW51
  • /INISH3/FAIL: This keyword is not correct when data is written in .str file (/STATE/STR_FILE) and triangle element has the same ID as shell element
  • /INISHE, /INISH3: Following the removal of the global integration model (N = 0) for the elastic-plastic material law, an error message is printed in case the initial state for shell element is defined with global integration model
  • /INIVEL/AXIS: Correction of the rigid body main node velocity. The velocity was defined before the main node had been moved to its initial position.
  • /INIVOL: Correction of the initial volume initialization for parts which are not defined in the /INIVOL cards
Other Starter keywords and messages
  • //SUBMODEL: Radioss Starter was failing when different values were set in the offset fields of the submodel card
  • /ACTIV: The time step could drop on some specific models with element de-activation and rigid body
  • /CNODE: The unit system is not correctly handled for the search merging distance.
  • /EBCS/GRADP0: Correction of the boundary formulation. The adjacent pressure was not correctly transferred.
    • Correction of memory allocation issue. Engine could fail for specific case
    • Time step and merge parameters defined in the card /MONVOL/FVMBAG* were not correctly printed in Engine for SPMD and HMPP computations
    • Improvement of the finite volume meshing method with kmesh = 12,14. The initial number of finite volumes was different for each run.
  • /MONVOL/GAS: Improvement of the compatibility between Trelax and the venting options with Ideleted = 1
  • /PLOAD: The 3rd node of the 3 node segment linked to TETRA4 element was receiving 2 times the force generated by the pressure
  • /RBE3:
    • Memory allocation correction for the RBE3 with specific model
    • The Engine was failing with segmentation fault since version 2021
    • Corrections of the IDs of the message #805,1036,806,807,810 printed in the Starter output file (_0000.out)
  • /SET:
    • Correction of memory initialization issue for the created lines and surfaces
    • Robustness improvement in case an element defined in a /SET is not existing in the model
  • /TABLE: Correction of numerical issue in the table interpolation for specific model
  • Correction of memory allocation issue when using rotational initial velocity in a model which is containing only solid elements. Radioss Starter was failing.
Engine keywords
  • /ABF: Numerical issue correction in case /ABF is set in the Engine for specific model. The total energies output was corrupted.
  • /ANIM: Incorrect error message was displayed for the non-existing option /ANIM/ELEM/MASS (this option exists only with native H3D format).
  • /ANIM/BRICK/TENS/STRESS: Output issue correction for the composite thick-shell (/PROP/TYPE22) stress output for the different integration points through the thickness.
  • /DYNAIN: The first character of some comment lines was #" instead of "$" in the written .dynain file.
  • /H3D: With solid splitting to SPH (Sol2Sph), the "non active" SPH particles were displayed from initial time instead of being displayed when they became active
  • /H3D/ELEM/VECT/VEL: Correction of visualization issue of elemental velocity vector in 2D analysis with /MAT/LAW151
  • /H3D/ELEM/VOLU: Improvement of the evaluation of volume of the 3D solid element with ALE formulation
  • /H3D/SHELL/TENS/…: Tensors for shell elements were not correctly output in native .h3d output file in case there were only 3 node shell elements (/SH3N) in the model
  • /H3D/SOLID/DAMA: Damage output for all solid integration points (/H3D/SOLID/DAMA/IR=ALL/IS=ALL/IT=ALL) was incorrect
  • /H3D/SOLID/DAMG: Correction of the output /H3D/SOLID/DAMG initialization. Wrong value was displayed on the non-active elements.
  • Stress (/H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRESS) and strain (/H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRAIN) tensors was no longer output in the native .h3d file for thick-shell element /PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL), /PROP/TYPE21 (TSH_ORTH), /PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP) since version 2021
  • /STATE/DT: The card /BEGIN with units was not written in the .sta file when .str file was requested (/STATE/STR_FILE)
  • /STATE/SHELL/*: The card /INISH3/STRA_F/GLOB was not correctly written for 3 node shell elements (/SH3N) for composite properties /PROP/TYPE9, /PROP/TYPE17 and /PROP/TYPE51
  • /STATE/STR_FILE: The initial state data /STATE/BRICK/ORTHO was missing in the .str file.
  • /STATE/SHELL/STRAIN/GLOBFUL: Improvement of the option in case the output is requested for a lot of parts. The created .sta file was corrupted.
  • /H3D/SPRING/FORC, /H3D/BEAM/FORC, /H3D/TRUSS/FORC: Correction of the 1D element force and moment writing in the .h3d file which was not readable
  • /TH/BRICK: Correction of the output for the stress tensor of the composite thick-shell elements. The tensor component name was not corresponding to the expected one.