Elem Offset Panel

Use the Elem Offset panel to create and modify elements by offsetting from a mesh of plate or shell elements.

Location: 2D and 3D pages

The element normals provide directional information.

Solid Layers Subpanel

Before you offset plate elements, make sure that the normals of the plate elements are properly aligned.

The offset can be a negative value.

Figure 1. Elements Selected

Figure 2. Elements Created, Initial Offset=40

Figure 3. Elements Created, No Biasing Factor

Figure 4. Element Created, Negative Biasing Factor
The command function HM_COMP_TK is called to calculate each component’s thickness. This function has one argument which must be the thickness of the component.
A template that contains the HM_COMP_TK function must be specified in the solver interface.
Option Action
3d faces by nodes Select nodes of 3d elements to offset.
Delete 2d elements after Delete 2d elements after offset.
elems to offset selector Select the elements to offset.
along geoms to follow Select the surfaces or elements to act as guides for the sides of the offset elements.
number of layers Specify the number of layers of elements to build along the normal direction.
Use distr thick Apply the distributed BL thickness ratio that you defined in the Distributed BL Thickness Ratio dialog. To access this dialog, click Set distr thick.

Clear this checkbox to ignore the defined distributed BL thickness ratio.

initial offset Specify the initial offset from the surface of the plate elements along the positive normal direction.
total thickness Specify the total thickness of the layers of solid elements you want to create.
biasing style Select the biasing style.
bias intensity Specify the biasing intensity value.
elements to current comp / original comp Choose whether to organize the newly created components in the current component, or in the components of the shell elements.
corners style
Square corners
Maintain the element normals, producing sharp corners but resulting in corner elements with severe angles.
Rounded corners
Similar to square corners, except adjusts the element thickness as the mesh nears the corner, reducing the severity of the corner elements' angles.
CFD corners
Similar to rounded corners, except it does not attempt to maintain the element normals, so all of the edges of each element are adjusted to reduce the severity of their corner angles.

Figure 5. Corner Style Examples. The bottom/front mesh uses rounded corners; the middle mesh uses square corners; the top mesh uses CFD corners (notice that CFD elements "lean" toward the corners).

Shell Layers Subpanel

Before you offset plate elements, make sure that the normals of the plate elements are properly aligned.

The offset can be a negative value.

Figure 6. Elements Selected

Figure 7. Elements Created with Square Corners

Figure 8. Elements Created with Rounded Corners

Figure 9. Element Created, Initial Offset=40
Option Action
elems to offset selector Select the elements to offset.
along geoms to follow Select the surfaces or elements to act as guides for the sides of the offset elements.
number of layers Specify the number of layers of elements to build along the normal direction.
initial offset Specify the initial offset from the surface of the plate elements along the positive normal direction.
total thickness Specify the total thickness of the layers of solid elements you want to create.
biasing style Select the biasing style.
elements to current comp / original comp Choose whether to organize the newly created components in the current component, or in the components of the shell elements.
corners style
Square corners
Maintain the element normals, producing sharp corners but resulting in corner elements with severe angles.
Rounded corners
Similar to square corners, except adjusts the element thickness as the mesh nears the corner, reducing the severity of the corner elements' angles.
CFD corners
Similar to rounded corners, except it does not attempt to maintain the element normals, so all of the edges of each element are adjusted to reduce the severity of their corner angles.

Figure 10. Corner Style Examples. The bottom/front mesh uses rounded corners; the middle mesh uses square corners; the top mesh uses CFD corners (notice that CFD elements "lean" toward the corners).

Shell Offset Subpanel

If you build a mesh on the surface of a CAD solid body, the elements will be aligned out of the object. When you use this tool to offset them to the midsurface of the solid, you will want them to go in the reverse of the element normals.

This function is very similar to the Translate panel, except that instead of moving all of the elements in a fixed, uniform direction, it moves each in a direction corresponding to the local normal of the mesh in the vicinity of that element. When the selected elements are moved, entities connected to them or to their nodes, such as loads, systems, equations, or other elements, move along with them.
Option Action
elems to offset selector Select the elements to offset.
along geoms to follow Select the surfaces or elements to act as guides for the sides of the offset elements.
distance / distance = 1/2 element T
Specify a fixed distance to move the elements.
distance = ½ element T
Move the elements a distance equal to half of the material thickness of the component in which each element resides.
corners style
Square corners
Maintain the element normals, producing sharp corners but resulting in corner elements with severe angles.
Rounded corners
Similar to square corners, except adjusts the element thickness as the mesh nears the corner, reducing the severity of the corner elements' angles.
CFD corners
Similar to rounded corners, except it does not attempt to maintain the element normals, so all of the edges of each element are adjusted to reduce the severity of their corner angles.

Figure 11. Corner Style Examples. The bottom/front mesh uses rounded corners; the middle mesh uses square corners; the top mesh uses CFD corners (notice that CFD elements "lean" toward the corners).

Thicken Shells Subpanel

Use the Thicken Shells subpanel to convert thin shells into solid elements by making them thicker/adding a third dimension to them. When working with shells on an outer surface, you can choose the direction to extrude them; when working with shells on a midsurface, they are automatically extruded in both positive and negative normal directions.
Option Action
elems to offset selector Select the elements to offset.
along geoms to follow Select the surfaces or elements to act as guides for the sides of the offset elements.
shells are on the midsurface / shells are on an outer surface
Shells are on an outer surface
Form replacement shells around the selected elements.
Shells are on the midsurface
Form replacement shells above or below the selected elements.
thickness = Specify a thickness value.
elements to current comp / original comp Choose whether to organize the newly created components in the current component, or in the components of the shell elements.
corners style
Square corners
Maintain the element normals, producing sharp corners but resulting in corner elements with severe angles.
Rounded corners
Similar to square corners, except adjusts the element thickness as the mesh nears the corner, reducing the severity of the corner elements' angles.
CFD corners
Similar to rounded corners, except it does not attempt to maintain the element normals, so all of the edges of each element are adjusted to reduce the severity of their corner angles.

Figure 12. Corner Style Examples. The bottom/front mesh uses rounded corners; the middle mesh uses square corners; the top mesh uses CFD corners (notice that CFD elements "lean" toward the corners).

Command Buttons

Button Action
offset+ Extrude/offset shells in the positive normal direction.
offset- Extrude/offset shells in the negative normal direction.
thicken Perform the thickening when shells are on the midsurface.
Note: Available in the Thicken Shells subpane.
mesh Create the thin solid mesh in accordance with the criteria specified in the inputs.
Note: Available in the Thin Solids subpanel.
reject Undo any changes made to elements, or thin solid element creations. You cannot reject changes after exiting the panel, but you can still reject after switching to a different subpanel and returning.
return Exit the panel.