Configure pdmsyscfg.xml

A new xml node <OpenPDM/> was added to the existing pdmsyscfg.xml. The node includes query and file upload configurations.


Ensure uniqueness of “keyword” and “displayName” attribute values across the file. For example:
      <Query type="ItemRevision" typeKey="openpdm.query.Type" keyword="TeamcenterItemRevision" displayName="PDM CAD Revisions">
      <Query type="CAEModelRevision" typeKey="openpdm.query.Type" keyword="TeamcenterCAEModelRevision" displayName="PDM CAE Revisions">
      <Query type="A2_AltairPartRevision" typeKey="openpdm.query.Type" keyword="TeamcenterA2_AltairPartRevision" displayName="PDM Altair Revisions">
	  <!-- A comma separated whitelist of PDM attribute names to be included during reading. Empty list or no XML tag means 'no attributes'. -->

The <QueryAttributeWhitelist/> attribute value is optional and holds a comma separated whitelist of PDM attribute names to be included during reading. An empty list or no XML tag means 'no attributes'.

File Upload

The below section defines “save file to PDM” context which is displayed in the HyperWorks user interface. All of the XML nodes are optional. The parent nodes are <BO/> and <BOFile/>. See the example below.

The <BO/> xml node ensures creation of BO and BORel objects, if required, by a target PDM system in order to save a representation (BOFile) of an item revision (BO). All of the xml nodes should have the “displayName” attribute value set; they hold a user interface widget label value. All of the xml nodes define comboboxes in the user interface.

<BoType/> node defines a type of a PDM dataset.

<BoRelType/> node defines a relation type to be used to link PDM item revision to a PDM dataset.

<Attributes><Attribute/></Attributes> is a placeholder for attributes whose values need to be updated on the selected item revision in target PDM.

The <BOFile/> xml node ensures creation of BOFile objects in the target PDM system. If <BO/> section is defined, then BOFile object will be related to a selected item revision on your user iterface via PDM dataset. Otherwise BOFile object will be related directly to a selected item revision on your user interface.

<BoFileType/> node defines a type of a PDM representational (file) object.

<Attributes><Attribute/></Attributes> is a placeholder for attributes whose values need to be updated on the selected item revision in the target PDM.
			<BoType displayName="BO Type">
			<BoRelType displayName="BORel Type">
			<BoFileType displayName="BOFile Type">
				<Attribute displayName="Role">