Preferences: Inspire Cast

Define preferences for casting analysis.


Preference Description
Run Options Run in model directory: Enable this option if you want to store run history in the directory where the model is located rather than the run history path.

Run history path: Specify the default location where the run history is stored.

Stop temperature (C): Define the temperature to stop calculation.

Number of CPU cores: Select the number of CPU cores to use when running simulations. For larger models, significant time savings can be achieved by using at least two cores to perform the calculation. If running simulations on your primary computer, you will want to leave some cores available for other processes.

Use previous mesh: Select to use a previous mesh if the geometry has not changed to save time.

Mesh with polynurbs paths: Select to generate topology from polyNURBS.
Note: User should deselect this option when not using polyNURBS geometries.

Use volume layered mesh: Select to force the mesher to generate a thickness of at least three elements.

Average number of steps: Define the average number of steps to be printed. The default setting will write around 100 steps, but can be modified to increase or decrease the number of steps. The value is bounded by the number of calculated steps. It is recommended to use no fewer than 50 steps for optimal visualization.

Improved Shock Capturing Solver: Enable to use the fluid solver that includes a shock capturing term that improves convergence and a formulation to impose weak slip conditions. This provides more accurate results in thin-to-thick transition regions (such as ingates).

Remote Run Options

Remote Type: Choose a remote parallel processing method. The SMP method shares memory between all cores; for MPI each core has its own memory. SMP is only available for shared memory machines (a single computer), while MPI works on both shared and distributed memory machines (such as a cluster).

For example, for a machine with 4 CPUs with 2 cores each, there are 8 total processors available. They can be configured in a variety of ways:
  • 1 MPI core and 8 SMP threads (SMP parallelism)
  • 2 MPI cores and 4 SMP threads (hybrid parallelism)
  • 8 MPI cores and 1 SMP threads (MPI parallelism)

In general, it is best to use MPI processing (if available) and as many cores as possible.

Number of SMP CPU threads: Specify the number of threads to use for SMP or hybrid processing.

Number of MPI CPU cores: Specify the number of cores to use for MPI or hybrid processing.

Minimum free memory: This setting applies to jobs added to the PBS server queue. It is the minimum memory (RAM) needed to run a job. If a run is launched that requires more than the minimum free memory, it will be held in the job queue until enough free memory is available.

Damage Enable damage: Select to scale the damage of the material, it can be mapped to the crash mesh in RADIOSS.

K: Define the value to add to the scaled temperature and scaled flow length.

Scale temperature (C): Define the cooling rate of the temperature at the end of the casting process.

Scale flow length: Define the scale of the flow length.

Analysis Legend Colors Solidification: Select the legend colors for the analysis result type.

Filling: Select the legend colors for the analysis result type.

Model Definition

Preference Description
Materials Material Norm: Choose from en (Euro Norm), iso (International Standard), astm (American Society for Testing and Materials), or jis (Japanese Industrial Standard).
Process Settings Ambient temperature (C): Define the ambient temperature.