ADVC Interface 2022.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Card Support
To define your own material properties for calculating stress. Supported for Structure Analysis.
Arguments are : Matierial_id, user_function (name), number_of_state_var, number_of_switch_var, Material constants
To define your own material properties for calculating stress. Supported for Latent Heat Transfer Analysis.
Arguments are : Matierial_id, user_function (name), number_of_state_var, number_of_switch_var, Material constants
Specifies the library file name of user function used in $UserMaterial and $UserMaterialOfHeatTransfer for heat transfer analysis. You can specify only one MaterialUserLibrary document in the analysis model. Both absolute and relative file paths are supported.


  • "Allow 2D-3D set segmenent re-parenting" option is supported in File > Preferences > HyperMesh > Meshing. This option allows to select shell elements over solid elements during set creation