Flux Skew is a module dedicated to the analysis of rotating electric machines with skewing, allowing a straightforward
geometric and physical description in 2D and the consideration of continuous or step skewing effects.
Flux PEEC is a 3D modeling module dedicated to electrical interconnections of power electronics devices. It also
provides RLC extraction and generation of SPICE-like equivalent circuits.
Flux provides a unified Material Identification tool based on the Altair Compose environment allowing to run an identification
of the coefficients required to create material in Flux.
AMDC is a comprehensive material database maintained by Altair and partner suppliers of engineering materials. Ready-to-use,
Flux-compatible models may be obtained directly from this database for a growing number of materials.
This documentation deals with the Jython script used in Flux and allows to understand the various structures of
entities and functions, and use it in user scripts for example.
To show the interest of the parametric distribution, let us consider a project
modeling a three-phase, eight-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) using
a Flux 2D Transient Magnetic application. This simulation will be controlled by the
angular position of the rotor from 0 to 90 degrees with imposed speed which is a
time dependant scenario. During the parametric distribution Flux will compute the
results for all the parameters combination for each time step.
The goal is to do a parametric distribution over two parameters:
The speed which is declared as an I/O parameter controlled by the scenario
and that is used by the rotating mechanical set
The shape of the magnet with the magnet outer arc value α setted with
a geometrical parameter as depicted below.
Both parameters may have an influence on the performance of the electrical
machine. A table summarizing all the parameters is available below:
Table 1. Table summarizing the parameters, and their variation range
Magnet outer arc α (degrees)
Speed (rpm)
Minimum value
Maximum value
Step value
According to the previous, table the number of steps to solve is about 2525
(5*5*101) with five values for the speed, five values for the magnet outer arc over
a scenario with 101 time steps.
Note: Be aware that the time
steps cannot be separated in concurrent Flux, a strong time relation between the
steps is required to solve a Transient Magnetic application. This relation does
not exist in the Magneto Static application.
The results yielded by differents types of distribution using a different Number
of concurrent Flux setted in the Distribution manager are plotted in
the figure below while solving the same scenario with 2525 time steps with a
different value of Number of concurrent Flux. The computation time with only
1 concurrent Flux (sequential computing) is considered as the reference and is
setted to 100% of the solving time.