Example of application

To show the interest of the parametric distribution, let us consider a project modeling a three-phase, eight-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) using a Flux 2D Transient Magnetic application. This simulation will be controlled by the angular position of the rotor from 0 to 90 degrees with imposed speed which is a time dependant scenario. During the parametric distribution Flux will compute the results for all the parameters combination for each time step.

Figure 1. Three-phase, eight-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) described in Flux 2D.
The goal is to do a parametric distribution over two parameters:
  • The speed which is declared as an I/O parameter controlled by the scenario and that is used by the rotating mechanical set
  • The shape of the magnet with the magnet outer arc value α setted with a geometrical parameter as depicted below.

    Figure 2. Magnet outer arc parametrized with a geometrical parameter that may be selected as a varying parameter during the scenario.
Both parameters may have an influence on the performance of the electrical machine. A table summarizing all the parameters is available below:
Table 1. Table summarizing the parameters, and their variation range
  Magnet outer arc α (degrees) Speed (rpm)
Minimum value 130 1300
Maximum value 170 1700
Step value 10 100
According to the previous, table the number of steps to solve is about 2525 (5*5*101) with five values for the speed, five values for the magnet outer arc over a scenario with 101 time steps.
Note: Be aware that the time steps cannot be separated in concurrent Flux, a strong time relation between the steps is required to solve a Transient Magnetic application. This relation does not exist in the Magneto Static application.
The results yielded by differents types of distribution using a different Number of concurrent Flux setted in the Distribution manager are plotted in the figure below while solving the same scenario with 2525 time steps with a different value of Number of concurrent Flux. The computation time with only 1 concurrent Flux (sequential computing) is considered as the reference and is setted to 100% of the solving time.

Figure 3. Graph representing the time computation evolution in function of the number of concurrent Flux.